Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1752: Go to Shenxu

Zhibai never lied, especially to Ji Tianxing.

   This is determined by his disposition. He would rather not speak than talk nonsense.

   was silent for a long time before he bowed his hand to Ji Tianxing and explained: "Know your master, Shou Heimoto has no intention of concealing it, but I don't want you to worry about it."

   "Of course I understand this." Ji Tianxing nodded, and said in a deep voice, "I just want to know, what happened?"

   Zhibai thought for a while, and replied: "The master guessed right, we did have trouble, and the other party was indeed a demon.

   After all, Tianzhu Mountain is in the north of Tianjue Kingdom, adjacent to the Three Kingdoms and Beiming Mountain.

  The demons of Beimingshan are different from the past. They no longer hide in a low-key manner, and have recently become extremely active. "

   Long Po Po had already revealed similar news before, and Ji Tianxing had already understood the situation.

   Hearing Zhibai's answer, he was not surprised, and continued to ask: "Did you two have a conflict with the Demon Race, or the Demon Race took action against Tianzhu Mountain?"

   Zhibai and Shouhei were both startled, a flash of splendor flashed in their eyes.

   Obviously, neither of them expected that Ji Tianxing's intuition was so sharp that he could see through the details at a glance.

   Shouhei quickly explained: "Master, please don't worry about this, Tianzhu Mountain can handle it."

   Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, and said solemnly: "In that case, I guessed it correctly. Has the Demon Race really attacked Tianzhu Mountain?"

   Zhibai added, "It's just some small-scale harassment, and the owner doesn't need to take it to heart."

   Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and didn't say much.

   Even if Tianzhu Mountain is attacked by the demons, he can't help now.

   The top priority, he must rush to Flame Mountain as soon as possible to collect materials for repairing the Excalibur.

   After a moment of silence, he said in a deep voice, "Since the ancestor Demon God came to the Shenwu Continent, the Demon Race of Beiming Mountain has become more and more rampant.

   Beiming Mountain has been dormant for tens of thousands of years, and it is strong enough to replenish its energy, and it has also waited for their ancestor leader.

   Judging from the current situation, the demons’ ambitions are difficult to contain, and I am afraid they will bring disaster to the world again.

   It's just that, in our current situation, it is not suitable to confront the demons head-on. "

   Zhibai and Shouhei both nodded in agreement.

   "The master is wise, and Daxian said the same."

   "The Great Immortal has been telling us that we have waited for thousands of years, and we have tolerated it.

   Now that the master has appeared, we must not be anxious, we must be more calm and careful..."

   Ji Tianxing nodded, and ordered: "Zhi Bai, Shou Hei, you advance into the sword world, retreat and heal your injuries.

   I have something to do, and I will leave Luoshenshan in the near future to go to the Shenxu.

   I will call you out when I need it. "

   Knowing Bai Shouhei bowed his hands at the same time, and said to obey orders.

   Then, Ji Tianxing took out the Heaven Burial Sword, opened the entrance to the world in the sword, and took the two in.

   Not long after, Yun Yao also finished her cultivation and walked out of the secret room.

   After two days of recuperation, her mental state and mana have reached the peak, and the martial art realm has also been consolidated.

   She told Black Eagle and Jinlong, and followed Ji Tian out of Yunshui Palace.

   After the two left Luoshen Mountain, Ji Tianxing summoned the black dragon and drove the black dragon to the Shenxu.

   Since the black dragon swallowed the dragon crystal, he has been in retreat for several months.

   Its strength has skyrocketed, and its size has undergone some changes.

   Today, it has reached the seventh level of the Primordial God Realm, and its body is more than two thousand meters long.

   But this is only the initial results, not the final effect of the Dragon Crystal.

   The true effect of that dragon crystal has not yet been brought into play.

   The black dragon needs to be refined for decades before it can completely absorb the power of the dragon crystal.


  Unconsciously, a month passed.

  The black dragon carried Ji Tianxing and Yunyao, flying across the sky quickly, and marching toward the northwest.

   In the first half of a month, the black dragon drove in the territory of the Kingdom of Luoshui, and there was nothing wrong with it, and no danger was encountered.

   However, in the next half month, everyone entered the territory of the Kingdom of Heaven and Jue.

   This area is the most remote territory of the Kingdom of Tianjue. It is close to the Shenxu and Beiming Mountain, so the environment is dangerous.

  During the journey of the black dragon, he often encountered danger.

   For example, there are powerful monsters attacking, and there are groups of adventure groups coming to besiege.

   Those monster beasts lurking in the mountains and rivers, as long as they can occupy the self-proclaimed overlord of one party, they are all powerful monsters that cross the tribulation realm.

   They sensed the breath of the black dragon, like a hungry wolf seeing a lamb, just wanting to kill it and devour it.

   For these monsters crossing the Tribulation Realm, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao can easily deal with them, either by killing them or repelling them.

   What makes Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao most troublesome is the adventure group that licks blood with knife-edges and does no evil.

   These adventure groups are all composed of warriors above the Yuanshen realm, ranging from dozens to a dozen.

  The leader among them has often reached the level of crossing the catastrophe.

   What these people say is the adventure group. With their rich expedition experience and strength, they explore various relics and forbidden places.

   In fact, this is a group of desperadoes who do no evil. In order to plunder resources and wealth, they do not hesitate to rob houses, murder and set fire.

   On the way to the Shenxu, the Black Dragon encountered two adventure groups.

   Without exception, the two adventure groups saw the black dragon and found that only Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao were on the dragon's back ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, and they both became malicious.

  In the world of martial arts, the dragon is unattainable, and only the three great warlords can control the beast.

   There are more and more common dragons, and they are the mounts and beasts that countless powerful people dream of.

   The warriors of the two adventure groups saw the legendary black dragon, of course they rushed forward desperately, trying to take it for themselves.

   In order to achieve their goals, both adventure groups are unscrupulous.

   traps, ambushes, poisoning, assassinations and siege, all kinds of means take turns in battle, just to kill Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao, and **** the black dragon.

   But the result is beyond doubt.

   The first adventure group had a small number of people, with only a dozen warriors, basically all of the strength of the Yuanshen realm, and the leader reached the first stage of the tribulation realm.

   When dealing with this adventurous group, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao used thunder means to kill more than a dozen people neatly.

   The scared souls of a few adventurers left and fled.

   And the second adventure group has a large number of people, more than 30 people, and all of them are elites from the fourth level of the Yuanshen realm.

   The leader of the regiment and military division are all strong men of the second and third levels of crossing the tribulation realm.

  The people in this adventure group know how to work together and perform their duties. The methods are cunning and changeable, which is very difficult.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao, entangled with this adventure group for nine days and nine nights, traveled a million miles.

   The two sides battled wits and bravely, using various means and secret methods, and finally decided the winner.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao are safe, and the black dragon is slightly injured.

   The adventure group suffered heavy casualties, and only a few people escaped.

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