Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1764: Shenlongxian

Ji Tianxing has assembled three of the four materials needed to repair the Heaven Burial Sword.

   Heavenly Fire Glazed Real Gold, Yin-Yang Divine Jade, and Golden Crow Bronze Marrow are all available, only a portion of Fenglei Meteorite.

   With previous experience, Ji Tianxing is more cautious this time.

   He asked Yun Yao to put away the sword against the current, so as not to attract the strong coveted by the breath of the sword.

   The two flew in the Flame Mountain, searching the peaks unhurriedly, exploring the mineral veins in the ground.

   The two soon discovered that this area was really deep in the Flame Mountain, which was even more dangerous and terrifying.

  The power of the sea of ​​fire became more and more violent, and the mineral veins buried underground became more abundant.

   At the same time, the various monster monsters hidden underground have become more dense and powerful.

   They can only slow down and probe more carefully.

   An hour later, when the two were exploring the mineral veins underground, they woke up an ancient strange beast, the flame dragon and lion.

   It was a huge mountain-like behemoth with a burst of temperament, and it had already survived six catastrophes.

   The two were chased by the flame dragon and lion. After a dozen moves in the sea of ​​fire, they quickly evacuated.

   If you fight with all your strength, with their hole cards, they can naturally defeat the flame dragon and lion.

   But it is meaningless to do so, it won't get any benefits, and it will put itself in danger.

   If there is too much movement in the fight, and other demons or strong people are attracted, their situation will be even more dangerous.

   Therefore, the two chose to retreat and threw off the flame dragon and lion.

   During the next half day, the two of them walked in the Flame Mountain, exploring the veins more carefully.

   In the process, they met several strongmen who fetched the robbery.

   Those strong people come from all corners of the world, both famous and righteous, but also evil.

   Some were digging for mineral veins and gems under the ground, and some hurried on their way, seeming to be looking for something.

   But everyone remained vigilant and guarded each other, even if they encountered each other, they would not easily meet each other, let alone conflict.

  Unconsciously, it's night time.

   The Flame Mountain in the middle of the night is a splendid and magnificent scene.

   The night sky is gloomy, and there are sparse stars scattered on the sky, shining brightly with cold light.

   There is a boundless sea of ​​fire on the earth, and the fiery red fire is surging.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao are walking through the mountains, releasing their spiritual knowledge to explore the underground veins.

   Suddenly, there was a dull loud noise in the distant night sky.


   The muffled sound is like the muffled thunder in summer, rolling from the sky and echoing above the flame mountain.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao were awakened, and immediately looked up at the night sky deep in Huoyan Mountain.

   I saw that the dimly lit night sky was lit up with colorful brilliance, flashing across like lightning.

   Those colorful glare, condensed into the light of swords and swords, and various magical lights, collided fiercely in the night sky, and then collapsed again.

   Obviously, a strong man is fighting in the depths of the Flame Mountain.

   Since Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao entered the Flame Mountain, in the past two days, they have seen countless tribulation powerhouses, and many powerhouses fighting.

   But it was the first time that the two of them saw such an earth-shattering sight.

   The area where the magical brilliance is lit is at least tens of thousands of miles away from them.

   At least it is a strong person above the seventh level of Crossing Tribulation Realm, who can cause such a shocking movement.

   The two stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the night sky in the north, quietly observing.

   Suddenly, the two of them saw a huge fiery red light flashing in the magic light and shadow illuminating the night sky.

   The light and shadow are at least tens of miles long, and it looks like a giant dragon, fiercely cutting through the night sky, shattering countless swords and shadows.

   It didn't take long for the two of them to hear a few high-pitched dragon chants in the muffled sound from the horizon.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao's complexion suddenly changed, and bright light flashed in their eyes.

   "There was the sound of dragon chanting. Could it be that the huge light and shadow just now was the glazed fire dragon?"

   "The strong men who come here are very cautious and will never do it easily. If I am not mistaken, there should be a group of strong men besieging the glazed fire dragon."

   The two exchanged a few sentences, and then looked at each other.

   "Or, let's go and have a look?"

   "Well, even if you can't intervene, it's good to be able to see with your own eyes."

   After just two sentences, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao reached a consensus and rushed to the north together.

   In order to get to the scene of the incident as soon as possible, Ji Tianxing controlled the Yuanshen Magic Sword and took Yun Yao to fly.

  As time passed, the two quickly approached the battlefield of the battle.

  The closer they get to the battlefield, the clearer the scene of the war.

   A variety of brilliant and colorful magical brilliance, constantly flashing in the night sky, weaving and drawing breathtaking scenes, blowing storms that cover the sky.

   The phantom of the dragon across the night sky appeared dozens of times.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao became more certain, their judgments were correct.

   Two hours later, the two flew sixty thousand miles away before arriving near the battlefield.

   However, when the two arrived, the battle was over.

   The two can only see that the mountains and the earth, which are thousands of miles away, have become ruins.

   The earth is full of huge pits and gullies, and messy rubble is piled up everywhere.

   Many pits and ruins were scattered with fragments of weapons and armor, stained with dark red blood.

   There are some scattered pieces of corpses scattered around the corners of the ruins, unremarkable.

   There is still a chaotic atmosphere of mana between the heavens and the earth, and the surging sea of ​​fire can't smooth the traces of the war~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao discovered that there are several groups of strong men who are scarred and unbearable.

   These people looked depressed, and quietly left the battlefield and retreated far away.

   In addition, there are many strong men coming from all directions to check the battlefield like them.

   The two knew that without asking, those strong men must have seen the scene of the war before they came to check.

   After half an hour, the two checked the ruins and found many clues.

   During this period, Ji Tianxing also rescued a severely injured man who was on the verge of a coma.

   After he rescued the strong man, he asked a lot of questions.

   The strong man was grateful and told Ji Tianxing what he knew.

   After he recovered some mana, he bid farewell to Ji Tianxing and quietly left the battlefield.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao also left the ruins and continued to rush to the depths of Huoyan Mountain.

   While rushing, the two were still communicating through voice transmission.

   "It's a pity that we are a step late, the Liuli Fire Dragon has escaped long ago."

   "I just asked. Last night, a group of strong men discovered the glazed fire dragon and jointly launched a siege.

   However, the first few waves of powerhouses were basically killed by the Liuli Fire Dragon.

   The movement of the war attracted more people to join the battle and join forces to encircle and suppress the glazed fire dragon.

   But those strong men are not the opponents of the Liuli Fire Dragon, and the casualties are very heavy.

   The person I just saved, he originally had four companions, all of whom were killed under the claws of the glazed fire dragon, only he recovered one life..."

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