Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1735: ruins

Luoshen Mountain.

   Long Po Po, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao are waiting patiently.

   It was close to noon, but the three envoys had not returned yet.

   The sky outside the main hall was gray, and the hearts of the three were covered with a faint haze, with some bad premonitions.

   After a long silence, Yun Yao couldn't help but ask: "Long Po Po, based on time, the three divine envoys should have returned?

   Why are they still missing? Could something be delayed on the road? "

   Long Po Po had the same thoughts and concerns in her heart, but she calmed down and nodded slightly: "Perhaps it is. Let's wait."

   The hall became quiet again.

   Unknowingly, a quarter of an hour passed.

   Suddenly, a stream of light flew from the sky, through the gray clouds in the sky, and into the hall.


   The streamer flew to the front of Long Po Po.

   Long Po Po's heart felt a little bit, she stretched out her hand and grasped her aura in her palm.

   Guanghua dissipated, and a jade slip of communication appeared in her palm.

   She frowned, her divine consciousness invaded the jade slip to check the news in the jade slip.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao were also awakened, and they both turned their heads to look at her, revealing suspicious eyes.

   When Long Po Po finished reading the contents of the jade slip, her brows frowned and her complexion became dignified and cold.

   "Not good! Something happened!"

   Long Po Po gave a low voice, put the jade away and flew outside the hall.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao hurriedly followed, and they flew outside and asked: "Long Po Po, what happened?"

   "On their way back, the three envoys were attacked by a strong ghost clan near Lanfeng City..."

  While talking, Long Po Po came to the outside of the main hall, offered a celestial boat, and took them into the flying boat.

   She drove the flying boat and rushed to Lanfeng City like a stream of light.

   With anxiety in her heart, she tried her best to push the speed of Tianjizhou to the limit.

   One hundred thousand miles away, she arrived in just one hour.

  The power of the martial sage is undoubtedly manifested.


   The ice-blue streamer cut through the sky like thunder.

   An hour later, Tianjizhou finally reached the sky above Lanfeng City.

   After Long Po Po took off the boat, she, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao appeared in the sky at the same time.

   The three of them stood on the sky, looking down at the scene below.

   I saw, below is an endless plain with green grass.

   dozens of miles away, is an ancient city.

   However, the city that should have been prosperous and prosperous has now become ruins.

   Eighty percent of the city with a radius of a hundred miles was turned into ruins, and the ground was messy.

   The ancient and majestic city walls, row upon row of houses, and those majestic palaces, all turned into debris on the floor.

   The earth is covered with bricks and stones, and all kinds of chaotic debris.

  In some mountainous ruins, occasionally some skeletons and bones can be seen.

   The earth showed a dark red color, revealing a strong blood.

   Within a hundred miles of the sky, there is still a strong magical energy and a pungent smell of blood.

   The sky above Lanfeng City was even more covered by a thick blood-red cloud, even if the wind blows.

   What a tragic sight!

   There is only one corner of the entire Lanfeng City, and about 20% of the area is still well preserved.

   The city walls and buildings in that area are all intact.

   Hundreds of thousands of warriors and people who lived in it also survived.

   But everyone was shocked, panic and desperate to the extreme, abandoning the city and fleeing, scattered on the vast plain.

   For thousands of years, Lanfeng City has been peaceful and peaceful, and there has never been such a terrible disaster.

   For those warriors and people, this is a catastrophe they have never experienced.

   Long Po Po and Ji Tianxing, after seeing the scene of Lanfeng City, were stunned on the spot, and their faces became extremely ugly.

   "Damn it! Let's be one step late!" Long Po Po's angry face was blue, and murderous intent surged in her eyes.

   Ji Tianxing also showed a murderous face, and shouted in a cold tone: "A huge city, nearly a million people, has been destroyed!"

   Yunyao was angry and puzzled, and couldn't help but ask: "What is going on here? How many powerhouses have the demons dispatched to cause such a tragic situation?"

   While talking, the three of them all released their spiritual knowledge and explored the ruins of Lanfeng City, hoping to find clues.

  Long Po Po's divine sense, covering a radius of two hundred li, searching everywhere for the traces of three divine envoys.

   Lanfeng City was destroyed and hundreds of thousands of people disappeared, which certainly made her angry.

   But she knew very well that only by finding three envoys as soon as possible could she know what happened.

   After about a hundred breaths of time, her spiritual sense suddenly detected that there was a familiar breath on the grassland a hundred miles away from the ruins of Lanfeng City.

   It was a low mound, covered by lush forest.

   The familiar breath passed from the forest, a little faint, and fleeting.

   Long Po Po teleported away without hesitation.


   She flickered a few times before she came to the mound and entered the dense forest.

   Divine consciousness spread out like mercury, covering the entire mound.

   She soon discovered that a man in a purple robe covered with blood and suffering miserable injuries was hiding a hundred feet deep underground.

   The man in the purple robe ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is one of the gods of Luoshenshan, whose surname is Mo.

   Long Po Po hurriedly performed a secret technique, waved her palm and shot out a colorful streamer, and plunged into the depths of the earth.

   The colorful streamer turned into a giant palm, wrapped the Mo God Envoy and rescued from the ground.

   When Long Po Po saw the condition of Mo Shenshi's injury, she immediately took a breath, only feeling that her back was cold.

   Mo Divine Envoy lay on the ground dying, his whole body soaked with blood, mixed with mud, like a blood-colored clay figure.

   His hands and feet were cut off, revealing Bai Sensen's stubble.

  The front chest, back, waist and abdomen are filled with dense blood holes, and the internal organs are flowing out.

   Even his cheeks and head are completely unrecognizable, not humanoid anymore.

   It's a miracle that the body of Mo Divine Envoy is still alive!

   "Mo Shenshi! What the **** is going on? Who hurt you like this?"

   Long Granny stared at the Mo Divine Envoy with scorching eyes, and asked with gritted teeth.

   Mo God Envoy lay on the ground, twitching silently.

  His consciousness has been blurred. Hearing the voice of Long Po Po, he was stunned for a moment before repliing hoarsely: "It's the devil... Xiao Ming! He is lurking in... the blood skull..."

   There is a blood hole in his throat, and the air leaks when he speaks, and his voice is vague.

   Every time he says a word, he has to make great efforts.

   Long Po Po probably understood what he meant, and quickly comforted: "I understand, you don't have to worry, I will help you heal your injury first!"

   After all, she cast a cyan light with a secret method, covering the Mo God.

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