Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1711: misfortune

In order to save his life, Yun Yao did not hesitate to use the Spirit of Luoshen.

   This is her third use, and it will be the last time.

   "Boom boom boom boom!"

   Hundreds of necromantic ghost blades slammed into the blue ice cover, bursting out a series of dull loud noises.

   The mask was beaten and trembled again and again, ripples suddenly occurred, but it never broke.

   The ice crystal statue held by Yunyao in the palm of her hand began to appear densely with cracks, making a crackling sound.

   Pieces of ice crystals peeled off from the statue and scattered on the ground.

   There will be a few more breaths at most, the entire ice crystal statue will collapse, and the blue ice cover will dissipate.

   At the same time, Ji Tianxing took out a white spell from the space ring.

   This white spell contains the mighty power of space, and it is a big mover of the calamity level.

   The Qiankun Treasure Box presented by Hong Chengtian to Ji Tianxing contains more than 30 charms with different functions.

   When Ji Tianxing was in the deep cold abyss, when he first encountered a ghost boy, he escaped from the sky by moving the talisman.

   Now, he and Yun Yao are driven to a dead end again, and they can only escape with this charm.

   The majestic mana gushing out of his fingertips, injecting it into the Great Move Talisman.


   The big shifting talisman was immediately activated, igniting a golden flame.

   The entire spell turned into a thick white light, which immediately condensed into a white light gate in mid-air.

   This is a space portal that can move thousands of miles away in an instant.

   "Yaoyao, let's go!"

   Ji Tianxing grabbed Yun Yao's wrist and entered the door of space like a gust of wind.


   Guanghua flashed, and the two figures disappeared in the light gate.

   In the next instant, the two of them will be able to move through the portal and move to a place thousands of miles away, to get rid of the chase of the Ten Thousand Bone Demon.

   However, things backfired.

   The power of Ten Thousand Bone Demon is beyond the imagination of Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao.

   As they stepped into the portal and their figures were about to disappear, the ice blue mask was shattered to pieces.

  Billions of ice crystal fragments splashed and fell from the sky.

   The figure of Ten Thousand Bone Demon flashed, and rushed to the portal.

   It lifted its arms like lightning, shot a dazzling blood, and slammed the white light door.


   Before the white light gate dissipated, it was broken by the collapse of the Ten Thousand Bone Demon, and the space power was instantly confused.

   Fortunately, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao have entered the darkness, crossed the space channel, and left where they were.

  Unfortunately, after the space power was disordered, the space channel oscillated violently and quickly collapsed and shattered.

   No one can be sure, what will happen next, where the two will be teleported to.

   may be somewhere hundreds or thousands of miles away, or it may be hundreds of miles deep underground.

   It is also possible that the two of them will get lost in the layers of different dimensions, and will never return to Shenwu Continent!

   The only thing that can be determined is that the space channel is destroyed, and the two cannot safely teleport thousands of miles away.

   Next moment.

   Somewhere deep in the dark underground, a dazzling white light suddenly burst out of the layered rock layers.


   With a dull loud noise, the white light burst out, blasting the hard brown rock layer into a big hole three feet wide.

   The white light is dazzling and the gravel splashes and dances.

   Two embarrassed figures rushed out of the big hole and slammed into the rock.

   The unparalleled impact force smashed the rock layer in a radius of one thousand meters into a huge cave.

   The two figures smashed into the ruins and were buried by the falling gravel.

   It took ten full breaths before the two figures let out a painful grunt, struggling to crawl out of the rubble.

   The first to climb out of the stone is a young man in ragged clothes and disheveled hair.

   There is no doubt that he is Ji Tianxing.

   He was covered with blood, with a dark and simple broken sword in his hand, he staggered towards another pile of ruins.

   "Yaoyao, how are you, Yaoyao?"

   His bloodshot eyes searched through the ruins, calling in anxious and worried tone.

   In the ruins a hundred steps away, Yun Yao coughed violently before crawling out of the ruins.

   Originally, she looked like a holy fairy with a fluttering white dress and flying robes.

   At this time, she was covered with scars, her hair scattered, and she looked very embarrassed.

   The blood stains mixed with mud, stained the white dress and covered her cheeks.

   She hunched over her waist, panting, still bleeding from her mouth and nose.

   Ji Tianxing limped over and hurriedly supported her to check her injuries.

   The result is beyond doubt, Yun Yao was seriously injured like him.

   When the space channel collapsed, the explosion and the force of the space folding almost crushed their bodies.

   Fortunately, they have different talents and special physiques, which saved their lives.

   But their primordial spirit was severely injured, and their bodies were covered with scars, their internal organs were also broken and displaced, and blood was constantly pouring out.

   Ji Tianxing quickly took out a few healing pills, and gave them half of them to Yun Yao.

   After the pill was taken, it soon released a powerful medicinal effect under the catalysis of mana.

   Their injuries were under control, and their breath and strength gradually stabilized.

   Yunyao raised her hand to wipe off the blood and dirt on her face~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After looking around, she asked with a weak voice, "Tianxing, where are we?"

   Ji Tianxing observed the surrounding area and saw that the surrounding area was completely dark, and then released his divine consciousness to explore the surrounding area.

   After a while, he probed the situation clearly, and his face suddenly frowned.

   "We are fifty miles deep underground, and above our heads is a scorched earth ruin, which seems to be the place where we fought with the flower demon."

   Yunyao also frowned, and whispered in a complex tone: "What? We are back in the valley of flowers again, deep in the valley of flowers?"

   Ji Tianxing nodded, and said angrily: "Originally, my big moving talisman can help us teleport thousands of miles and easily get rid of ten thousand bones.

  Unexpectedly, Ten Thousand Bone Demon destroyed the portal and smashed the space channel.

   Under the circumstances, the direction we moved was out of control, and we appeared here... We really underestimated the ten thousand corpse bone demon! "

   Yunyao comforted him, saying: "The space channel is destroyed, most of the warriors will be killed directly, or they will fall into the folding space and disappear forever.

   It is fortunate that we can survive.

   Besides, Ten Thousand Corpse Bone Demon didn't expect that we had returned to the bottom of Flower Valley.

   This place is a thousand miles away from it, we have enough time to leave here before it returns. "

   Ji Tianxing nodded, stretched out his hand to the entrance of a cave a hundred meters away, and said: "There is a cave there. I just explored it. There is a passage outside the cave. Let's go out from there..."

   While talking, he helped Yunyao step across the rubble and walked towards the cave.

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