Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1717: Different points of birth, different points of death

The story told by Long Po Po made everyone feel very heavy.

   The hall was quiet, filled with an atmosphere of grief and pain.

   The past a thousand years ago is a shame to the Kingdom of Luoshui, and it is basically unknown.

   Although Ji Tianxing felt puzzled, even the Great Emperor Tianhui died in Beiming Mountain, and Yu Wei was not yet in the Martial Saint Realm. How could he rush into Beiming Mountain?

   But he then thought that Emperor Tianhui was Yu Wei's husband.

   Yu Wei couldn't bear the pain of losing her husband. Under her grief and anger, it was understandable to kill Beiming Mountain on the impulse.

  If one day, he confronted the ancestor Demon God and died under the sword of the ancestor Demon God.

   Yunyao must also be madly sad, desperate to fight the ancestor Demon God.

   Therefore, he did not interrupt Long Po Po, let alone raise any questions.

  Grandma Long paused for a moment, her tone became heavier, and she continued to tell: "After Yu Wei escaped to the kingdom of God, she crawled outside the Luoshen Palace and confessed for seven days and seven nights.

   is her impulse, killing dozens of elite guards.

  Despite the Lord’s mercy, she is not held accountable.

   But she still decided to resign as the captain and leave the kingdom of God.

   She was injured by the secret method of the ghost clan, her strength declined daily, her vitality weakened rapidly, and she died soon.

   Everyone thought that she would return to the Tianju Empire to find a way to treat her injuries.

   However, after the fall of Emperor Tianju, the Empire of Tianju has been in chaos.

   After only half a year, the nephew of the Great Emperor Tianhui, Huazi, won the support of the officials, ascended the throne and became the emperor, and took control of the entire empire.

  The relics of Emperor Tianju were burned down, and Yu Wei was no longer the imperial queen, and was driven out of the imperial city.

   In the end, she quietly left the Tianhui Empire with the few remaining relics of the Great Emperor.

   Many years later, she entered the territory of the Xuanshuang Empire and lived in seclusion in a forbidden place, waiting alone for death.

   She served for the Kingdom of God when she was alive, serving the Lord God piously, and failed to share her husband with her husband, and she never left a son and a half.

   After she died, the Emperor Tianhui was already wiped out, and the husband and wife could not share the same acupoint.

   This incident happened thousands of years ago, and it is seldom known, but it is so sad and weeping... alas! "

  Long Po Po gave a deep sigh after she finished explaining what happened.

   Only then did Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao understand the origin of the identity of the blood skull, they couldn't help but glance at each other, and both revealed complicated eyes.

   The hall was silent, and everyone was silent.

   After a long time, Ji Tianxing said, "That's it! Unexpectedly, that blood skull...was actually the leader of the guard, Yu Wei!

   Back then, she was severely injured by a strong ghost clan, and was also given a ghost clan secret method, and there was a shocking devil qi hidden in her body.

   When she left the Tianhui Empire, she knew she was running out of time.

   Therefore, she took her husband's relics and left, looking for a forbidden place where no one walked, waiting for death to come.

   Even if she can't be buried with Emperor Tianju, she will be buried with the relics of Emperor Tianju and sleep forever.

   The Hundred Flowers Valley in the depths of the Phantom Mountains is nourished by the **** of longevity, and the blooming flowers are sure to be a beautiful scene.

   So, when she stepped into Baihua Valley, she chose Baihua Valley as her burial place. "

   At this point, Ji Tianxing frowned and recalled, and analyzed: "If I am not mistaken, the magic cave we found at the bottom of Baihua Valley is actually a tomb built by Yu Wei!

   The megalithic passage there and the main hall in the Tianyuan area are all built according to the pattern of the tomb, but they have not been completed yet!

   Yu Wei wanted to be buried at the bottom of Baihua Valley, but before she built the mausoleum, something happened and took her life ahead of time.

   She didn't even expect that after her death, the shocking devil energy merged with tens of thousands of bones to form a tens of thousands of bones!

   Ten Thousand Skeleton Demons occupied her tomb and turned it into a magic cave.

   Even, Ten Thousand Corpse Bone Demon also built an altar, using the evil magic secret method to turn her bones into Bone Demon!

   Because of this, her bones became blood skeletons, but she was imprisoned on the bone throne.

   She hated the ghost clan so much during her lifetime, even if she was made into a blood skeleton after death, she still refused to give in..."

   Ji Tianxing's analysis caused Long Po Po and several gods to nod their heads in agreement.

   "Your analysis is correct, this is what I think!"

   "Ji Tianxing's speculation coincides with the idea of ​​this seat!"

   "Thousands of years ago, I was still a naive child. I didn't expect such a sad thing to happen in God."

   "The ghosts of Beimingshan are the enemies of life and death of our Luoshui Kingdom!"

   Long Po Po also slightly nodded, and said to Ji Tianxing: "Tianxing, your analysis is basically correct, and the Lord God has the same idea.

  The Lord God was busy dealing with another important matter back then, and had no time to take care of Yu Wei's affairs.

   When the Lord of God had dealt with important matters, it had been decades later, Yu Wei had passed away many years ago.

   This incident has always made the Lord Divine Master feel regretful, even a little ashamed of Yu Wei and Emperor Tianhui.

   Therefore, the Lord kept the scarlet spar by his side as a souvenir.

   The God Lord also gave an order to the old man, ordering Luoshen Mountain to do his best to recover Yu Wei's bones.

   In any case, we can't let Yu Wei's bones be manipulated by the ghosts.

   This is an insult to Yu Wei!

  The warriors and sages who sacrificed for the kingdom of God must not suffer such humiliation! "

   The seven envoys all nodded in agreement~www.wuxiaspot.com~ cursed the ghost race in indignation.

   Ji Tianxing thought for a while, and said with a solemn expression: "Long Po Po, the safest way is to lead everyone to Baihua Valley in person.

   We want to destroy the Ten Thousand Bone Demon, destroy the entire Baihua Valley, and rescue Yu Wei's bones.

   I have a way to purify Yu Wei's bones, so that she can rest in peace after her death, and can be buried in the Luoshen Mountain. "

   Long Po Po's eyes showed a shocked look, and she nodded and said: "Can you really purify the devilish energy of the blood skull? If so, that would be great!

   The old body was also considering just now, wanting to rescue Yu Wei's bones and bury them on Luoshen Mountain.

   This can be regarded as an explanation and comfort to her, but the old man has not found a way to purify the devil..."

   Ji Tianxing nodded again, bowed his hand and said: "Long Po Po, please don't worry about purifying the devilish energy, just leave it to me.

   It's not too late, let's leave as soon as possible.

   It's been more than a month, I'm afraid I'm going to be late, and what will happen again! "

   Long Po Po considered for a moment, and decisively ordered: "Okay, then we will set off now!

   God Envoy Du, God Envoy Liu, Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao, you four will follow the old man and go to Baihua Valley together.

  The other five envoys, please stay at Luoshenshan and preside over the overall situation. "

   Several envoys saluted one after another, expressing their obedience.

   Not long after, Long Po Po left Luoshen Mountain with two envoys, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao.

   Long Po Po personally drove a catastrophe-class flying boat, and flew everyone across the sky, rushing to the east like a stream of light.

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