Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1760: Sacred Talisman

While Zhibai and Shouhei repelled the Ksitigarbha, Ji Tianxing performed his strongest trump card.

   He rushed to the front of the Ksitigarbha **** armor like a stream of light, and raised his left palm to release an endless golden flame.

   "God Killing Spear!"

  The golden flames that ruined the heavens and the earth condensed into a ten-foot-long spear that pierced the wound on the back of the Divine Armor.

   Ksitigarbha's defense is extremely strong, but the speed is not fast, and it is too late to perceive something wrong.


   With a dull loud noise, the Spear of God Killing pierced its back fiercely, penetrated its internal organs, and exploded.

   A large mass of flesh and blood and internal organs were all burned into coke by the golden flames.

   Ksitigarbha God Armor roared in pain, and he continuously sprayed blood and fleshy foam from his big mouth, struggling and rolling frantically in the ruins.

   Seeing this scene, Yun Yao decisively seized the opportunity and rushed over with the sword against the current.

   "Tianshui is one line, one sword is across the world!"

   She held the backwater divine sword in both hands and tried her best to cut out a hundred feet long ice blue sword light.


   Ksitigarbha Divine Armor couldn't avoid it, and was immediately cut in the back by Jianguang.

   The huge blood hole with a radius of ten feet was cut by the sword light, and a wound of twenty feet long was opened.

   Black and red blood is sprayed out like spring water.

   The terrifying cold air of the Divine Sword against the Water invaded its body, immediately freezing its flesh and blood and internal organs.

   It wailed a few times in pain, and a dark golden glazed fire poured out all over its body, desperately digging into the rubble ruins, trying to escape deep underground.

   Ji Tianxing had premeditated, how could he escape easily?

   He took out a mysterious black spell from the space ring, pinched the magic tactics with both hands, played a few glare, and activated the spell.

   "Sacred Talisman for Soul Fixing!"

   Following him with a low cry, the black sacred talisman ignited a flame, immediately turned into a black streamer, and flew toward the Divine Armor.


   The mysterious black streamer instantly penetrated into the Ksitigarbha **** armor, releasing mysterious and invisible power.

   Suddenly, the roar of the Ksitigarbha Divine Armor stopped abruptly, and the frantically struggling body became stiff and froze in place.

   It was like being petrified, as if it had lost consciousness and stayed where it was.

   Seeing this scene, Zhibai Shouhei all showed doubts.

   Even Yun Yao showed a surprised look, looking at Ji Tianxing incredulously, "Tianxing, you sealed its soul? How did you do it?"

   Ji Tianxing smiled and explained: "When I was in Fengshenshan, I once saved the Third Elder, and he gave me a lot of charms and pills as a gift.

   The soul-fixing charm just now was a Holy-level charm he gave me, which could seal the soul.

  The warriors and demons under the martial sacred realm can't resist the power of the soul-fixing charm. "

   "So that's the case!" Yun Yao suddenly realized, and smiled and said: "Holy-level charms, that are valuable and invaluable, very rare treasures, you just use it like this?"

   Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said: "It is worth the cost of a sacred talisman to capture a six-layered Ksitigarbha divine armor crossing the Tribulation Realm.

   Yaoyao, take a break first, and I will deal with this Ksitigarbha divine armor. "

After    finished speaking, he flew to the rubble ruins and used his grasping methods to collect the Divine Armor into the sword world.

  He personally escorted the Dizang Divine Armor into the sword world and landed in Azuchi City.

   In the peaceful and peaceful city of Antu, nearly 8,000 people of the Earthling tribe are working and practicing as usual.

   Ji Tianxing entered the city lord’s mansion and asked the guards to find the patriarch Jinshan King.

   After King Jinshan saluted him, he asked, "My son, what do you want?"

   Ji Tianxing smiled and said: "I just caught an ancient strange beast, and I am going to give it to the Earthling tribe as a town tribe animal of the Earthling tribe."

   Jinshan King suddenly widened his eyes, and asked in surprise, "What ancient alien beast?"

   Ji Tianxing led him to the wide square, only then stretched out his hand to cast a golden light, and released the Ksitigarbha divine armor.

   Hundred-foot-long Ksitigarbha Divine Armor fell on the square with a "puff", shaking the ground again and again, splashing dust in the sky.

   After seeing the appearance of the Ksitigarbha divine armor, King Jinshan suddenly widened his eyes, revealing a shocked expression on his face.

   "This... this ancient strange beast... seems to be the descendant of the Escape Armor Beast!

   Its strength and aura are so powerful, far exceeding the Primordial Spirit Realm. Could it be that it... has reached the Tribulation Realm? "

   Ji Tianxing smiled and nodded and said: "Yes, this is the ancient alien beast Jizo, an alien beast between the spirit beast and the beast.

   If there are enough opportunities and resources, it will grow to the point where it can rival the beasts.

   The most important thing is that this behemoth is the legendary land overlord, and can control the land and mineral veins. "

   Jinshan King exclaimed for a while before he gradually recovered, and said excitedly: "That's right! For us Earth Spirit Race, Dundijia Beast is the best pet and companion.

   This Ksitigarbha divine armor actually possesses a part of the blood of a sacred beast, which is a sacred beast to my race!

   Young Master, such a rare ancient animal, do you really want to give it to us? "

   Ji Tianxing nodded and said: "Of course! Make the most of the things, the attributes and powers of the Ksitigarbha divine armor are very consistent with your Earthlings.

   With this Zhenzu beast, it will definitely be of great benefit to the earthling people.

   I'm just worried now ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The soul fixation can only last for half a month.

   Can you completely tame this alien beast crossing the Tribulation Realm in such a short time? "

   Jinshan King was taken aback, and quickly nodded and said: "Of course you can! Don't worry, son, our earthling clan has an ancestral blood spirit secret method, which is specially used to sign contracts with pet beasts.

   I immediately summoned all the people of the clan to build an altar for the secret technique.

   I will unite the power of all the people and use everyone's hard work to sign a contract with this Ksitigarbha divine armor.

   As long as the spell is successfully cast, this Ksitigarbha divine armor will become the guardian beast of our race, and will always loyally guard our race! "

   Hearing what he said, Ji Tianxing nodded in relief and said: "It is so good, then I will give it to you, you must handle it properly."

   Jinshan King bowed with excitement, and solemnly said: "Please rest assured, my son, I will definitely fulfill my mission.

   This Ksitigarbha **** armor is the beast bestowed by the son to our clan. Our clan will always remember this kindness and be loyal to the son! "

   Ji Tianxing nodded, then turned and left.


   Guanghua flashed, he left the sword world and returned to the sky of fire.

   Yunyao, Zhibai and Shouhei did not rest on the mountain.

   They all got into the piles of ruins, and they were busy digging the underground copper mine.

   Although Ji Tianxing has obtained the most precious golden black bronze marrow, that vein is also invaluable.

  Since I have encountered it, there is absolutely no reason to let it go.

   So, Ji Tianxing also sneaked into the ground, digging for mineral veins with everyone.

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