Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1763: shame

At the critical juncture, the Night Crow did not hesitate to use the secret method to resist the beheading of the golden sword.

   He stretched out his arms, released a soaring black light, condensed into four pairs of wide black wings, to protect himself.

   At the same time, the thousand-foot-long golden sword hit him severely.


   With a dull loud noise, he was smashed into the air by the huge sword, and rolled and smashed into the distant ruins.


   The ruins and mounds hundreds of feet high were torn apart by him, splashing out rubble.

  Four pairs of wide black light wings were also chopped out of the cracks by the giant sword, and the ‘kakaka’ broke apart.

   But the strength of the night crow is really strong, withstanding such a heavy blow, it was only slightly injured.

After    smashed into the ruins, black light gushed out of his body, and he shook away the gravel beside him, and his figure rushed out in a flash.

   At this time, Ji Tianxing had already taken Yunyao and Zhibai Shouhei, broke through the encirclement of a few bandits, and fled to the distance like lightning.

   Ye Crow let out a violent cry and chased after him murderously.

   "Boy, still want to run away now? Dream!"

   In order to **** the swords of Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao, he has damaged several capable officers.

   If he could not smoothly kill Ji Tianxing and others, his loss would be too great.

   In a blink of an eye, Ye Crow caught up with Ji Tianxing and the others.

   He released the overwhelming black light, formed tens of thousands of black crows with hideous appearance, and shrouded everyone.

   Where the black crow passed, even the glazed sky fire was swept away.

   Tens of thousands of black crows lined up neatly, forming a huge snare, releasing an extremely powerful amount of suppression.

   Yunyao hurriedly swung the backwater divine sword and went all out to cut out hundreds of sword lights.

   "Boom boom boom boom!"

  The ice-blue sword glow that was hundreds of feet long hit the black crows in the sky, and burst into a loud noise.

   At least thousands of black crows were smashed into pieces by sword light on the spot.

   The black net was torn through a huge gap, and Ji Tianxing and the others could not be trapped at all.


   A burst of colorful brilliance flashed, and Ji Tianxing and the others rushed out of the black light net and dived into the vast sea of ​​fire.

   Zhibai and Shouhei joined forces to perform secret techniques, using the method of empty escape, bringing Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao, teleported dozens of miles away.

   The Night Crow was thrown away immediately, violently violent, and led several bandits to hunt down.

   But the gangsters were all injured and their flying speed was slow, and they couldn't catch up.

   Night Crow is the fastest. After chasing for a hundred breaths of time, it will catch up with Ji Tianxing and others.

   Ke Ji Tianxing and the four of them all got into the magic space of the Backwater Excalibur. Yun Yao was driving the Backwater Excalibur and disappeared into the red sea of ​​fire at a speed as fast as the aurora.

   No matter how strong the Night Crow is, no matter how clever the hunting method is, it is impossible to catch up.

   After a quarter of an hour, he was completely thrown away, and he lost the breath and trace of Ji Tianxing and others.

   In desperation, he can only give up the hunt.

   Not long after, several gangsters rushed over and surrounded him.

   Seeing his face gloomy, his whole body was filled with anger and murderous aura, and several gangsters were silent and afraid to speak, looking trembling.

   Ye Crow stared into the depths of Huoyan Mountain, his eyes gleaming with a ferocious cold light.

   "The **** little beasts, they fled to the depths of the Flame Mountain, this is a dead end!

  Don't let my lord find you, otherwise I will cramp all of you and smash your corpses! ! "

   Ye Crow cursed bitterly, and his heart was full of humiliation and rage.

   As the second master of the Black Feather Club, he has always called for the wind and rain, and does whatever he wants.

   But he never expected that he would stumble in the hands of a few rookies!

   Not only failed to rob the treasure, but also damaged the soldiers so badly.

   This is a shame!

   Ye Crow had to think about how he should explain this to the master.


   Deep in the Flame Mountain, under the ground of a certain mountain range.

   The three-foot-long backwater sword, shrunk to the size of an embroidery needle, is hidden in the rock layer under the ground without moving.

   The mighty and terrifying Liuli Skyfire, how can't it be against the current divine sword.

   There is a vast magic weapon space in the Divine Sword Against the Water.

   This space has a radius of tens of miles, like a small world.

   There are no sun, moon and stars in the small world, but there is a huge ice blue water ball hanging in the sky, exuding endless cold light.

   There is a grassland, a lake and a high mountain on the earth.

   On the top of the mountain, an icy blue palace was built, which seems to be piled up with ice, beautifully.

   Ji Tianxing, Yunyao, and Zhibai Shouhei are all working in the palace to heal their injuries.

   Zhibai and Shouhei's injuries were slightly lighter, so they sat in the hall to perform exercises and adjust their breath.

   Ji Tianxing's injuries are the most serious and he is healing in a secret room.

   Yunyao sat in front of him, with a solemn expression of secrets, urging the divine power of longevity, and constantly injecting it into his body.

   Under the nourishment of the divine power of longevity, his injuries quickly healed, and the wounds of the meridians and spirits are also quickly repaired.

   After a whole day, Ji Tianxing's injury condition stabilized, and Yun Yao stopped casting the spell.

   She stood beside Ji Tianxing, silently meditating and adjusting her breath.

   After half a day, Ji Tianxing's injuries and mana recovered 80%, and then he ended his cultivation.

   Yunyao opened her eyes and asked with concern, "Tian Xing, how do you feel?"

   Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and said: "It's okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~Don't worry."

   After a pause, he asked Yunyao: "Yaoyao, where are we now?"

   Yunyao showed helpless eyes, and said in a bitter tone: "I don't know, I was too anxious when I ran away, and forgot to remember the route.

   However, we escaped two hundred thousand miles in one go, and we should be in the depths of the Flame Mountain now. "

   "In the depths of the Flame Mountain?" Ji Tianxing raised his brows, a meaningful sneer at the corner of his mouth.

  "I heard from them before that the glazed fire dragon appeared in the depths of the Flame Mountain. Hundreds of strong men have come here, deliberately capturing the glazed fire dragon.

   If we are lucky, we should be able to see the legendary glazed fire dragon soon. "

   Yunyao thought for a moment, then gently shook her head and said: "If you really see the glazed fire dragon, you may not be lucky. Hundreds of strong men will definitely be very dangerous."

   Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "That's true, but our strength is low, and it is easy to be ignored by others. As long as we don't meet people from the Black Feather Society, we should be safe."

   "Black Feather Club..." Yun Yao frowned and reminded him solemnly, "Tian Xing, I seemed to have heard from the Black Feather Club before that they rushed to support the master.

   From this point of view, the master of the Black Feather Society must be in the depths of the Flame Mountain, and most of them are also dealing with the Liuli Fire Dragon.

   We must be more careful, otherwise it is very likely to be discovered by the Kurobakai people. "

   Ji Tianxing nodded his head to express his understanding, and told Yun Yao: "Leave the Liuli Fire Dragon aside in advance and ignore it.

   Let's look around first to see if we can find Fenglei Meteorite. "

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