Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1720: Undead Ghost Bat

"Boom! Boom!"

   The two divine envoys plunged into the forest almost at the same time, bursting out a dull loud noise.

   The thousand-foot-high mountain trembled violently, cracking huge gaps, and spreading from the top to the foot of the mountain.

   Countless dust and sawdust, engulfed by air waves, washed up to the sky.

   The two divine envoys were both miserable and embarrassed. They were covered with mud and blood, and fell into the pit in disorder.

   After a while, the two men got up from the pit and flew into the sky staggeringly.

   However, as soon as they flew into the sky, before they could clearly see the surrounding scene, they were overwhelmed by the black light.

   At least more than 5,000 ghost bats, crazy culled, and launched a siege on the two.

   Although, the strength of a single ghost bat is not strong, only about the first and second levels of the Primordial God Realm.

   But thousands of ghost bats gathered together, destroying the heavens and the earth with powerful lethality, even those who are strong in the tribulation realm can hardly resist.

   All the ghost bats are crazy, attacking without fear of death, releasing the chill of death, and violently culling two divine envoys.


   tens of thousands of death chills, like a sharp blade of black light, strangling frantically.

   The ghost bats also rushed to the two divine envoys, spread their claws and fangs, and attacked them desperately.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   The dull loud noise continued to erupt, echoing violently in the sky.

   The two divine envoys were beaten up and down, the mana shield continued to crack, and soon more wounds appeared on the body.

   The two of them had been seriously injured, and they were besieged by more than 5,000 ghost bats, and they immediately fell into a very dangerous situation.

   Even if the two of them calmed down, they counterattacked in an orderly manner, unleashing mysteries, and killing countless ghost bats.

   However, a shocking and terrifying scene appeared.

   The ghost bats that were bombarded to become scum turned into patches of black light, and they quickly gathered together to form ghost bats.

   These ghost bats are equivalent to having immortality, and they cannot be completely killed!

   The newly born ghost bats are even more violent and fierce, desperate to charge.

   The two divine envoys were terrified, and a deep sense of helplessness and anger grew in their hearts.

   They fought back desperately, using various powerful tricks to slaughter those ghost bats and resist their attacks.

   However, the two of them couldn't break through the encirclement of the ghost bats anyway, and were trapped in a sea of ​​black light, unable to get out.


   The two divine envoys were in the northwest and were besieged by thousands of ghost bats, unable to escape.

   At the same time, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao were in the southeast, surrounded by thousands of ghost bats.

   The two were more than a hundred miles away from the two envoys.

   There are more than 6,000 ghost bats, forming an overwhelming sea of ​​black light, which submerged the two of them.

   The two of them are in the boundless darkness, constantly being culled and attacked by ghost bats, in an extremely dangerous situation.

   Yunyao lit up with blue light all over, forming an oval shield, lifting herself up.

   With her left hand pinching the Fa Jue, and her right hand holding the sword, she constantly cuts out the dazzling sword light to resist the ghost bats attacking in all directions.

   Despite her exquisite swordsmanship, her defense is very tight.

   There are too many ghost bats that can besie her, and the mana shield is constantly shattering and reuniting.

   She was injured very quickly, leaving a series of hideous wounds all over her body, red blood poured out, and her white skirt was dyed red.

   Fortunately, she has mastered the supernatural power of longevity.

After    was injured, she could use the power of longevity to quickly repair the injury with just one thought.

   Therefore, she has been in a state of constant injuries and rapid healing.

   She has no life worry, but she can't break through the siege of the ghost bat, and it is difficult to get out.

   In the sky ten miles away from her, Ji Tianxing is also fighting fiercely.

   He was also in the sea of ​​black light, and was surrounded and killed by thousands of ghost bats.

   Even if he uses magical power to protect his body, he also uses Jinpeng's wings.

   There are too many ghost bats, and the speed is as fast as lightning, making him hard to defend.

   There is a slight omission, and those ghost bats will take advantage of the vacancy and injure him.

   Many new wounds have been added to his body, which are still increasing. Blood poured out from the wounds, staining his entire robe red.

   He desperately counterattacked, using powerful swordsmanship, and killed many ghost bats.

   But those ghost bats kept rebirth and launched a siege more fiercely, trapping him in the sea of ​​black light, unable to escape.

   Seeing this, Ji Tianxing was anxious and anxious, and outrageously urged the power of replenishing the dzi, waved his palm to shoot out the sky.


   A white light condensed palm shadow suddenly shot into the black ocean, killing more than two hundred ghost bats instantly.

   Those ghost bats were smashed into pieces, turning into patches of black light, and they wanted to regroup and form.

   However, the divine white light immediately purified the black light and turned it into nothingness.

   The more than three hundred ghost bats died completely, and they could no longer condense and regenerate.

   Ji Tianxing was inspired, and continued to wave his palms to give out white light and slaughter more ghost bats.

   But at this moment, thousands of ghost bats suddenly stopped attacking.

   The black light ocean stood still for an instant, and then accelerated to spin, forming a huge black light vortex.


   The black light whirlpool revolves extremely fast in the sky, bursting out a powerful space force, and immediately tore the sky apart.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao just realized something was wrong, they were engulfed in the black light vortex, and disappeared from the sky.

   In the next moment, the black light vortex wrapped them both, teleporting to a hundred thousand miles away.


   Long Po Po was on top of a pile of flying boat wreckage, besieged by more than 8,000 ghost bats.

   She is a powerful martial artist, but an extraordinary existence.

  Waiting for the idle generation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can't threaten her at all.

   When the flying boat collapsed and she was thrown out, she was not hurt.

   Even if besieged by more than eight thousand ghost bats, she can deal with it calmly.

   The attacks of those ghost bats are basically impossible to hurt her.

   However, there are too many ghost bats!

   She was trapped in the sea of ​​black light, unable to break through for the time being, and it was difficult to get out.

   Even though she used the secret technique, she continued to slaughter batch after batch of ghost bats.

   But those ghost bats are immortal, they keep gathering to rebirth, and they will never be able to kill them all.

   Long Po Po was full of anxiety, worried about the safety of Yun Yao and Ji Tianxing, and just wanted to break through the siege as soon as possible and rescue them both.

   But those ghost bats have been pestering her, forming a huge black light cage, sealing her inside.

   "The ghost bats raised by the ghost clan...Unexpectedly, the ghost clan of Beiming Mountain is so rampant that they dare to attack the people of Luoshen Mountain with ghost bats!"

   After dozens of breaths, Long Po Po figured out the characteristics of the ghost bat, and immediately thought of a way to resolve it.

   She pinched the tactics with both hands, chanted mysterious spells in her mouth, and displayed a unique trick.

   Suddenly, the black clouds in the high sky rolled in anger, condensing dozens of thunder beams thick in the water tank.


   With the wave of Long Popo's hands, more than 30 thunder beams fell from the sky and blasted into the sea of ​​black light.

   Thousands of ghost bats were bombarded by the thunder beam on the spot. They were chopped into **** by the purple thunder arc and scattered in the sky.

   Although the ghost bats did not completely die, they were also severely damaged by the thunder and could not be healed and reborn in a short time.

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