Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1737: The answer

The meaning of Long Po Po is obvious.

  On the Shenwu Continent, the three great kingdoms have always been respected.

   In addition to the three great kingdoms of God, there are many forces and races on the mainland, and Beiming Mountain is just one of them.

   But these races and forces are very weak, and they must be kept low-key in order to continue, and they never dare to oppose the three kingdoms of God.

   In the past ten thousand years, the ghost tribe of Beimingshan has been dormant.

   But for nearly a thousand years, the ghost clan has been active and courageous, even daring to challenge the Kingdom of Luoshui.

   In recent years, the ghost clan has become more unscrupulous and acts more arrogant.

   A large number of strong ghost clan invaded the border, sneaked into the Kingdom of Luoshui, creating disasters everywhere.

   Until now, Xiao Ming even sneaked into the vicinity of Luoshen Mountain, destroyed most of Lanfeng City, and massacred 700,000 people!

   This is definitely a great provocation, and the Kingdom of Luoshui will never give up.

   It’s just that Long Po Po can’t figure it out, where does the ghost tribe’s confidence come from?

   Isn't the ghost tribe not afraid, Luoshui Wushen personally led the army to crush Beiming Mountain in one fell swoop?

   Regarding Long Po Po’s doubts, Ji Tianxing knew everything well, and explained without hesitation: "Long Po Po, this question is actually very simple.

   In the ancient times, the demons slaughtered the world, incurring the outrage of all races, and were surrounded and suppressed by the powerful of all races and the gods.

   In the end, the demons were destroyed, and many powerful men and demons fell.

   Ten thousand tribes withered, and most of the gods of each tribe fell and died in battle.

   After the ancient wars, the surviving races have to recuperate.

   Demon clan can only shrink back a corner, and dare not show up again, lest they be strangled by various clan groups. "

   Speaking of this, Ji Tianxing pointed to the north with a sneer on his face and said: "Those despicable and cunning demons are hiding in Beiming Mountain and renamed them Ghosts, hoping to hide from the people of the world.

   Tens of thousands of years have passed, they are strong enough to recuperate.

   But after all, they are evil and greedy demons, unable to contain the bloodthirsty and killing in their bones, and they become eager to move.

   They think that tens of thousands of years have wiped out history, making all races forget their sins.

   Therefore, they began to explore gradually, step by step out of Beiming Mountain, and expand to the outside world.

   The most important thing is that they used to have no heads, no strong men from the Martial God realm, and no spiritual leaders.

   But now, they have a common leader and become more unified and united.

   Therefore, their ultimate goal must be to destroy the great kingdoms, slaughter the common people, and occupy the entire Shenwu continent! "

   Ji Tianxing's tone is very determined, full of hatred and killing intent.

   Long Po Po was stunned immediately, staring at him incredulously, her eyes shining brightly.

   She did not expect that the origins of the Beimingshan Ghost Clan were so complicated.

   In her impression, the fragile ghost clan has such great ambitions!

   After a long time, she came back to her senses, and asked incredulously: "Tianxing, you... how do you know these things?"

   Ji Tianxing explained: "Long Po Po, although I can't tell you why, I promise with my personality that these are absolutely true!

   If you don’t believe me, you can report my original words to the Lord without missing a word. "

   Long Po Po was taken aback, and gently shook her head and said, "No, of course I believe you.

   In fact, the old man has some understanding of these ancient history and secrets.

  It’s just that the old body is not as thorough as you understand it, and the future will be clear.

correct! You just said that the ghost race of Beimingshan...oh no, it's the demons. They have a common leader?

   What's going on? The highest leader of Beiming Mountain, isn't it a few great demon saints? "

   Ji Tianxing shook his head and explained: "The great demon saints can only be regarded as the strongest of Beimingshan, and they are definitely not the leader of the demon clan.

  In ancient times, the demons all over the world respected the ancestor Demon God as their leader.

  In the battle of the gods, the ancestor Demon God was jointly annihilated by the gods of all races and fell on the battlefield.

   However, the ancestor Demon God retained a trace of the remnant soul, and after 30,000 years, he was reborn with the help of the powerful demon clan.

   Now that the ancestor Demon God returns to Beiming Mountain, several great demon sages, thirty-six demon kings, and countless demons must respect it as the ancestor and be regarded as the leader! "

   Long Po Po was dumbfounded, and said in disbelief: "Ancestor Demon God? Ancestor of Demon Race?!

   It fell in ancient times, after 30,000 years...Can it be reborn?

   So, isn’t there a Valkyrie in the Demon Race of Beiming Mountain now? "

   The impact of this news on Long Po Po was too great, making her anxious, and she just wanted to report the news to the God of Luoshui immediately.

   Ji Tianxing waved his hand quickly and explained: "Long Po Po, don't worry too much, the ancestor Demon God has only reborn soon, and the strength is still very weak, it is impossible to return to the Martial God Realm.

   But in my estimation, it has at least recovered to the Tribulation Realm now, not far from the Martial Saint Realm.

   After all, it is the ancestor of the demon clan, and it shouldn’t be long before the gods of the past want to return to the Martial God Realm.

   This matter, you still have to report it to the Lord, and the Lord will make the decision. "

   Long Po Po was only a little relieved, and said with a worried expression: "In the ancient times, the strength of the ancestor Demon God in the heyday of the ancestors must far exceed the Martial God Realm.

   If it were to recuperate in Beiming Mountain~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it would be possible to return to the Martial God Realm after ten or eight years.

   If this is true, Beimingshan will have the capital to contend with the three great kingdoms.

   No wonder that Beiming Mountain is so rampant that it dared to sneak into the territory of the kingdom of God and destroy Lanfeng City as a warning! "

   Until now, Long Po Po has completely understood the situation.

   She knew that she was unable to resolve the matter, so she prepared to report all these news to Luoshui Wushen.

   "Heaven's going, things shouldn't be too late, the old man will report the news to the gods.

   You are here for a while, after the old man is finished, come to purify the blood skeleton. "

   After that, Long Po Po got up and left the study, entered the secret room, and reported the news in secret.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao stayed in the study, waiting patiently.

   After half an hour, Long Po Po reported the news and returned to the secret room.

   Seeing her dignified face, Ji Tianxing asked: "Long Po Po, what did the **** master say?"

   "The **** master already knows, she has her own decision, we can wait for the order." Long Po Po responded in a low tone.

   Then, she took out an ice blue box from the space ring and placed it on the table in front of her.

   This palm-sized box is exactly the ice crystal coffin that has shrunk countless times.

   A blood-red skeleton lying quietly in the ice crystal coffin, nothing unusual.

   "Tianxing, you can cast spells now."

   Grandma Long waved her palm to unleash majestic mana and poured it into the ice crystal coffin.

   Suddenly, the ice crystal coffin fell on the ground and immediately restored to its original size, almost occupying the entire study room.

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