Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1710: Necromancer

The bone troll was only stunned for a moment, and then slashed through the sky, chasing Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao.

   Its strength is more terrifying than the Bingdi Flower Monster, and its speed is as fast as flowing light.

When    was flying, there was a rolling gray mist around the body, covering the sky and the sun.

   Any living thing within fifty miles around it, no matter the flowers, trees, or the birds and beasts in the mountains, will instantly lose its vitality, wither and become a pile of black ash.

   Such a weird and powerful lethality is truly extraordinary and terrifying.

   After just ten breaths, the bone troll caught up with Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao.

   Seeing, the bone troll is about to attack again.

   Ji Tianxing simply turned his mind and used his tricks to take the initiative.

   "Broken Moon Sword!"

   He held the Heaven Burial Sword in both hands, and slashed out a huge sword with all his strength.

   The dark golden giant sword, carrying the unstoppable power to kill everything, slashed towards the bone troll head-on.

   The power of this sword is enough to open mountains and rivers, and split hundreds of miles of land.

   However, the bone troll turned a blind eye, waved his palm into a gray mist, and greeted the golden sword.


   There was a loud and deafening noise, and the turbulent gray mist collided with the giant sword, bursting out a dull loud noise. ..

   The fog of death congealed, but it actually blocked the power of the giant sword, and soon corroded and dissipated the golden giant sword.

   Ji Tianxing's attack was resolved, and he stabbed a sword unwillingly.

   "Thorn sword!"

   A cold glow burst from the Sky Burial Sword, and it instantly crossed the sky for twenty miles and hit the bone troll.

   However, in front of the bone troll, a thick gray mist gathered like a shield.

   The cold light exploded in the gray mist, evacuating the cold light that obscured the sky and the sun.

   The gray fog was shattered by the explosion and fluttered in the sky.

   The bone troll was unscathed, and slaughtered it more fiercely, swiping the giant bone palm and patted it.


   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao couldn't evade, they were shot by a giant white bone palm on the spot, rolled upside down, and smashed into the mountains dozens of miles away.


   The lush dark green mountain range was immediately crushed by the violent impact, splashing out all over the sky.

   Hundreds of towering trees were also swept by the shock wave, fell to the ground in full, crushed into dross.

   When Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao crawled out of the ruins and flew back into the sky, they were already embarrassed with dust and blood on their faces.

   Both of them suffered serious injuries. They looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

  "Tian Xing, this troll is a tens of thousands of bone demon. It is formed from the bones of tens of thousands of human warriors over thousands of years. It is very scary!

   Its strength is comparable to that of the six powerhouses of Crossing Tribulation Realm, and we can never be its opponent.

   We can no longer entangle with it, we must find a way to get rid of it. "

   Yunyao stared at the Ten Thousand Corpse Bone Demon solemnly, and secretly spoke to Ji Tianxing.

   Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, and Voice Transmission responded to her: "Those tens of thousands of bones are the masters who broke into the Hundred Flowers Valley within a thousand years. They have the lowest strength in the Primordial Divine Realm, and many of them are strong in the Tribulation Realm.

   This ten thousand corpse bone demon not only gathers the terrifying magic power, but also controls the poison of Hundred Flower Valley. It is a demon that has evolved and mutated.

   I am afraid it is not so easy to get rid of it. I have to spend a bit more. "

   He just finished speaking, the Ten Thousand Corpse Bone Demon has teleported over, swinging a pair of giant fists, and smashing them down from the sky.

   Once hit by a giant white bone fist, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao will be crushed to pieces, and there is no possibility of escape.

   At a critical juncture, Yun Yao once again sacrificed the spirit of Luoshen and wanted to pour mana into the statue.

   She has used it twice before, and now there is only one chance left.

   However, Ji Tianxing shouted through the sound transmission: "Yaoyao, don't use the Luoshen Spirit easily, let me solve it!"

   While talking, he glared at the Ten Thousand Bone Demon, and shouted like Hong Zhong: "Thunder!!"

   He opened the third eye on his forehead impressively.

   In the golden eyes, endless purple divine thunders poured out, condensed into a pillar of divine thunder light, and blasted fiercely towards the ten thousand corpse bone demons.


   In the next instant, the hundred-foot-long Shen Lei Guangzhu slammed into the giant white bone fist, with a loud noise that shook the world.

   Suddenly, that pair of giant white bone fists as big as a palace was shattered by the light beam of the gods, splashing out densely packed skeletons and bones.

   Ten thousand corpse bone demons were also shrouded by the dazzling purple thunder, and the body rolled upside down and flew out, falling ten miles away.

   The "crackling" thunder blast sounded, and the Ten Thousand Bone Demon trembled violently, and thousands of pieces of bones were scattered all over.

   Then, there was another loud bang, and it slammed on a mountain peak.

   Qianzhang Mountain was smashed and collapsed, torn apart and turned into a pile of rubble.

   Ten Thousand Skeleton Bone Demon rolled around on the ground for a few times, struggled for a while, roared and roared a few times, before shaking off the thunder arc all over his body.

   When it climbed up from the ruins and flew back into the sky, its body was already mutilated, and it was still breathing thick black smoke.

   It looked down at Ji Tianxing condescendingly, and shouted in an extremely angry voice: "Damn little reptile, you have mastered the power of thunder!!!"

   Even though, the strength of Ten Thousand Bone Demon is unmatched.

   But everything in this world emphasizes mutual growth and mutual restraint.

   The sacred and violent thunder can restrain the evil and filthy bones.

   Although Ji Tianxing's realm of strength is too low, he can only cause some minor injuries and troubles.

   But this is still obvious restraint~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If Ji Tianxing also has the ability to cross the Tribulation Realm, even if it is only the third or fourth level of the Tribulation Realm, he will be absolutely sure that he can kill the ten thousand bone demons!

   Ten Thousand Bone Demon twisted his body, waved his hands to create a gray mist, and sucked the broken bones scattered in the ruins into his palm.

   Then, it stuffed the messy broken bones into the whole wound.

   After a short burst of ‘click, click’, its body was restored to integrity.

   "Ka Ka Ka... Little reptile, even if you control the Thunder?

  Your realm is too low, like an ant, how can you compete with this seat?

   Obediently die! Your bones will become part of this body! "

   Ten Thousand Corpse Bone Demon grinned, his tone particularly arrogant and rampant.

   It was engulfed in the gray mist, and rushed towards Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao again.

   This time, it waved its palms to display the secret method, manipulated the gray fog in the sky, condensed into hundreds of gray blades, and sealed a radius of fifty miles.


   Each necromantic ghost blade is as long as one hundred feet long, and contains a terrifying breath of death, as if from the nether hell.

   Hundreds of ghost blades were assassinated at the same time, locking the primordial aura of Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao, leaving them nowhere to hide.

   Once they are hit by the Necromancer Ghost Blade, the primordial spirit will immediately be defeated and die on the spot!

  At this critical juncture, Yun Yao no longer hesitated, and quickly urged the majestic mana into the ice crystal statue.

   Luoshen's Spirit burst into blue light, and immediately formed an ice-blue shield with a radius of hundreds of meters, protecting her and Ji Tianxing.

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