Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1743: Hunting dragon

Skyfire colored glaze real gold is the top refining material, capable of refining holy magic weapons.

   Even for Luoshenshan, it is also a rare treasure.

   However, Luoshenshan does not lack this material for the time being.

   So, Long Po Po made a favor and gave it to Ji Tianxing.

   Of course, Ji Tianxing would not refuse, and naturally accepted this gift.

   "Thank you Long Po Po, then I am disrespectful."

   While talking, he reached out and took the sandalwood treasure box and put it in the space ring.

   At the same time, Funeral Tian was reminding him in his mind: "Unexpectedly, the people of the Heavenly Jue Divine Kingdom would actually send a piece of real gold from the Heavenly Fire Glazed Glass, which is cheaper for you.

   With the Skyfire Glazed Glaze real gold, and then gather the other three materials, I can repair the sword. "

   There is no doubt that, as early as a year ago, Funeral Tian told Ji Tianxing what materials are needed to repair the Excalibur.

   It's a pity that during this year, Ji Tianxing spent most of his time practicing in retreat, and he never had the opportunity to go out to explore and search for refinery materials.

   Therefore, the repair of the Heaven Burial Sword has been put on hold repeatedly, and the corresponding materials have not yet been collected.

   When Bi Qing took out the real gold of the sky-fire colored glaze, the funeral reminded Ji Tianxing again.

   Ji Tianxing was still thinking about how to get the real gold of Tianhuo Liuli.

  The development of the following things is beyond everyone's expectations.

  Neither did he expect to obtain the material in this way.

   At this time, Long Po Po said to everyone: "Everyone, that's all for today's affairs. Let's go away.

   In addition, everyone must be tight-lipped and never spread the matter. "

   Several **** disciples bowed and saluted one after another, said to obey orders, and then left the conference hall one after another.

   After a while, only Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao and Long Po Po were left in the hall.

  Ji Tianxing saw that everyone was gone, so he couldn't help but ask the doubts in his heart, "Grandma Long, the Flame Mountain that Bi Qing said, and the glazed fire dragon, is the news true?"

   Long Po Po's face solemnly nodded and said: "This is true! The Flame Mountain is located in the God Ruins. The God Ruins are originally the junction of the three God Kingdoms and do not belong to any God Kingdom.

   As early as ten thousand years ago, the Flame Mountain had always existed, and it was very dangerous there.

   Regardless of whether it is a strong person who crosses the Tribulation Realm or the Martial Saint Realm, if he rushes into the Flame Mountain, he may die.

   However, the flame mountain has a vast area, and there are endless mineral veins hidden in the ground.

   After the refining of the glazed sky fire, those mineral veins have long become extremely pure, and I don't know how many rare gems and mineral materials have been born. "

   Hearing this, Ji Tianxing's eyes had a look of expectation.

   He had plans to repair the Heaven Burial Sword in his heart, so he was particularly interested in mineral materials.

  Long Po Po frowned for a moment and then continued: "As for that glazed fire dragon, it appeared as early as three thousand years ago.

   At that time, a group of adventurers from the God Ruins discovered the glazed fire dragon and tried their best to arrest them.

   As a result, dozens of adventurers joined forces to besiege, but they couldn't help but get killed.

   Since then, the glazed fire dragon has disappeared, and many powerful people rushed to search for it, but could not find it.

   Until two thousand years ago, the glazed fire dragon appeared again.

  Many empire powers, many strong people in the adventure group, all heard the wind and rushed to round up it.

   However, the glazed fire dragon once again slaughtered countless strong men and escaped smoothly back into the Flame Mountain.

   Thousands of years ago, the glazed fire dragon appeared again, still setting off a **** storm, and then hiding in the Flame Mountain..."

   After listening to Long Po Po's narration, Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and said: "In this way, the lair of the glazed fire dragon is the Flame Mountain. It will appear every thousand years?"

   "Not bad." Long Po Po nodded.

   Ji Tianxing frowned slightly, and continued to ask: "The glazed fire dragon has appeared three times, and even if it was surrounded by countless forces and powerful men, it was not captured.

   In addition to relying on the flame mountain, its strength must be very strong, right? "

  Long Po Po thought for a moment, and nodded: "It is said that when the glazed fire dragon appeared thousands of years ago, she had already survived eight calamities.

   With the talent and aptitude of the Shenlong, he must have completed the Nine Heavens Tribulation and reached the Martial Saint Realm. "

   Ji Tianxing frowned, and after a moment of silence, he asked again: "Long Po Po, can the God against the Water really suppress the Flame Mountain and restrain the glazed fire dragon?"

   Long Po Po did not hesitate, and said with a certain tone: "Of course."

   Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, revealing a hint of doubt, "Why didn't Luoshui Martial God take action and subdue the Liuli Fire Dragon?"

   Long Po Po was taken aback, and then she shook her head and chuckled: "The sky is incompatible with fire and water. Even if the glazed fire dragon is noble and incompatible with the breath of the god, the **** will not like it."

   Ji Tianxing murmured in his heart: "The glass fire dragon dreamed of by the world's strongest, but Luoshui Martial God is indifferent, just because he doesn't like it...it's a reason to be casual."

  Grandma Long looked at him, and asked in a low tone: "Tianxing, you are so concerned about the Liuli Fire Dragon, isn't it... you want to catch it?"

   Yunyao also saw the clue and guessed his mind.

   Ji Tianxing didn't hide it, nodded and said: "Long Po Po, the people of Tianjue Divine Kingdom can't want it. We have the sword against the water, why not try it?

  If you can catch the glazed fire dragon, it will greatly increase the power of the Kingdom of Luoshui! "

   Long Po Po smiled bitterly and shook her head and said: "Tian Xing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ countless powerhouses have tried their best, but they have not been able to surrender the glazed fire dragon... this thing is not that simple."

   "Okay!" Ji Tianxing nodded, "Then step back and say that even if you can't catch the glazed fire dragon, it is a big gain to enter the Flame Mountain and mine the underground veins and gems."

   "This..." Long Po Po suddenly hesitated, frowning in consideration.

   Yunyao glanced at Ji Tianxing, and secretly asked, "Tianxing, why do you want to go to the Flame Mountain so much? Are you interested in that glazed fire dragon? Or are you looking for mineral vein materials?"

   Others didn't know, but Yun Yao knew very well that Ji Tianxing originally owned a black dragon and an unrepaired divine sword.

   She guessed in her heart that Ji Tianxing is not very interested in the glazed fire dragon, and more likely to look for mineral veins and gem materials.

   Sure enough, Ji Tianxing replied through the sound transmission: "I am going to repair the Sky Burial Sword. Currently, only the Sky Fire Glazed Glass is real gold, and a few mineral materials are still lacking. I am going to the Flame Mountain to try my luck.

   As for the glazed fire dragon, it would be best if it could be caught. Even if it could not be caught, there would be no loss. "

   Yunyao nodded to express her understanding.

   Seeing that Long Po Po was still weighing, she said, "Long Po Po, I agree with Tian Xing's proposal!

   Glazed Fire Dragon is an unowned thing, and Flame Mountain is also in the God Ruins, not under the jurisdiction of the three great kingdoms.

  We have the sword against the water, so you can try it!

   Even if you can't catch the glazed fire dragon, you can get a large number of mineral vein gems, and you can enrich the treasure house.

   If you are in trouble, then I will go to see the Lord, and ask the Lord to grant the God Sword against the Water..."

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