Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1718: confusing

At first, it took Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao to go to Baihua Valley for half a month.

   The flying boat controlled by Long Po Po is extremely fast, several times faster than them.

   After just three days, the flying boat entered the Phantom Mountain Range.

   Under the guidance of Ji Tianxing, Feizhou went straight to Baihua Valley.

   Along the way, many monsters in the Primordial Divine Realm were alarmed and besieged the flying boat.

   However, the speed of those monster beasts was too slow, and they were thrown away far away before they rushed to the vicinity of the flying boat.

   Several hours later, Feizhou arrived at the area where Baihua Valley was located.

   Still hundreds of miles away, everyone looked down on the ground ahead and saw a ruin with a radius of hundreds of miles.

   The valley of flowers once filled with clouds and mists and brilliant flowers has now turned into a dark brown wasteland, with no trace of greenery visible.

   Feizhou reached the sky above the ruins, and Guanghua disappeared in a flash.


   Long Po Po, two divine envoys, Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao and others immediately appeared in the sky.

   "Everyone spread out and stay alert."

   Long Po Po waved her hand, motioning everyone to disperse.

   The two divine envoys quickly held out their swords and looked around with keen eyes.

   Ji Tianxing stared at the ruins on the ground. After observing for a while, his complexion suddenly changed and he frowned.

   "No need, the devil's cave has been destroyed, I am afraid the blood skull is gone."

   Everyone was shocked, and they all looked down at the earth.

   I saw that on the ruins, there was a pit with a radius of a hundred miles, like an abyss.

   It is roughly estimated that the huge pit is fifty miles deep and the bottom of the pit is dimly lit.

  Furthermore, the soil in the deep pit has been charred as black as carbon, and many pieces of rubble are scattered among many mounds and ruins.

   Around the edge of the deep pit, the terrain is also spreading, like a sea bowl.

   Long Po Po and the two envoys, with their rich combat experience, knew at a glance that it was caused by an explosion in the depths of the giant pit.

  The shock wave that destroys the sky and the earth spreads around before exploding a huge pit with a radius of a hundred miles.

   Now, the deep pit is as black as charcoal, and it is still full of strong magical energy.

   Long Po Po looked at the deep hole, turned her head to look at Ji Tianxing, and asked solemnly, "Tianxing, is this the location of the devil's cave?"

   "That's right!" Ji Tianxing nodded, and said in a complex tone: "Fifty miles deep underground, within a radius of tens of miles, have been destroyed by the battle.

   Those huge stone passages and halls were all destroyed and turned into masonry ruins. "

   God Envoy Du frowned for a moment, and asked doubtfully: "Judging from the traces of this big pit, it has been a month since it happened.

   There has been a fighting battle in this deep pit, and only two powerful men who crossed the tribulation realm will cause such a terrible destructive power.

   Could it be... the killing of the bone demon and the blood skeleton? "

   Yunyao nodded slightly and said: "It seems very possible at the moment, but we still have to go down and find out if we can find any clues."

   After all, she and Ji Tianxing flew to the pit and landed at the bottom of the pit.

   Long Po Po and the two envoys quickly followed and went to the deep pit together to check the surrounding ruins.

   In the dimly lit deep pit, there are huge pits and gullies everywhere, scattered with countless scorched earth and gravel.

   The scene of devastation, showing everyone how powerful the fight was.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao's eyes were sharp, and they soon found many broken bones in the scorched earth ruins.

   It has been verified that those bone scum are the bones of warriors in the Primordial God Realm.

   Some are human warriors, some are monsters, and some are alien warriors.

   However, everyone searched the big pit for half an hour and rummaged through the entire pit, but they didn't find anything related to the blood skull.

   Even a blood-red bone fragment was never found.

   Half an hour later, everyone had no choice but to give up, flying out of the pit one after another.

   Everyone returned to the top of the pit and gathered together to discuss this matter.

   Long Po Po said with a solemn expression: "From the current situation, we are late!

   As early as a month ago, there was a fight here, destroying the entire cave.

   Tens of thousands of skeletal remains were destroyed in the war and turned into bone fragments.

   There are only ten thousand corpse bone demons and blood skeletons, leaving no fragments or clues. It is estimated that they have left here. "

   The God Envoy Liu frowned and said worriedly: "Long Po Po, what should we do next?

   The Lord of God issued an order that we must retrieve Yu Wei's bones to complete the task.

   But this place has been destroyed, and Yu Wei's bones are also missing. Where can we find it? "

   Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao, and Du Shenshi all had the same concerns and looked towards Long Po Po.

   Grandma Long thought for a while, and then said in a deep voice: "The ghost tribe wants to refine Yu Wei's bones into a bone demon, so that she can become a blood skeleton, driven by the ghost tribe.

   In this case, it shows that the ghost clan has a certain conspiracy and purpose, and will not easily destroy Yu Wei's bones.

   We assume that the Ten Thousand Bone Demon and Blood Skeleton have all left here.

   Then if they leave the Phantom Mountains and move on the mainland, they will definitely leave clues and alarm other strong people.

   The old man intends to send a message to the Xuanshuang Empire, so that the Emperor Xuanshuang cooperates with Luoshenshan to investigate the trace of the blood skull ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ everyone's eyes suddenly brightened, and they nodded in agreement.

   God Envoy Du said with a gratified expression: "This is a good method! The Phantom Mountain Range is within the territory of the Xuanshuang Empire. Now that something like this happens in the mountains, the Xuanshuang Empire will certainly help us.

   As long as the Great Emperor Xuanshuang sends elite experts to investigate around the Phantom Mountains, some clues will surely be found. "

   God Envoy Liu also agreed.

   So, Long Po Po took out a jade slip for messaging, entered the information in the slip, and sent it to Emperor Xuanshuang.

   After thinking about it for a while, Ji Tianxing added: "The matter of tracing the blood skeletons is temporarily completed by the Profound Shuang Empire. They are large and powerful, and it is easier to find clues.

   But right now, we have to destroy this place and remove the devilish energy from the earth.

   Otherwise, the massive amount of demonic energy remaining here, as well as the bone fragments all over the ground, will probably give birth to bone demons again. "

   "It's true." Long Po Po nodded, somewhat embarrassed: "However, if you want to completely eliminate the devil here, the old man needs everyone's cooperation and arrange a few large formations.

   This will take at least half a month, and it may not be completely cleared..."

   Before she finished speaking, Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said: "Don't be so troublesome, just leave this to me."

After   , he raised his palms solemnly, and tried his best to mobilize the power of replenishing the dzi beads, shooting out the sacred white light in the sky.


   The two sacred white lights fell like a sky curtain, covering the deep pit.

   Suddenly, the devilish energy in the earth and the air melted as soon as it encountered the sacred white light and quickly disappeared.

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