Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1733: Upheaval

A hundred thousand miles away from Luoshen Mountain, there is a vast plain.

   The prairie is rich in materials and beautiful scenery, which is most suitable for the human race to live and practice.

   In the middle of the grassland, there is an ancient city called Lanfeng City that has lasted for thousands of years.

   There are millions of people living in the city, and the city is very prosperous and lively.

   In addition, there are dozens of villages and towns scattered on the grassland around Lanfeng City, and there are hundreds of thousands of people in total.

   For thousands of years, Lanfeng City and many villages and towns have been in a smooth and peaceful atmosphere, and the people live and work in peace and contentment.

   This is the time when the sun goes three poles.

   However, there is no sun in the sky, and a gray cloud is caged.

   In the sky thousands of feet above the ground, there was an icy blue streamer galloping in the direction of Luoshen Mountain.

  In the icy blue light, is a 30-foot-long flying boat with exquisite and gorgeous shape.

   This is a flying magic weapon dedicated to Luoshenshan, named Tianjizhou.

   Inside the flying boat, a middle-aged man wearing a purple robe is manipulating the circle and driving the flying boat on the road.

   In the wide and bright hall, there is a five-foot-long, radiant ice crystal coffin.

   In the ice crystal coffin, there is a blood-red corpse lying quietly.

   This corpse is more than three feet long and is intact. The bones are blood-red, exuding turbulent demonic energy.

   It was lying motionless in the coffin, covered with a layer of colorful streamer, obviously suppressed by the power of the formation.

   On the left and right sides of the ice crystal coffin, two middle-aged men sat cross-legged on the ground, quietly closing their eyes.

   These two middle-aged men both have the fifth or sixth level of strength to cross the Tribulation Realm, and they are majestic.

   However, their bodies were covered with scars, and several of the wounds were purple and black, and there was still devilish energy remaining.

   There is no doubt that they have fought fiercely before, and they have all suffered serious injuries.

   At this time, Tianjizhou is about to reach the sky above Lanfeng City.

   The man in the green robe on the left opened his eyes, glanced at the ice crystal coffin, and then asked: "Will God Envoy, how is your injury?"

   The man in the purple robe on the right side of the coffin opened his eyes as he heard the words, and sighed with a frustrated expression: "Ah! Other injuries are okay to say, he has been more than half healed.

   There are a few wounds, and there is still a strong magical energy that can't be eliminated so far.

  Du Divine Envoy, how are you recovering? "

   Divine Envoy Du showed a wry smile and said, "I am in the same situation as you, but I cannot get rid of the remaining demonic energy.

   However, we have arrived at Lanfeng City and will be back to Luoshen Mountain soon.

   When the time comes, let's go to Long Po Po for help, she may have a way. "

   The Liu Divine Envoy suddenly thought of something, and quickly said: "By the way, Ji Tianxing said before that he can get rid of the evil spirit of the blood skull.

   Why don't we go to him for help, he must have a way. "

  The envoy of Du was taken aback, and said embarrassingly: "We are all envoys. As the elders, will it be a bit embarrassing to go to the younger generation for help?"

   The willow **** envoy waved his hand and said, "What's so shameful about this? Although Ji Tianxing is a godly disciple, he is highly regarded by Longpo and the god.

   In my opinion, he can reach the tribulation state within one or two years at most.

   One hundred years later, his strength is likely to catch up with us..."

   Divine Envoy Du showed a look of astonishment, and said in disbelief: "Divine Envoy Liu, although I also admit that Ji Tianxing is very enchanting, he is the first genius of the Three Kingdoms.

   But your evaluation of him is so high, a bit overstatement, right? "

   "No, no, no..." God-Envoy Liu shook his head quickly and explained with a smile: "This is not an exaggeration, you listen to my analysis..."

   The two divine envoys were discussing about Ji Tianxing, and they looked very focused.

   Neither of them noticed that the blood skull lying in the coffin of the ice crystal suddenly changed.

   A mysterious black gas gushes out of it, quietly corroding the golden mask.

   Silently, the golden mask was eroded by the black air, and gradually collapsed.

   The formation seal was lifted, and the blood skeleton regained its mobility.

   But it was still lying motionless in the coffin of ice crystals, but the body was full of blood.

   The dark red blood light merged with the black energy, and in the blink of an eye it became a figure in a black robe.

   This figure wearing a black robe is more than ten feet tall and extremely burly.

  His body is shrouded in black robe, and his head is also covered by a large cloak, so his face is not visible.

   Under the dark cloak, there are only a pair of dark purple pupils, shining with a terrifying fierce light.

   Suddenly, the black-robed man raised his palms and blasted towards the lid of the ice crystal coffin with all his strength.

   Only a loud bang was heard, and the lid of the ice crystal coffin was blown off.

   The huge coffin lid slammed into the top of the hall, bursting into countless slags, and splashing around.

  The sudden impact blasted a pit from the top of the hall.

   The entire Tianjizhou swayed violently, turning over in the sky.

   God Envoy Du and God Envoy Liu awoke immediately, stabilized their figures, and leaped their swords towards the ice crystal coffin.

"not good!"

   "It's going to escape, stop it!"

   The two of them held the swords and slammed one left and the other right in front of the ice crystal coffin.

   Before the two of them could see the situation inside the coffin, a tall black shadow flew out of the coffin.


   Two pitch-black palm shadows struck head-on, directly knocking God Envoy Du and God Liu into flight.

   Both of them vomited blood and flew out and hit the wall hard.


   The wall was smashed, and the side of the Tianjizhou was smashed into two big holes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The two gods flew out of the Tianjizhou and threw them into the sky.

   Then, the tall black shadow also pierced the pit at the top of the hall, piercing the heavenly machine.


   He flew out of the heavenly ark, came into the sky, swung his robe and killed the two divine envoys.

   Tianjizhou was punched through three big holes and was on the verge of losing control.

   The divine envoy who drove the Tianjizhou immediately manipulated the array and put the Tianjizhou away.


   When Guanghua flashed, the huge Tianji boat shrank ten million times and turned into a palm-sized boat.

   The purple robe **** envoy appeared in the sky, and put the boat into the space ring.

   He turned his head and looked forward, and immediately saw the situation in the sky.

   In the sky thousands of feet high from the ground, God Envoy Du and God Envoy Liu were waving their swords, using secret techniques, and fighting against the black-robed man.

   On the grassland under everyone's feet, there is a prosperous and prosperous city with a radius of hundreds of miles. It is Lanfeng City.

   Seeing this scene, the purple robe divine envoy's complexion changed, revealing a deep worried look.

   He also hurriedly took out a treasured sword, and desperately killed the black robe man.

   Both sides fought fiercely in the sky.

   Despite the fact that the three gods are powerful and powerful, they all put their best to besiege the black robe man.

   But the strength of the black-robed man is too strong, and he has reached the ninth level of crossing the tribulation realm.

   He easily resisted the siege of the three envoys and wounded the three envoys with only a dozen moves.

   The aftermath of the fighting between the two sides spread to the surrounding area and immediately reached Lanfeng City.

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