Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1738: Tianjue's visit

Ji Tianxing reached out and pushed off the lid of the ice crystal coffin.

   He stood beside the ice crystal coffin, looking at the blood skull in the coffin, and carefully observed for a moment.

   The blood skull lay motionless, his whole body shone with dark red blood, exuding a powerful and evil aura.

   Ji Tianxing lifted his palms, silently urging the power of replenishing the dzi, releasing two sacred white lights into the ice crystal coffin.

   Suddenly, the blood skull was shrouded in sacred white light.

   Countless blood-red air currents gush out from its body and quickly dissipate under the purification of white light.

   The blood skull was originally sealed. At this moment, its devilish energy and power quickly passed away, and it was suddenly awakened.

   It struggled hard, its body shook violently, and **** flames lit up in its deep-set eyes.

   Seeing this scene, Long Po Po was on guard for fear that it would rush out of the crystal coffin and violently hurt people.

   But, it turns out that she was too worried.

   The sacred white light envelops the blood skull, no matter how hard it struggles, it is difficult to break free.

   As time goes by, more and more blood and devil energy gush out from its body, and its power is quickly fading.

   After a short period of a few hundred breaths, the lower half of its body changed from blood red to normal grayish white.

   After another quarter of an hour, the devilish energy on its upper body has all disappeared, and the scarlet flames in its eyes have also gone out.

   The devilish energy and blood energy of the whole blood skeleton disappeared, turning into a lifeless gray skeleton.

   Ji Tianxing stopped then and recovered the sacred white light.

   "Okay, Yu Wei's bones have been purified and can be put into the soil for safety."

   Hearing the words, Long Po Po released her spiritual consciousness and carefully examined Yu Wei's bones.

   After confirming that the bones are normal and contain no devilish energy, she showed a relieved expression and said, "Tian Xing, your method is really incredible.

   Yu Wei's bones have been refined for thousands of years, and her devilish nature has long been ingrained, even if she is too old to take action.

   You have cleaned Yu Wei's bones in such a short time... it's incredible! "

   While talking, Long Po Po waved her hand to lift the lid of the ice crystal coffin and closed the coffin.

   "Now that the task given by the **** is finally completed, Yu Wei's bones will be buried another day. I hope she can also go to reincarnation smoothly."

   After speaking, Long Po Po shrank the ice crystal coffin numerous times and put it away.


   Three days later, Yu Wei's funeral was held on Luoshen Mountain.

   Yu Wei's bones are buried in the back mountain, a very clean and undisturbed place.

   Long Po Po presided over the funeral, several envoys and many gods attended.

   Although the funeral is relatively simple, the atmosphere is solemn and solemn, which can be regarded as an explanation and comfort to Yu Wei.

   After the funeral, Luoshenshan returned to peace.

   In the next few days, Long Po Po and several envoys were busy with official duties.

  Following the orders of the God of Luoshui, several envoys must urge the major empires to search for traces of the demons' activities in the territory.

   Once the demons are discovered, the major empires can encircle and kill them without asking for any reason.

   In addition, the major empires also followed the orders of the Martial God of Luoshui and dispatched elite troops to the northern border.

   The defense of the northern border of the Kingdom of God has been strengthened day by day, especially the area adjacent to Beiming Mountain, which has established a tight and powerful defense line.

   Various signs indicate that the Kingdom of Luoshui will never compromise with Beiming Mountain.

  The war may come soon.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao returned to the secret room, and went to practice in retreat.

   The previous incident made both of them realize that the demons in Beimingshan were about to move.

   Before long, the calm of Shenwu Continent will be broken and the situation will become chaotic.

   If the troubled times come, you must have enough force to settle down and kill the demons.

   Unconsciously, half a month passed.

   Ji Tianxing spent fifteen days in retreat, and his strength finally reached the ninth peak of the Primordial Divine Realm.

   It's a pity that he didn't sense the aura related to the Tribulation, and it was a long time before he broke through the Tribulation Realm.

   Yunyao's strength has also been greatly improved, and it has reached its peak.

   She has sensed the aura of Heavenly Tribulation, and it will come in about a month.

   The early morning of the sixteenth day.

   Black Eagle and Jin Long came to the door of the two secret rooms respectively, knocking on the door to wake Yun Yao and Ji Tianxing.

   "Tell the master, Long Po Po sent someone to send orders to call all the gods to the meeting hall, and there are important things to announce."

   "Enlighten Master Ji, Long Po Po has orders..."

   When Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao heard the news, they both ended their cultivation and opened their eyes.

   "Long Po Po summoned everyone to the discussion hall? Is there something big? It has something to do with the demons of Beimingshan?" Ji Tianxing frowned in doubt, secretly wondering.

   With doubts and expectations, he got up and walked out of the secret room and entered the room.

   Yunyao had just finished her cultivation and was about to stand up from the throne. Suddenly she felt a flower in front of her, staggered and almost fell to the ground.

   A sudden strange sensation surged from her abdomen, making her pale, and she couldn't help retching twice.

   Fortunately, that very uncomfortable feeling disappeared quickly.

She immediately returned to normal, just subconsciously touching her aching lower abdomen, and muttering to herself: "Strange, I have refined the Eternal Life Orb, and my body and soul have been strengthened, so how can I suddenly feel uncomfortable? ?

   Could it be that the catastrophe is approaching...what bad effect will it have on me? "

   There is a hint of doubt in her eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Some worry is faint.

   Outside the secret room, Ji Tianxing's voice came, calling her.

   So, she suppressed the doubt in her heart, put the matter aside, and quickly got up and walked out of the secret room.

   After a while, the two left Yunshui Palace together and rushed to the conference hall.

   When the two arrived at the conference hall, it was when the morning sun was rising, the sun was shining brightly.

   Two groups of imposing golden armored guards lined up on the steps outside the main hall, appearing very solemn and majestic.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao stepped into the main hall, and they saw eight other gods who had arrived, standing quietly in the main hall.

   On the throne in the north of the main hall, a long grandmother in full dress sits on it, with a noble and majestic face.

   As for the envoys, they have all left the Luoshen Mountain and went to the major empires to handle affairs.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao entered the main hall, and after saluting Long Po Po, they stood on the left and right sides of the main hall, facing each other.

   Seeing that the people were all there, Granny Long said solemnly: "Today, the old man calls everyone here to announce an important news.

   As early as half a month ago, the old man got the news that Tianjue Divine Kingdom had dispatched a mission to visit Luoshen Mountain.

   Just now, the mission of the Kingdom of Heaven and Jue sent a message saying that they were about to arrive at Luoshen Mountain.

   Tianjue Kingdom suddenly sent a mission to visit, but I don’t know what it meant.

   But no matter what, we at Luoshenshan must not neglect, we must be cautious in receiving..."

   has been updated today.

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