Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1722: Shura Heart Eater

Xiao Ye Mojun's tone was extremely contemptuous and ironic.

   He looked at Ji Tianxing's eyes as if he was looking at an ant.

   Ji Tianxing was in anger, fierce murderous intent surged in his eyes.

  Gui Tong was also extremely ashamed and angry, but he didn't dare to attack Xiao Ye Mojun, so he could only endure it.

   "The Night Demon Lord, Ji Tianxing is definitely not a person to wait, you must not take it lightly!"

   Ye Mojun didn't worry about his words at all, and a contemptuous sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

   "This kind of little ant-like character can be crushed to death with just one finger!"

  While talking, Xiao Ye Mojun stretched out his wide right hand, his palm filled with black light, and grabbed it toward Ji Tianxing.

   Ji Tianxing was bound by black light ropes, unable to move at all, let alone resist.

   The black light of death penetrated into his chest and immediately began to spread.

   The skin and flesh on his chest, corroded by the black light of death, immediately festered into black ashes, and scattered all over the ground.

   The flesh, muscles and bones were corroded a little bit, and there was a soft noise.

   In the blink of an eye, Ji Tianxing revealed a bowl of blood hole on his chest, revealing the pale golden bones inside.

  Unparalleled pain, Ji Tianxing suddenly felt uncomfortable. He twitched violently, and his entire face was distorted.

   But he gritted his teeth, only a few painful grunts, and never screamed or begged for mercy.

   Ye Mojun saw that he was so hard-spirited, and suddenly grinned and said, "Hehehe, he can be so tolerable? This patience and determination made me look at him with admiration.

   You little reptile, you are indeed qualified to let this gentleman take the shot himself! "

   After all, the black light in his palm was a bit rich, and his power doubled.

   With the soft sound of ‘zizizi’, Ji Tianxing’s flesh and blood skin accelerated ulceration, corroding into large patches of black and gray.

   The pain doubled, causing Ji Tianxing to twitch all over, his nerves twisted and numb.

   Yunyao was by the side, witnessing Ji Tianxing being tortured, both angry and distressed, and a murderous intent rushed from her eyes.

   But she was imprisoned, unable to move, even unable to speak, unable to make any noise.

   She can only watch Ji Tianxing being tortured, her angry eyes are splitting, and she can do nothing.

  Gui Tong frowned when he saw this scene, and reminded him aloud: "Xiao Ye Mojun, since Ji Tianxing is an ant in your eyes, there is no point in torturing the ant.

   Our time is pressing, don’t forget that our task is the most important.

   If it takes a long time, when Long Po Po arrives, we will fall short. "

   Ye Mojun's palm paused, and replied without looking back: "Ghost boy, don't forget your identity!

   Not only did you fail to catch Ji Tianxing, you were severely injured by him and lost his body.

   Even, you were snatched away by him!

   Now you are in the body of guilt, this monarch is the executor of this action.

  How to act, I have the final say, you are just a guide! "

   Ye Mojun not only despised Ji Tianxing, but also despised Guitong.

   Of course, he just said that to show his status.

   In fact, he also knows that time is urgent and the task must be completed as soon as possible.

   He stared at Ji Tianxing with cold eyes, and shouted in a deep voice: "Little reptile, this lord gives you the only chance to hand over the blood of the sword **** obediently, and this lord will give you a happy way to die."

   Ji Tianxing was tortured in a cold sweat, his forehead violently throbbed, and his face twisted.

   He slowly raised his head, staring at Xiao Ye Mojun with cold eyes, and said every word: "Crazy! Heart! Delusion! Thinking! Damn devil, one day, I will make you ashes!"

   "Hahahaha..." Night Demon Lord suddenly laughed presumptuously, and said cruelly: "Since you are so hard-spirited, I will pick it up personally!"

   As he spoke, his sturdy right hand passed through the blood hole in Ji Tianxing's chest and reached into his chest cavity.

   As soon as he grasped Ji Tianxing's heart, his palm glowed with turbulent black light, swallowing the blood in his heart frantically.

   That is Ji Tianxing's heart and blood, the purest blood.

  The black light pierced his heart, and quickly drew out pale golden blood, pouring into Xiaoye Mojun's right palm.

  The hot pale gold blood contains a sacred and majestic breath, exuding incomparably powerful power fluctuations.

   Ji Tianxing is utterly painful, life is better than death.

   Ye Mojun showed a ferocious sneer, enjoying this torture pleasure.

   However, as soon as his right palm touched the pale golden blood of the sword god, there was a heart-piercing pain.


   There was a soft noise.

   His sturdy right palm was mostly corroded by the blood of the sword god, and his flesh and blood and finger bones disappeared.

   Even the powerful magic power in his palm was purified by the blood of the sword god!

   The extreme pain caused the Xiao Ye Mojun to withdraw his right hand like lightning, his face twisted and let out a painful cry.

   "No! It's impossible!!"

   His painful body trembled, and he lowered his head in horror, staring at his right palm incredulously.

   I saw that all the places contaminated by the blood of the sword **** disappeared.

   The wound was burnt as black as charcoal, and there was a thick burnt smell with black smoke.

   Those few drops of golden sword **** blood quickly returned to Ji Tianxing's heart.

   Ye Mojun stared at Ji Tianxing fiercely, grinning and sneered: "Hehehe...you little reptile, sure enough!

   It is no wonder that the ghost boy will be defeated by you many times, and you have been so miserable.

   Unexpectedly, the bloodline of the Sword God is so powerful that you have nurtured it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has restored a bit of divinity! "

   The gods above the nine heavens have always been sacred and inviolable existences.

   Even a drop of god’s blood is sacred, majestic and inviolable!

   Ye Mojun's expression changed, he had to put away his contempt and treat Ji Tianxing with caution.

  Guitong saw Xiao Ye Mojun was burned by the blood of the sword god, secretly gloating, and said in a playful tone: "This gentleman reminded you just now, you must not underestimate Ji Tianxing."

   Ye Mojun's mouth evokes a sneer, and he nods slightly, "This reptile is indeed a bit capable, but it is limited to this. The task I want to accomplish is not impossible!"

   After that, a black light flashed in the palm of his left hand, and a black beetle appeared.

   This dark and cold beetle, only the size of a walnut, is covered with a cold and hard carapace, and has a dozen sharp claws.

   On the shell on the back of the beetle, there are three dark red blood lines distributed, and the whole body exudes extremely powerful magical energy, which looks particularly terrifying.

   After seeing the appearance of the beetle, the ghost boy was shocked and exclaimed, "Sura Heart Eater? This creature is the top monster of our clan. It hasn't appeared in hundreds of years. How can you own one?"

   Ye Mojun sneered and said, "How can the status and methods of this Lord be imaginable for you, a low-level demon?

   Regarding the origin of the Shura Heart Eater, you don't have to worry about it.

   This monarch will use this heart-eater to capture the blood of Ji Tianxing's sword god, and devour his heart and soul..."

   While talking, he held the Shura Heart Eater in his left hand and stuffed it into the blood hole in Ji Tianxing's chest.

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