Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1712: Blood skull

Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao passed through the cave and entered an empty passage.

   This passage located deep underground is more than ten feet high and three feet wide.

   The ground and both sides of the cave walls are paved with black boulders, flat and neat.

   Obviously, this passage was excavated manually.

   The surface of the black boulder is covered with traces of vicissitudes etched by the years, obviously having gone through a long time.

   Yunyao frowned suspiciously, and asked, "Strange, Baihua Valley has been occupied by the Bone Flower Demon and Ten Thousand Bone Demon, how can an ancient passage appear deep underground?"

   Ji Tianxing looked at the end of the passage with solemn eyes, and said, "Yaoyao, before the Ten Thousand Bone Demon came out from the bottom of the Flower Valley, this passage is probably related to it.

   Moreover, I can sense that at the end of the passage is probably a magic cave, and there is an extremely strong magic energy coming from..."

   Yunyao nodded slightly and said: "I also sensed that there is still the breath of ten thousand corpse bone demons here. It is very likely that it is the lair where it is hiding...Shall we go in?"

   Ji Tianxing thought for a moment, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "The **** Ten Thousand Bone Demon, who caused us so miserable, almost lost his life!

   How can we easily let it go? It is even more impossible to escape like this! "

   "Okay, then we have to be more cautious!" Yun Yao nodded and agreed with his decision, and exhorted.

   Soon, half an hour passed.

   The two walked a dozen miles under the ground along the dark boulder passage, turning several times during the course.

   Finally, the two are about to reach the end of the passage.

At the foot of    is a straight and wide boulder passage. Thousands of feet away in front is a dark and dark hall.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao walked side by side, both clinging to the sword, full of vigilance and alertness.

   Yunyao frowned suddenly, her eyes fell on the wall on the right side of the passage.

   I saw a gray-white skull inlaid on the dark stone wall three feet high above the ground.

   Judging from the appearance, the skull is obviously an individual warrior, and it is also a middle-aged man.

   Ji Tianxing observed carefully for a while, and found that the bones of the skulls had been strengthened, which was comparable to a magic weapon of Yuanshen level.

   He can basically conclude that the owner of this skull was a human warrior in the original spirit realm.

   At this time, Yun Yao stretched out his hand to the left wall of the passage again.

   I saw a skull inlaid on the wall on the left, three feet above the ground.

   This skull is also a human warrior in the Primordial God Realm.

   The two skulls correspond to each other, and they both look down on the ground, which is quite strange.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao continued to move forward, and found that every ten feet away, a pair of skulls would be inlaid on the rock walls on both sides of the passage.

   Such carefully arranged skull heads make the dark passages more gloomy and full of weird and terrifying atmosphere.

   "Why inlaid skulls on the wall? Is it some kind of formation or ritual?"

   "Perhaps Ten Thousand Skeleton Demons deliberately arranged it in a way to show their identity or majesty?"

   The two walked thousands of feet away along the passage, talking secretly.

   There are just two hundred skulls inlaid in the thousand-foot-long passage.

   Fortunately, when the two reached the end of the passage and stepped into the hall, there was no movement of the skulls, and there was no abnormality.

   The hall is very wide, with a radius of one hundred feet, but it is not dark and dull.

   On the ground paved with black boulders, there are many twists and turns and dense ghost patterns that seem to form a large array.

   The big array is running, and the secret pattern is also glowing with a dark red or dazzling purple brilliance, constantly flickering, with varying brightness.

   Following the brilliance of the formation pattern, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao could see that countless portraits of gods and ghosts were carved on the walls around the main hall.

   Most of the portraits are hideous, brutal and terrifying demons and evil gods.

   In addition, in the four corners of the east, south, west, and north, there are four skulls inlaid on the walls ten feet above the ground.

   Those four skulls are also the heads of human warriors.

   Although it has gone through thousands of years, it has not turned grayish white, and it is still crystal clear as jade.

   Ji Tianxing observed carefully, and found that every skull had been tempered by lightning, and there were still small thunder patterns left behind.

   "These four skulls are all powerful human races who crossed the Tribulation Realm, and they have experienced at least five Thunder Tribulation!"

   With this result, both Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao frowned. They felt that this hall was weird and there must be some secret hidden.

   Fortunately, the four skulls are immobile on the wall without any abnormality.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao ignored it temporarily, and continued to observe the situation in the hall.

   In the north of the main hall, on the ground next to the wall, there is a black altar nine feet high.

   I don’t know what kind of materials are used to build the altar, which is inlaid with many magic crystals and blood essence stones, emitting a weird rainbow light.

   This altar is also very old, at least a thousand years old.

   At the top of the altar is a blood pond with a radius of three feet.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao probed, and they saw that the sunken blood pool was filled with purple-black blood, which was gurgling.

   A very pungent, **** air came from the blood pool and filled the whole hall.

   In the blood pool, in addition to the tumbling blood, there is also a large group of colorful light suspended above it.

   Ji Tianxing glanced intently and saw clearly that there were hundreds of remnant souls in the large light ball of the water tank.

  Some remnants are ice blue~www.wuxiaspot.com~ some are dark red blood, and some are off-white.

   Each remnant soul represents a warrior above the original spirit realm.

   But there are hundreds of remnants of souls, not only of human warriors, but also monsters and warriors of other races.

   Under the catalysis of the power of the altar, the colorful light group slowly rotates.

   Every quarter of an hour, a dark red air current will fly out of the light ball, rising into the air.

   Ji Tianxing's gaze, following the airflow, he saw a huge blood-red skull inlaid on the northern wall!

   It was a skeleton troll with a height of one hundred feet. The bones all over his body were dark red, with red light flowing, as if blood was flowing.

   The skeleton troll is embedded in the wall, sitting on a huge bone throne.

  The white bones, which are as bright as jade, form a throne 20 feet high, inlaid with green, blue and red gems and crystals.

   This scene is very strange, with a sense of horror and majesty.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao both froze, staring at the blood skull, carefully examining them.

   I saw that the body of the blood skull was also made up of countless broken bones.

   Its skeleton and body shape are almost the same as those of human women, but the ratio is more than 100 times larger.

   In the dark red head, there is a pair of deeply sunken eye sockets, there are black holes inside, there is nothing.

   Its hands are flat on the armrests of the bone throne, but its wrists are tied to the throne by thick bronze chains.

   Even its feet and ankles were wrapped in bronze chains and tied to the bone throne.

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