Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1719: Take control of the woods and come back to life

After just half an hour, Ji Tianxing used the power of the dzi bead to purify the entire pit.

   In the deep pit a hundred miles around, there is no trace of magic energy.

   Even the skeletal remains scattered in the ruins have been purified by the white light of the devil and the breath of death.

   But this is only the beginning, not the end.

   In addition to the huge pit, the ruins of a radius of five hundred miles, once the location of Baihua Valley, are also full of strong demonic energy.

   Ji Tianxing took the trouble to display the secret method, using the power of the dzi to gradually clear the devilish energy in the entire ruins.

  This process took him three hours.

   His mission is completed.

   In the ruins of a radius of five hundred miles, there is no trace of magic energy.

   Of course, in order to complete this task, his strength was consumed quite a lot, and his spirit was also exhausted.

   He slowly stopped working, and said to Long Po Po: "The devilish energy here has been removed, and there will be no more troubles in the future."

   Granny Long showed a touch of relief, nodded and said: "It's so good."

   Yunyao stared at the ruins for a long time. After thinking about it for a moment, she shook her head gently and said, “I’m afraid that’s not enough. There are mountains and forests all around, but this area is ruins.

  Wait for this ruin to grow into a sea of ​​forests, at least a hundred years.

   It happened that after this retreat, I mastered the power of the **** orb and gained a new ability. I will restore it..."

   While talking, she pinched the tactics with both hands, playing a mysterious trajectory, and performing a certain secret technique.

   Suddenly, two dark blue brilliance sprayed out from her palms, and fell from the sky on the ruins.

   The strong dark cyan light immediately turned into dots of light, and plunged into the gray-brown ground.

   Then, a surprising scene appeared.

  In the barren land, dense green sprouts sprout out, and they are springing up like bamboo shoots.

   The sturdy young crops rise from the ground at a speed visible to the naked eye and become small trees.

   Many young shoots grow rapidly, turning into plants and flowers, blooming colorful flowers.

   Within a quarter of an hour, the ruined wasteland tens of miles around was covered by grass, woods and flowers.

   Yunyao continued to cast spells, constantly sending the dark cyan light, causing the grass and woods to quickly extend and expand in all directions.

   Densely dense flowers and trees are also growing crazily, from two to three meters high to more than ten meters, and then to tens of meters high.

   Ji Tianxing, Long Po Po and the two divine envoys witnessed this scene with their own eyes, and they all showed deep surprise and shock in their eyes.

   Everyone could not imagine that Yun Yao had mastered such a magical secret technique and supernatural power.

   She shot a dark blue light, unexpectedly gave birth to hundreds of millions of flowers and trees, and at a speed against the sky, growing into a lush sea of ​​woods.

   This is not just a creation out of thin air, it can even control the growth of thousands of trees and flowers.

   Such a magical method is not much different from the gods in ancient legends.

   Unconsciously, two hours passed.

  The dense forest sea expanded, filling up the ruins in a radius of five hundred miles.

  The grass is covered with half-person-high flowers and plants, and countless sturdy vines stretch out.

  In the sea of ​​forest stands densely densely towering trees, each one hundred meters high with luxuriant branches and leaves.

   Looking around, the newly grown forest of five hundred miles is almost indistinguishable from the surrounding mountains and woods.

   If you are someone who doesn't know, you would never think that this was the Valley of Hundred Flowers.

   Two hours later, Yun Yao stopped working.

   She cast the spell for two consecutive hours without feeling tired or slack, and her expression was calm as usual.

Long Granny looked at her with scorching eyes, showing a relieved expression, and nodded again and again: "Great! Yun Yao, you control such a powerful green wood power, not only can you grow thousands of trees, but you can also manipulate flowers and trees. It's definitely a supernatural power!"

   Ji Tianxing also showed a gratified smile, adding, "The efficacy and power of the Longevity Pearl is far beyond our imagination.

   Yaoyao can not only give birth to flowers and trees, but also has incredible vitality, can save the dead, heal the wounded, and bring back the dead! "

   Yunyao nodded slightly, nodded and said: "Tian Xing is right. The God Orb I got in Hundred Flowers Valley is called the Eternal Life Orb.

   The longevity divine power contained in the God Orb is effective for all living things. "

   Long Po Po nodded with a smile: "It's so good, Yun Yao, you have such an amazing harvest, and the dangers you have experienced before are also worth it.

   Hundred Flowers Valley no longer exists, the clues of the blood skulls are temporarily interrupted, we should also leave. "

   After that, Long Po Po sacrificed the flying boat, took everyone on the flying boat, and flew towards the outside of the Phantom Mountain Range.

   About two hours later, the flying boat was flying above the vast mountains.

   The sky in front was covered with large gray clouds, and the light was very cloudy.

   Such a scene is very common in the Phantom Mountains.

   Many areas are shrouded in fog and thick clouds, looking gloomy and depressing, and terrifying.

   Long Po Po didn't care too much, as she drove the flying boat into the clouds before going through this area.

   However, not long after Feizhou entered the clouds, black light suddenly poured out from all directions, flooding Feizhou like a tide.

   Every piece of black light is a ghost bat that is completely dark and exudes death chill.

   The head and feet are the size of a water tank, with pointed mouth, fangs and scarlet eyes, and the appearance is extremely ugly and hideous.

  Long Po Po just saw the ghost bats~www.wuxiaspot.com~ before he could make any response, there were thousands of ghost bats that hit the flying boat violently and exploded.

   "Boom boom boom boom!"

   The deafening loud noise immediately exploded in the sky, shocking hundreds of miles.

   Tens of thousands of ghost bats exploded and turned into dust on the spot, releasing endless black light, flooding the flying boat like flames.

   How can the dark silver flying boat withstand such a strong and sudden attack?

   He only heard the cracking sound of "Kacha Kacha", the flying boat suddenly cracked through the cracks, and countless pieces of debris were released.

   In the sea of ​​fire, the flying boat quickly disintegrated, became fragmented, and scattered in all directions.

   Long Po Po, Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao and the two divine envoys suddenly flung out of the debris in the sky, and flew around in a mess.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao are okay, they have known the dangers of the Phantom Mountain for a long time, and they have been vigilant.

   When the flying boat was attacked, both of them used secret methods to protect themselves.

   Even if they were thrown out, they were only slightly injured.

   Also, after the two flew forty miles, they quickly gathered together.

   The two divine envoys ended badly. When the flying boat was attacked, they were meditating in the room to adjust their breath.

   Feizhou suddenly collapsed, and the two of them were caught off guard, and were immediately backlashed by their own power, and both were seriously injured.

   With the fragments of the flying boat, the two of them were thrown out more than sixty miles away before crashing into the vast forest.

   Today's update came late, please forgive me.

There are three chapters behind   , please be patient.

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