Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1761: Siskin behind

Yunyao's backwater sword is definitely an artifact for mining veins.

   Even if the Jinwu copper mine is extremely strong, she can use the divine sword to easily dig out the veins from the ground.

   Everyone has been busy for an hour before digging out the thousand-foot-long vein.

   It's a pity that the mineral vein is already incomplete, it was destroyed by the Ksitigarbha divine armor before, and it was broken into pieces.

   Ji Tianxing left a part of the golden black copper ore and put it in the space ring.

   The remaining few pieces of mineral veins, he loaded them into the world of the sword, so that the people of the Earthling tribe could bury the veins underground.

   After finishing all this, everyone left the ground and flew back into the air.

   Ji Tianxing said with a smile on his face: "Although the process was a bit dangerous and difficult, we worked together, not only through the difficulties, but also with such a rich harvest.

   Everyone first find a place to rest for a while, after the mana is restored, we can move on. "

   After that, he took Yunyao, Zhibai, and Shouhei and landed on a pale golden mountain.

   Yunyao used the power of the Divine Sword Against the Water to arrange a small formation to resist the power of the glazed sky fire.

   Everyone stayed in the formation mask, one after another, they took the pill, and sat down to exercise their breath.

   However, everyone just sat down and before they started practicing, there was a gloomy sneer in the sky.

   "Jie Jie Jie Jie... You four little guys, really stupid and ridiculous!

   When I meet a little sheep like you, I don’t want to slaughter you, and I feel very sad! "

   This is a middle-aged man's voice, the voice is shrill and harsh, cold and uncomfortable.

   Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao and others immediately raised their heads and looked into the sky.

   I saw that in the sky thousands of feet ahead, there was a middle-aged man wearing a black robe and holding a black feather fan.

   This person is thin, wearing a large black robe, showing a pale and narrow face.

   There are two mysterious tattoos on his cheeks, a black spider pattern is printed on his forehead, and his shawl and long hair are constantly squirming.

   When you look closely, you will find that his thick shawl and long hair are countless black snakes!

   This person exudes a strong evil spirit, and his gloomy appearance makes people feel jealous.

   And his realm of strength far surpasses Zhibai and Shouhei, reaching the sixth stage of crossing the tribulation realm!

   Ji Tianxing looked at him a few times, then frowned, and secretly said to Yun Yao and the three of them: "This guy is a member of the evil way at first sight. He has a bad intention, so be careful."

   Yunyao nodded and said that he understood that Zhibai and Shouhei immediately dispersed, using the secret method of hiding and hiding in the sea of ​​fire, ready to take action at any time.

   The black robe man looked down at Ji Tianxing and others, turning a blind eye to the actions of Zhibai and Shouhei.

  "Hehehe, little guy, don't show off your scheming in front of my lord, and don't think about resisting.

   I would advise you, obediently hand over all the treasures you have on you, as well as the veins you just dug..."

   When he said this, the black-robed man paused and his gaze fell on the Heaven Burying Sword and the Backwater Excalibur.

   Feeling the breath of the God Sword against the Water, his pupils suddenly tightened, and a thick shock of shock flashed under his eyes.

   Immediately, his tone was a little hurried, and his voice was sharp and coldly shouted: "And your sword, you have to hand it over to this lord!

  If not, I want you to be buried in the sea of ​​flames, and there is no bones left! "

   Hearing these two sentences, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao's eyes flashed cold murderous intent.

   Ji Tianxing stared at him coldly, and asked: "We have never known you, but when you meet, you will kill people and make money. It can be seen that you are a beast with all evil.

   However, you alone dare to rob us, I am afraid that the one who will die is you! "

   The black-robed man suddenly laughed jokingly, shook his black feather fan, and said contemptuously: "Hahaha... I was right, you four idiots are all superficial rookies!

   In the entire God Ruins, who does not know the reputation of the Black Feather Society?

   We, Black Feather, would want to kill someone, we don’t need reasons or excuses at all!

  Never mind, this gentleman is kind, let you die to understand!

   Ben Jun Night Crow, the second master of the Black Feather Club.

  Remember, we, Kuroba, can do things, and we never fight alone! "

   As his voice fell, nine figures appeared in the sky around the mountain.


   Nine powerful men with different appearances and fierce auras, standing scattered in the sea of ​​fire, surrounded the entire mountain.

   Most of the nine powers of crossing the tribulation realm are of the second to fourth level of strength.

   Among them are white-haired old men, burly men, and middle-aged scribes, and two dwarves of humility.

   But they all have the same characteristics, that is, they are hideous and bloodthirsty.

   One of the burly big men in black armor laughed loudly and said: "Second master, let's rush to support the big master. Let's make a quick decision.

   These little rookies are just an appetizer. Let’s settle it easily. Why do you talk nonsense with them! "

   Several other strongmen who crossed the robbery also nodded in agreement, showing a ferocious and bloodthirsty sneer.

   They all wielded magic weapons, staring at Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao with murderous intent, and slowly approaching.

The Second Master Night Crow put on a black feather fan, and said with a smile: "You brats, you only know how to fight and kill, don't frighten these two little guys~www.wuxiaspot.com~especially that little beauty. , It’s simply beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, itchy..."

   Before he could finish speaking, all the strongmen who crossed the robbery smirked evilly, showing a suddenly realized expression.

   "Second master, we understand, don't worry."

   "Second boss, stay safe, we will catch that little beauty immediately and deliver her to your hands."

   "Wealth must be robbed, but **** will be robbed!"

   "What are you waiting for, brothers? Let's get it together, don’t let the second master wait in a hurry!"

   The crowd made a few strange screams, then immediately brandished their swords and displayed their secret techniques to kill Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao.

   Zhibai and Shouhei protector were eager, and immediately displayed their unique swordsmanship, stabbed the sky with the sword light, and stopped a few strong men who crossed the robbery.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao also immediately moved their hands, wielding swords and using secret methods to resist the opponent's attack.

   The two sides fought fiercely in the sea of ​​flames, both of them tried their best and were full of amazing skills.

   The colorful mana brilliance, condensed into various lights and shadows, intertwined and collided in the sky, making a deafening sound.

   The violent shock wave swept away the sea of ​​flames and spread to the surroundings.

   Even though Ji Tianxing's four people counterattacked with all their strength, it was difficult to defeat the nine powerful men who crossed the robbery.

   Seeing this scene, Ye Crow stood calmly in the sky, watching the battle with a sneer on his face.

   In his opinion, the four of Ji Tianxing are bound to die, and there is absolutely no possibility of being spared.

   Those two mysterious swords must also be in his pocket.

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