Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1753: Flame Mountain

After more than forty days, the black dragon left Tianjue Divine Kingdom and entered the Divine Ruins.

   The vast and boundless ruins of the gods, covered with desolate gray-brown mountains, crisscross.

   The sky is full of gray clouds and it is gloomy, and the earth is also full of withered breath.

   As soon as he enters the God Ruins, he will feel depressed in his heart and his emotions will become even lower.

   After the previous events, the black dragon already has experience.

   No need to remind Ji Tianxing, it also knows that the ruins of the gods are very dangerous, and it is more careful.

   This evening, the black dragon is flying in the gray sky.

   Ji Tianxing was sitting on the back of the dragon, holding a map in his hand, and examining it carefully.

   According to the map's instructions, Huoyan Mountain is in the depths of the Shenxu, more than two million miles away from him.

   At the speed of the black dragon, it would take about half a month to arrive.

   Yunyao sat beside Ji Tianxing, meditating and adjusting her breath silently.

   In the past month or so, her realm of strength has been consolidated, and her combat effectiveness has also increased a lot.

   After Ji Tianxing put away the map, she also finished adjusting her breath and opened her eyes.

   She turned her head to look at Ji Tianxing beside her, and asked, "Tianxing, how long will it take for us to reach Flaming Mountain?"

   Ji Tianxing replied: "If there are no accidents, half a month is enough."

   Yunyao nodded, and then asked, "Tianxing, we have been away from Luoshen Mountain for more than 40 days. It stands to reason that you are about to overcome the calamity, right?"

   Ji Tianxing showed a slight smile, and said in a playful tone: "Yes, I often have feelings these days, and God conveys ideas to me in the dark.

   My catastrophe will come about half a month later. "

   Yunyao frowned, and said with some worry: "By then, aren't we in the Flame Mountain?"

   She thought about it for a moment, and said with a solemn expression: "Tian Xing, the Flame Mountain is very dangerous, it is not suitable for you to cross the catastrophe, accidents will definitely happen.

   In my opinion, we have to find a hidden place where no one will disturb you when you cross the catastrophe. "

   Ji Tianxing nodded and said: "I understand all of these, you don't have to worry, let's rush to Flame Mountain first."

   Yunyao was relieved to see that he was confident.


   Soon, half a month passed.

   In the afternoon of this day, the black dragon carrying Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao is about to arrive at the Flame Mountain.

  Hundreds of miles away, the two of them saw from the high sky that a skyrocketing flame appeared in the desolate mountains ahead.

   That is an area shrouded in red fire, in which there are several lofty mountains, all exuding crimson light, surrounded by fierce flames.

   Even though it was hundreds of miles away, Ji Tianxing could clearly feel the terrifying heat of the flame.

   The air was full of scorching heat, and even a trace of dark red fire was faintly visible.

   "Sure enough, it is the Flaming Mountain. Within a few hundred miles, there is a restricted area. A warrior whose strength is lower than that of the Yuanshen realm cannot stay here."

   Ji Tianxing looked at the Flame Mountain in the distance and said with emotion.

   Yunyao stood side by side with him on the dragon's back, looking around and observing the situation deeply.

   "Tian Xing, here has become a place of right and wrong, within a thousand miles, I am afraid there are several groups of people lurking."

   "Oh?" Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "It seems that the news of the appearance of the Liuli Fire Dragon will spread, and it will attract the coveting of the strong from all walks of life."

   He released his spiritual consciousness and stretched out in all directions, carefully exploring the sky and the earth.

   Soon he discovered that within dozens of miles around, there were traces of martial arts experts.

   Yunyao reminded again: "Tianxing, in order to prevent the tree from attracting the wind and causing unnecessary trouble, you should put the black dragon away."

   Ji Tianxing chuckled and nodded: "We came here on the black dragon. It's really too eye-catching. I guess it has attracted the attention of some powerful people."

   While talking, he took out the Sky Burial Sword and collected the black dragon into the sword world.

  At the same time, he called out Zhibai and Shouhei and let them follow in secret.

   After making preparations, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao flew across the sky and rushed to Huoyan Mountain.

  As the two quickly approached Huoyan Mountain, there were several pairs of eyes between the mountains and rivers hundreds of miles around, all peeping at them secretly.

   Half a quarter of an hour later, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao came to the vicinity of Huoyan Mountain.

  The closer you get to the Flame Mountain, the thinner the air between heaven and earth, and the more terrifying the temperature.

   The two stood fifty miles away from the Flame Mountain, stopped in the sky, and watched the Flame Mountain up close.

   I saw a few towering mountains as high as thousands of feet, lying between the mountains.

   Those mountains are crisscrossed and criss-crossed for thousands of miles, so you can't see the edge at a glance.

  The lofty mountain range of a thousand feet high, the mountain is very steep, almost straight.

   The surrounding mountains are gray-brown, covered with weathered rocks.

   But the Flame Mountain is different, the mountain is dark red, and reveals the color of pale gold.

   The mountain body was burned by the glazed sky fire. After thousands of years, the impurities have been removed, and it has become smooth and shiny like glazed tiles.

   In addition, the mountain is rich in mineral deposits.

   All kinds of mineral vein gems, only after being burnt and tempered by the glazed sky fire, did they appear pale gold.

   Ji Tianxing has no doubt that even if he digs a few stones on the Flame Mountain, it is a valuable treasure for ordinary warriors.

   When he and Yun Yao were observing Huoyan Mountain, the terrifying heat scorched them both.

   In the sky, there are still wisps of flames flying towards them.

   Every flame is as thin as hair~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but it contains a fierce and violent breath.

   He and Yun Yao had no choice but to use their magic power to form a thin shield on the body surface to resist the flame and high temperature erosion.

   At this moment, two figures flew from a distance and went straight to the Flame Mountain.

   There are two strong men, one old and one young.

   The old man has white beard and hair, wearing a purple robe, holding a golden whisk in his hand, and wearing a crown of three flowers and seven stars on his head, which is quite a bit of an extraordinary person.

   Following the old man is a young man in a black suit.

   This person is burly and sturdy, his face and breath are quite sharp, and his eyes are cold and sharp.

   He carried a bench-wide black epee on his back, with a breath of wind and thunder between his actions, and he was obviously a strong man who crossed the tribulation realm.

   When passing by Yun Yao and Ji Tianxing, the two paused for a while.

   The purple-robed old man tilted his head slightly, took a look at Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao, and said with a solemn expression: "Young man, this is not the place you should come to, leave quickly!"

   Ji Tianxing frowned slightly, and said blankly: "Where are we going and what to do with you? This Flame Mountain is not your territory!"

   The purple-robed old man was taken aback, a sneer flashed in his eyes, shook his head and stopped talking, as if he was too lazy to be familiar with Ji Tianxing.

  , it was the young man who was pretending to be very dissatisfied with Ji Tianxing's attitude, and shouted in a cold tone: "Boy, be polite!

   My master uncle kindly reminds you that you don’t want to see you die in vain, but you don’t know what to do! "

   The third update is here. The fourth chapter will be updated around 11 o'clock. Please wait a moment.

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