Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1723: Heartache

The dark and cold Shura Heartbiter quickly got into Ji Tianxing's body and began to draw the blood of the sword god.

  The pale golden blood, with the sacred and majestic breath and power, can burn the night demon Lord.

   However, the physique of Shura Heart Eater is very special, devouring the internal organs, blood and soul of the strong.

   It penetrated into the heart of Ji Tianxing, desperately drawing the blood of the sword god.

   The golden blood touched it, and it also made it feel very painful and irritable, and its body kept trembling.

   However, it has not been corroded to ashes by the blood of the gods, and it can actually resist the power of the blood of the gods!

   The sharp tingling sensation hit Ji Tianxing's whole body, causing his body to tremble violently, cold sweat like rain.

   His face was as pale as paper, his face was distorted, and his mouth kept groaning painfully.

   This is the real heartache!

   Yunyao was extremely anxious and angry, and her body was trembling, tears welled up in her eyes.

  The pain and torture that Ji Tianxing endured, she also felt the same way, and she wished to smash Xiao Ye Mojun's body into pieces and smash it into scum!

   But the black light rope kept tightening, trapping her tightly, sealing her mana and soul, making her unable to resist, let alone saving Ji Tianxing.

   Ye Mojun saw Ji Tianxing's extremely painful appearance, and laughed more and more excitedly.

   "Hahaha...little reptile, weren't you very tough just now?

   Now that you know the methods of this monarch, have you tasted that life is better than death?

   But don’t worry, the pain will end soon.

   Within half an hour at most, the Shura Heart Eater will devour your heart and seize your sword **** bloodline.

   Then, you are a humble life, you can die in pain! "

   Ye Mojun looked down at Ji Tianxing, with a sharp sneer at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were cruel and bloodthirsty.

  Gui Tong also stared at Ji Tianxing with cold eyes, and a refreshing color flashed under his eyes, feeling quite relieved.

   Ji Tianxing had harmed him so miserably that he was embarrassed and suffered the scorn and mockery of other demon kings.

   Even if he didn't solve Ji Tianxing with his own hands, it would be a comfort to him to see Ji Tianxing die in pain.

   Time passed quietly.

  The dark cave is filled with blood, full of pain and cruelty.

   Ji Tianxing was tortured, his whole person was distorted, his will almost collapsed.

   A quarter of an hour passed.

   Several holes in his heart were bitten, blood bubbling out, and he was dying, almost unconscious.

   A quarter of the blood of the Sword God was swallowed by the Asura Heart Eater.

   At this moment, two painful screams suddenly came from the entrance of the magic cave, breaking the tranquility in the cave.

   More violent winds poured into the magic cave from the entrance of the cave, making a whistling sound.

   Ye Mojun and Guitong both shook their bodies, and their faces changed on the spot.

   With their strength and knowledge, they can naturally tell the difference. The two guards guarding the cave entrance must have been killed.

   The violent vigor is the shock wave inspired by the battle.

   Both of them released their invisible consciousness, extending towards the entrance of the cave.

   In the next instant, both of them frowned fiercely, their eyes becoming solemn.

   "The visitor is an old white-haired woman, she must be the Long Granny of Luoshenshan!" Guitong said in a low tone, his eyes full of jealousy.

   Ye Mojun also put away his arrogant color, frowning and muttering: "Damn old lady! Even if she is a strong martial artist, it is impossible to get rid of the entanglement of ghost bats so quickly!

   Within two quarters of an hour, she found this place. How could this be possible? ! "

   He was very confident in ghost bats, and believed that thousands of ghost bats could hold Long Granny for at least half an hour.

   Waiting for Long Po Po to get rid of the siege of the ghost bat, even if the traces of Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao are found, it will take two hours to get here.

   After all, the two places are 100,000 miles apart!

   When Long Po Po arrived here, everything was too late.

   He had already taken the blood of the sword **** and killed Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao.

   In this way, he's done, and he won't meet Long Po Po.

   But his plan, which he thought was perfect, was dissolved.

   He counted thousands of things, but he didn't count that Long Po Po found this place so quickly.

   After a moment of silence, Lord Xiao Ye Mo gave an order to Guitong in a deep voice: "Go, let me go with the old lady for a while!

   What about the strong man of Martial Saint? This monarch is also a half-step martial sage, and has long wanted to challenge the real martial sage! "

   While talking, he put on his big scarlet cloak and strode towards the entrance of the cave.

   Guitong hesitated, and pointed to Ji Tianxing and said: "Xiao Ye Mojun, go and resist Long Granny, just delay for three quarters of an hour.

   I stay here to watch Ji Tianxing, so as not to have any accidents and make us fall short. "

   Ye Mojun turned his head to look at him, with a deep contempt in his eyes, and sneered: "Ghost boy, are you so greedy for life and fear of death? You are not worthy to be the devil of our clan!"

   Guitong immediately changed his face, and quickly waved his hand to explain: "You misunderstood, I am by no means afraid of Long Po Po, I really don't want to let the plan go wrong, Ji Tianxing is very cunning..."

"Shut up!" Xiao Ye Mojun yelled in a deep voice, "Hugh must argue again! Ji Tianxing has been imprisoned by his death chain, and his heart is about to be eaten by the heart-biter~www.wuxiaspot.com~ only he is left. With a sigh of relief, he is about to die, what else can happen?

   If you are timid and fearful, you can leave now, I am ashamed to be with you! "

  Since Xiao Ye Mojun has released such cruel remarks, no matter how reluctant, Gui Tong can only nod his head and agree.

   "My lord is as you go!"

   After that, Guitong took out two dark double knives and flew out with Lord Xiao Ye Mo.


   Black light flashed, the two figures immediately disappeared outside the cave and rushed to the entrance of the cave.

   In the dark cave, only Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao were left.

   Yunyao has been struggling desperately, working silently, trying to break free from the chains of death.

   But she was sealed with mana and couldn't break free.

   She could not speak, she could only stare at Ji Tianxing, opened her whirling teary eyes, and encouraged and comforted him with her eyes.

   After a while, there was a fierce fighting sound outside the magic cave.

   The muffled sound of "rumbling" continued, echoing violently in the magic cave.

   The whole mountain range and the earth shook violently, and the cave roof collapsed with many gravel and mud.

   Ji Tianxing, who was in agony and almost unconscious, opened his eyes when he heard a loud noise coming from outside the magic cave.

   No matter how terrifying the pain he suffered, his eyes remained clear, calm and wise.

   "Buried to the sky, help me!" He called out in his mind, using divine thoughts.

   In the next instant, a mouthful of an ancient broken sword that was as black as ink flew out of him.

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