Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1734: Warning from Beimingshan


   "Boom boom boom!"

  The overwhelming black light blades and palm shadows hit the three divine envoys one after another, making a huge noise.

   The three divine envoys were all knocked out and flew out, splashing blood all over, making a low cry of pain.

   However, the three of them were tough-willed, and ignoring their injuries, they swung their swords to kill the black-robed man.

   During this period, the purple robe divine envoy also took the time to send out a message, asking Luoshenshan for help.

   At the northern border, when the three people killed the Ten Thousand Bone Demons and rescued the blood skeletons, they had already suffered serious injuries.

   Now their injuries have not recovered, and their combat effectiveness has only retained 60 to 70%, how can they be the opponent of the black robe?

   After a short period of time, the two sides fought hundreds of moves.

   The three divine envoys were all scarred, covered with criss-cross wounds, dripping with blood.

   The purple robe divine envoy suffered the most serious injuries. He had his entire right arm severed. There was also a blood hole in his chest, and the internal organs were clearly visible.

   God Envoy Du and God Envoy Liu were also very miserable. There were at least 30 wounds on their bodies, and even a few deep bone wounds on the top of their head and face.

   The strength of the three of them weakened quickly, let alone defeating the black-robed people, even the black-robed people could not do it.

   The mysterious black-robed man was still unscathed and his strength was still unmatched.

  The two sides temporarily stopped fighting and confronted each other in the high heaven.

   The three divine envoys scattered, holding their swords at the black-robed man, and staring at him with hatred.

   "Damn devil, who are you? Why are you lurking in the ice crystal coffin?" God Envoy Du shouted angrily.

  The man in black robes stood quietly in the sky, surrounded by hazy black mist, and looked even more mysterious and powerful.

   Under the black cloak, a sneer flashed across those dark purple pupils.

   "Hehehe...it's okay to tell you, this monarch Xiaoming is one of the thirty-six demons, ranking fifth.

   This monarch is lurking in the ice crystal coffin, just to give you a surprise, and give you a piece of advice by the way! "

   The black robe Xiao Ming's voice was very dry and hoarse, as if two pieces of dead wood were rubbing, it was extremely uncomfortable to hear.

   The three divine envoys immediately frowned, their expressions becoming very gloomy.

   "Thirty-six Demon Lord? Ranked fifth?"

  Divine Envoy Du suddenly thought of something, and asked in a deep voice, "Your name is Xiao Ming? What is your relationship with Xiao Ye?"

   "That's my elder brother." Xiao Ming replied in a cold tone.

   "So that's it!" Liu Shenshi cursed hatefully: "You brothers, both of you are devil who deserves to die. You deserve to be punished by a thousand swords!"

   Xiaoming suddenly sneered in a gloomy sneer: "Ha ha ha ha... a thousand cuts? What a great idea! I decided to let you do what you want and taste the taste of a thousand cuts!"

   The purple robe divine envoy was the head of the three, and did not talk nonsense with Xiao Ming, and asked in a deep voice: "What do you mean by the advice you just said?"

   Xiaoming looked at him with cold eyes, and said in a cold tone: "My clan has been dormant in Beiming Mountain for thousands of years, and has always been incompetent with the world. It is not afraid of the Kingdom of Luoshui, but just wants to recharge.

   But now, times have changed...

  The pain and disasters that the Kingdom of Luoshui once inflicted on our clan, my clan will definitely return it ten times!

   Go back and tell your master not to provoke my clan.

   Otherwise, the Kingdom of Luoshui could not bear the revenge of Beimingshan! ! "

   Xiaoming's tone was full of iron and blood domineering, and a strong murderous intent.

   The three divine envoys all had angry faces, their eyes were full of anger, and they began to curse.

   "Asshole thing! It's so bold, I don't know how to die!"

   "With the power of Beiming Mountain, you dare to threaten our Luoshui Divine Kingdom?"

  "It's just a ghost clan, it's so rampant! Our Luoshui divine master is kind, and we didn't rush to kill, so that the ghost clan has survived to this day!

  Since the ghost clan is so reluctant to live and die, wait to be razed to the ground by the army of the Kingdom of God! "

   Xiaoming did not bother to refute, and stopped talking nonsense with the three gods.

   "My Lord's words have been brought, you can go and die."

   While talking, Xiao Ming lifted his palms and released the light of blood, spreading in all directions.

   "Devil Blood Purgatory!"

   In the blink of an eye, the infinite blood enveloped a hundred li, turning this world into a sea of ​​blood.

   This area was sealed, completely turned into a **** world.

   The huge waves in the sea of ​​blood are surging to the sky, and the bones are floating and sinking, as terrifying as purgatory on earth.

   The three divine envoys were submerged in a sea of ​​blood, and were suppressed by a powerful force. They struggled desperately in the sea of ​​blood, making it difficult to get out.

   The prosperous and wealthy Lanfeng City was also mostly submerged by a sea of ​​blood.

   The towering ancient city wall collapsed and disintegrated in a sea of ​​blood, turning into countless masonry debris.

   Row upon row of houses, tall buildings and palaces, quickly melted in a sea of ​​blood, turning into mud and dust.

   Hundreds of thousands of Li people were also eroded by a sea of ​​blood, and their bodies quickly corroded and festered, turning them into white bones.

   Although the people in Lanfeng City are martial artists, most of them have strength above the Yuan Dan realm.

   However, the warriors below the crossing the tribulation realm cannot resist the erosion of the blood sea purgatory.

   Even the geniuses and powerhouses of the Primordial Divine Realm can only struggle for a while before being taken their lives and turning them into skeletons.

   In the entire Lanfeng City, there are only two strongmen who cross the Tribulation Realm, who are the ancestors of the city owner and a large family.

   But these two powerhouses only have the second and third powers of Crossing Tribulation Realm ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After struggling for half an hour in the sea of ​​blood, they were destroyed.

   Their primordial spirit was quickly killed by Xiao Ming.

   After only a quarter of an hour, most of Lanfeng City was destroyed and turned into a pile of rubble.

   All the city walls and buildings have turned into rubble and scum, sinking in a sea of ​​blood.

   More than seven hundred thousand warriors and people, all of them were killed and turned into mountains of bones and skeletons.

   The flesh and blood and soul of these people were all swallowed by Xiao Ming, which greatly increased his mana.

   In the blood sea purgatory, the waves of blood are surging to the sky, with dense white bones floating, it is extremely terrifying.

   Three envoys were also killed.

   The willow envoy was killed by Xiao Ming, and before he died, he was struck by a thousand swords, and his body was twisted into pieces by the magic blade.

   Even his primordial spirit was destroyed by Xiao Ming using secret methods and swallowed.

   The Envoy of Du also died, and was bombarded and killed by Xiao Ming with the magical secret technique, destroying his body and soul.

   Only the purple robe **** envoy survived.

   It is not that he is strong, but Xiao Ming spared his life and did not kill him.

   But he was also subjected to extremely cruel torture, both hands and feet were cut off, the soul was severely injured, and he was dying.

   Xiaoming stood in the sky above the sea of ​​blood, looking down at him condescendingly, and said in a cold tone: "My lord spares you a bitter life and lets you go back and spread the word.

   This massacre is Beimingshan’s warning!

   If the Kingdom of Luoshui dared to invade Beiming Mountain again, more than 700,000 people would be slaughtered next time...

   The anger of Beimingshan is enough to destroy the kingdom of Luoshui and stain the world with blood! "

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