Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1742: Can't afford that face

"How Bi Hufa thinks has nothing to do with the old body."

  Long Po Po turned a blind eye to Bi Qing's anger, and replied neither salty nor indifferent.

   Bi Qing became more and more irritated, only feeling that his face was lost and he could not stay any longer.

   "Long Po Po, I kindly come to offer gifts and discuss with you about borrowing treasures, but I didn't expect you to have such an attitude.

   This seat will ask you one last time, the **** against the water, does your country borrow it or not? "

  Although Bi Qing was furious, he had not fainted yet, and he still focused on the overall situation, thinking about the sword against the water.

  Grandma Long shook her head, and said in a calm tone: "After the protection of the law, the old man just said that the **** against the water is a divine weapon, how can it be easily borrowed?

  The old man can’t be the master. If your country is really sincere, it’s better to let Tianjuewu Shen go to the Lord of Luoshui himself..."

   The meaning of these words is very clear.

  Bi Qing also had nothing to say, and said with a cold face: "Okay! Since your country is so unkind, regardless of the relationship between the two countries, there is nothing to say.

   Today’s matter, we will report to the Lord in detail..."

   Before he could finish speaking, Long Po Po said blankly: "Bi Hufa walks slowly, please forgive the old body's inconvenience, I will not see you off."

   "You...you!" Bi Qing was even more angry, almost unable to lift it up in one breath.

   Long Po Po is a strong martial artist, and she was okay just now, welcoming the delegation on the square.

   Now she says she has inconvenience in her legs and feet. She clearly doesn't want to see off, and even the basic etiquette is exempt.

   Bi Qing was humiliated and almost vomited blood, and walked away full of anger.

   Under the strange gazes of everyone, he left the hall with a green expression and came to the square.

   Meng Fei quickly greeted him, and asked with a gloomy face: "Second guardian, what shall we do next..."

   Before he could finish speaking, Bi Qing yelled coldly: "Go!"

   Then, Bi Qing offered a flying boat, took Meng Fei and two black armored guards, and quickly left Luoshen Mountain.

   After a long time, the anger of Bi Qing and Meng Fei gradually subsided, and then they calmed down.

   Meng Fei touched his robe, looked down again, suddenly remembered something, and his face suddenly changed.


   Bi Qing sat across from him. Seeing that his expression was different, he asked with a calm face, "Meng Fei? What's wrong?"

   "Second Guardian, I..." Meng Fei hesitated for a while before he said nervously, "When I was thrown out of the hall by Ji Tianxing, the treasure box fell in the hall..."

   "What?" Bi Qing suddenly glared, full of anger broke out again.

   "You idiot! If you can't even look at a treasure box, what use is it for you?

   Not only did we not borrow the God Sword Against the Water, we also threw the real gold of the Skyfire Glazed Glass on Luoshen Mountain... I was so angry! ! "

   Meng Fei straightened his neck when he was scolded. After a while, he mustered up the courage and tried to say, "Second guardian, or... or should we go back and get it?"

   Bi Qing glared at him with a cold face, and cursed: "Are you a pig brain? You've already flown so far, and then run back to get the treasure box?

   You can be shameless, I can't afford to lose that face! "

   "..." Meng Fei was speechless and could only shut up obediently and bowed his head in a gesture of repentance.

   Bi Qing was silent for a moment, before his anger subsided a lot, and he whispered in a cold tone: "The Kingdom of Luoshui is really getting more and more shameless, dare to blatantly confront his own country.

  If this is the case, don’t blame the country for being ruthless, let’s take a look! "

   Meng Fei also clenched his fists secretly, thinking of Ji Tianxing’s words in his mind, a thick flash of light flashed in his eyes

  -----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

   Novel netizens, please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

  ----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

  'S hatred.


   On Luoshen Mountain, in the conference hall.

   After Bi Qing and others left, the originally silent hall immediately became lively.

   Ye Qingluo, Lu Xiaomeng, and Zou Bin all gathered around Ji Tianxing and talked with excitement.

   "Big brother, that hand you just now was so shocking, all of us looked stupid!"

   "Haha, everyone has long been uncomfortable with that Bi Qing and Meng Fei, and ran to Luoshen Mountain to show off their power.

   The big brother is still cruel enough to throw that kid out in public, it's too slapped and deflated! "

   "It's not only that we didn't expect it, but that kid and Bi Qing certainly didn't expect that the big brother should be so decisive, so domineering!"

   Several **** disciples talked about the matter just now, they were all excited and very supportive and admired for Ji Tianxing.

   Ji Tianxing just smiled faintly and didn't say much.

   At this time, Long Po Po walked into the hall and came in front of everyone.

   Her face is a bit solemn, and there is a look of worry between her eyebrows.

   The disciples immediately calmed down, and they were all silent.

   Without waiting for Long Po Po to speak, Yun Yao first defended Ji Tianxing: "Long Po Po, Tian Xing was not blamed for what happened just now. It was Meng Fei who spoke rudely first, Tian Xing warned him..."

   Obviously, Yun Yao knew that today's negotiations had broken down, and worried that Long Po Po would blame Ji Tianxing.

   But before she finished speaking, Long Po Po waved her hand and said, "Yun Yao, you don't have to defend Tian Xing, you know everything physically and mentally, and you don't mean to blame Tian Xing.

   Please rest assured, no matter whether our Luoshui Kingdom is strong or not, we will never punish our disciples and people in order to please foreign enemies. "

   Yun Yao was relieved after hearing what Long Po Po said.

   All the gods also felt warm and proud.

   Ji Tianxing looked at Long Po Po, and solemnly analyzed the tone: "Long Po Po, the people of Tianjue Divine Kingdom are not good at coming~www.wuxiaspot.com~ From the very beginning, Luoshui Divine Kingdom was not in the eyes.

  Moreover, Bi Qing and Meng Fei are domineering, and their attitudes are disgusting.

   Tianjue Kingdom only sent two people, Bi Qing and Meng Fei, to give a piece of real gold from the sky fire glaze. They wanted to borrow the God Sword against the Water. It was just a dream!

   I have a hunch, I am afraid that this matter is not that simple, I am afraid that there will be a follow-up conspiracy in Tianjue Divine Kingdom? "

   Long Po Po nodded in agreement, and solemnly said: "Yes, Tian Xing, your analysis is completely correct.

   It's just a piece of real gold of Skyfire Glazed Glass. Although it is a top gem material, it can't be compared with the God Sword Against the Water!

  The old man is just worried that it is a fake for Tianjue Kingdom to borrow the Excalibur. The real purpose is to find an excuse to provoke a dispute between the borders of the two countries and **** the treasures of resources...

  Before, Beiming Mountain invaded the kingdom of God, caused chaos in the kingdom of God, and slaughtered the people of Li people.

   Now there is another heavenly Kingdom of God to provoke troubles... The Kingdom of God is in a state of internal and external troubles, I am afraid it will be a troubled autumn, stormy! "

   At this moment, Lu Xiaomeng suddenly discovered something and let out an exclamation.

   "Hey! That old fellow Bi Qing didn't even take the treasure box away?"

   Everyone turned their heads to look at her, and saw that she was picking up a sandalwood treasure box from the ground.

   The treasure box contained real gold of Tianhuo Liuli.

   Lu Xiaomeng held the sandalwood treasure box in both hands and presented it to Long Po Po.

   Granny Long thought for a moment, and waved her hand: "Tian Xing, since you came to Luoshen Mountain, the old man has not rewarded you with any resources or treasures.

   The sky fire colored glaze real gold in this treasure box is given to you. "

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