Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1765: God willing

After listening to Ji Tianxing's words, Yun Yao looked suspicious and surprised.

   "Those who are strong have the ability to cross the tribulation realm, and most of them have reached the second level or above.

   Dozens of powerful people who crossed the robbery joined forces, how could they not be able to kill the glass fire dragon?

   Has the strength of that glazed fire dragon reached the Martial Saint Realm? "

   Ji Tianxing shook his head, and said with a certain tone: "I asked that person just now, the strength of the glazed fire dragon definitely hasn't reached the martial sacred realm, and it's still crossing the catastrophe realm!

   Because of this, those strong men dared to join forces to besiege it after they discovered the glazed fire dragon.

  If it has reached the holy state, who would dare to take it easily? "

   Yunyao suddenly realized, nodded and said: "So that's it! But Grandma Long said that the glazed fire dragon thousands of years ago has already survived eight calamities.

   Now that thousands of years have passed, why is the glazed fire dragon still crossing the catastrophe? "

   "I don't know." Ji Tianxing said with a solemn expression: "The strong man told me before he left that the lair of the Liuli Fire Dragon is probably nearby.

   He has been exploring this area for half a month, and he has encountered hundreds of powerful people who crossed the robbery.

   Now, everyone is searching for the lair of the colored glaze fire dragon, and they all want to tame the colored glaze fire dragon. "

   Yunyao looked at the northern sky, and said in a complicated tone: "Those strong men are all rushing north, which proves that the lair of the glazed fire dragon is likely to be somewhere in the north.

  天行, shall we continue to search for mineral veins, or rush over now? "

   Ji Tianxing considered for a moment, then made up his mind, saying: "We don't have to worry, and rush to the north to explore the veins along the way."

   "Okay." Yun Yao nodded.

   Then, thinking of an important thing, she asked: "Tian Xing, the time for you to cross the catastrophe is getting closer and closer, are you ready?"

   Ji Tianxing showed a confident smile, nodded and said: "The catastrophe should come tomorrow, but for me, it is no problem to overcome the catastrophe at any time."

   Yunyao gently shook his head, looked at him solemnly, and persuaded: "If you are on Luoshen Mountain, I will naturally not worry about you, but here is the Flame Mountain, step by step crises, the strong are waiting..."

   Ji Tianxing smiled and said, "It's okay, maybe this is God's will."

   Yunyao sees him so confident and has a confident posture, so much worry in her heart dissipates.


   Unconsciously, five hours passed, and it was noon.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao have been exploring the mountains for tens of thousands of miles.

   During this period, the two discovered hundreds of mineral veins, all of which are ancient mineral veins with a history of 10,000 years.

  Various kinds of ancient mineral veins contain rare and rare ores and gems, which is heart-pounding.

   But the goal of the two is very clear, not to waste time on those veins.

   Until this time, when the two flew across a low-lying valley, Ji Tianxing stopped suddenly.

   He stood above the valley, looking down at the valley below his feet, concentrating on manipulating his mind and exploring the underground situation.

   Yunyao saw him stop and asked via voice transmission: "Tian Xing, did you find anything?"

   Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "Under this valley, there seems to be a thunderous atmosphere, which is very unusual."

   Yunyao also released his divine consciousness, carefully explored the valley with a radius of 100 miles, and quickly saw the clues.

   "Sure enough, there is the power of thunder, and the power of the sky... Is there a wind, thunder and meteorite under this valley?"

   Ji Tianxing smiled and said, "It's very possible! Let's go down and have a look."

   After that, the two of them passed through the sea of ​​fire that covered the sky and the sun, and landed into the pale golden valley.

   The topography of the valley is rather peculiar, like a huge porcelain bowl with an open top and a flat bottom.

  Moreover, there are mountains all around the valley, like a dragon entrenched here.

  Special topographical environment often gives birth to peculiar natural treasures. This is the consensus of the martial arts world.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao used the method of earth escape, through the pale golden earth and rock layers, and drilled deep underground.

   When the two of them got deep underground, they fell into an empty cave.

   This cave with a radius of thousands of feet was formed naturally.

  The cave is full of raging red fire, the horror of high temperature, like a huge melting pot.

   The walls around the cave are dark gold, and rows of stalactites are hung on the ceiling.

   Ji Tianxing was looking at the situation in the cave, when Yun Yao exclaimed in a low voice: "Tianxing, look at your feet..."

   He lowered his head when he heard the sound and looked at the ground under his feet.

   I saw that the ground of the cave was fairly flat, it was a layer of dark golden rock.

   The ground is covered with the lines of the rock layers, densely and interwoven together, forming a certain special pattern vaguely.

   Those lines are still shining with dark red and light purple rays, seeming to convey some power.

   In the middle of the cave, there is a huge boulder with a radius of ten feet protruding from the ground.

   The boulder is round, like a huge grinding disc.

   Only the upper part is exposed to the ground, and the lower part is connected to the earth.

   The lines and rock lines on the ground all extend to the boulders, enclosing them.

   At first glance, the lines on the ground and the boulder are like a mysterious magic circle.

   Ji Tianxing used his spiritual sense for a while, and found that it was indeed a formation, and it was formed naturally!

   Not only the ground and the huge boulder~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the entire cave is also full of the power of the formation.

   "The great world is full of wonders. Unexpectedly, this cave has formed a natural circle!

   don't know, how many tens of thousands of years have passed before it became what it is today. "

   Ji Tianxing's eyes showed joy and let out a surprise.

   Yunyao also stared at the huge boulder with bright eyes, and said expectantly: "Tianxing, that huge boulder is the core and base of the big formation.

   The power of heaven and earth absorbed by this natural formation method has all gathered in that boulder.

   I can sense that in that seemingly ordinary boulder, the terrifying power of skyfire, thunder and wind has been accumulated. "

   Ji Tianxing nodded, and said with a chuckle: "When you say that, I think that huge rock is like an egg.

   As long as we peel off the eggshell, we can find the treasure inside. "

   Yunyao also showed a faint smile, and said in a complex tone: "I hope our guess is correct, there is the material you want in this huge rock!"

   While talking, she took out the sword against the current and walked towards the huge boulder.

   She walked to the side of the boulder and stood still, and after pondering for a moment, she held the sword against the current and cut towards the corner of the boulder.


   A sharp metal crash sounded, and a corner of the boulder was cut off.

   A large piece of golden stone fell to the ground, the fracture was smooth and smooth, and there was a scorching red fire.

   After the red fire dissipated, a light purple appeared in the fracture, which lit up.

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