Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1766: Ground fissure

When the purple light lit up, a violent lightning arc suddenly exploded in the air.


   When seeing the thunder light, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao both showed surprise eyes.

   "Sure enough!"

   "Sky fire and thunder are both available, and coupled with the wind, the conditions for forming wind, thunder and iron are sufficient."

   Yunyao stared at the round boulder with scorching eyes, and said to Ji Tianxing: "Tianxing, this boulder should be a meteorite outside the sky!

  Its material is very hard, except for the Excalibur Sword, waiting for a moment cannot cut it! "

   Ji Tianxing nodded in agreement, and analyzed: "It should be a meteorite! Only in this way can we explain the origin of this valley, this cave, and the natural circle.

   Maybe tens of thousands of years ago, a meteorite flew from outside the sky and hit this area.

   The ground was smashed into a deep pit, the bottom was small and flat, and the top was impacted and spread out, forming a bowl-like mouth.

   After many years, the pit has become this porcelain bowl-like valley.

   This meteorite from outside the sky also sleeps deep underground.

   The mysterious power carried by the meteorite and the special environment of the Flame Mountain make it a cave here.

   After many years, caves and meteorites gradually absorbed the power of heaven and earth, forming this natural formation.

   Later, the formation absorbed the glazed skyfire, thunder and wind, and gathered in the meteorite.

   It is tens of thousands of years and this meteorite that have created such a miracle today. "

   Yun Yao agrees very much with Ji Tianxing's analysis.

  "Tian Xing, the process you analyzed should be the truth. Even if there are some deviations, it will not hurt.

   But this is just our guess, and the key depends on whether there is wind and thunder meteorite formed in this meteorite. "

   Ji Tianxing showed a slight smile, nodded and said: "It's simple, you can break it open with the divine sword, and the answer will be revealed immediately."

   Yunyao nodded in response, holding the sword against the current again, and slashed towards the huge meteorite.

   The sharp impact of "Dang" sounded again, and the meteorite was cut off by the Excalibur again.

   Yunyao didn't break the meteorite directly, because he was afraid of damaging the meteorite iron.

   She is like cutting fruit, holding the sword against the current, cutting off the corners of the meteorite little by little.

   As time goes by, the meteorite with a radius of ten feet gets smaller and smaller.

   The God Sword Against the Water really cuts iron like mud, and it is invincible.

   The meteorite blocks that were cut off were all collected by Ji Tianxing and put into the space ring.

   This meteorite has been tempered by sky fire and wind thunder for tens of thousands of years, and it has become an extremely rare gem, and it is itself a top treasure.

   Soon, an hour passed.

   The meteorite with a radius of ten feet was also cut by Yun Yao by half, leaving only three feet in size.

At the corners of the meteorite, the purple stone is clearly visible, which was formed by the thunder for tens of thousands of years.

   At the same time, the power of skyfire, thunder and wind rushes from the fracture.

   This made Yun Yao more certain that the inner core of meteorite must have formed Fenglei meteorite.

   She didn't feel tired at all, and she continued to wield the sword against the current, exploiting the meteorite a little bit.

   However, after most of the meteorite was cut off, the natural formation in the cave was destroyed.

   As time passed, the ground and walls of the cave also began to undergo tremendous changes.

   The rock layer on the ground began to crack, and the patterns and lines all over the ground shattered and became distorted.

   The rock walls around the cave did not break open, and even the stalactites on the top of the cave broke and fell to the ground.

   Not long after, the muffled sound of ‘rumbling’ came from the ground, and the ground began to tremble.

   Ji Tianxing subconsciously thought that there was some powerful monster lurking underground, and he was awakened by him and Yun Yao.

   He immediately grabbed the Sky Burial Sword and probed the ground vigilantly.

   However, his divine sense penetrated the ground and found that no monster beast appeared.

   Only because the natural magic circle is destroyed and the balance of this area is broken, will the ground crack and drastic changes occur.

   The loud noise of "rumbling" became more and more audible, and the cave was shaking more and more violently.

   The roof of the cave continued to crack, and many golden boulders collapsed, smashing to the ground ‘boomboom’.

   Ji Tianxing quickly blocked the boulders so as not to affect Yun Yao.

   Seeing that the cave was collapsing faster and faster, he reminded him: "Yaoyao, we have to speed up, the cave is about to collapse."

   Yunyao replied without looking back: "Okay, hold on for a while, and you will see the result soon!"

   She speeded up as expected, quickly slashing away the meteorite.

   About half an hour later, 90% of the huge meteorite was cut off, leaving only one foot in size.

   Until then, the dark golden meteorite has turned into a dazzling color.

   In the crystal clear and pure stone, there is not only the purple of thunder, but also the gold of sky fire, and the light white of the wind.

   This is not just a meteorite, but a magnificent gem!

   Suddenly, a loud noise burst out.

   The crumbling cave, unable to support the impact of the crack, immediately collapsed.

   The walls of the surrounding caves collapsed one after another, and the huge cave roof was torn apart, smashed down with a terrifying force.

   "Yaoyao, be careful!" Ji Tianxing's expression changed immediately, and he immediately sacrificed the sword god's battle robe and formed golden wings.

   He opened his wide golden wings to protect himself and Yun Yao.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  The huge boulders overwhelming the sky immediately drowned him and Yun Yao.

   A deafening roar came out ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ resounded through the sky.

   The valley with a radius of one hundred li collapsed and sunk deeply, burying Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao deep in the ground.

   The originally flat valley became a broken pit.

   The mountains around the valley were also affected. They shook violently, bursting into cracks and making loud noises.

   Fortunately, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao were protected by gold wings and were not injured.

   But the two of them were buried by endless earth and rocks, as if they were suppressed by a huge mountain, unable to sustain them for too long.

   Yunyao didn't have time to slowly cut the meteorite, looking for Fenglei meteorite iron.

   In desperation, she had to use the sword against the current to dig up the three-meter-large colorful meteorite.

   It seems that there is only a meteorite the size of a millpan, but in fact it weighs as much as a thousand-foot mountain.

   Ji Tianxing opened the entrance of the world in the sword, and collected the entire meteorite into the world in the sword, leaving it to be slowly cut later.

   After doing this, he and Yun Yao worked hard to get out of the ground.

   However, the movement of the shaking mountains before, has spread thousands of miles around, and has alarmed the powerful people who crossed the robbery.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao left the ruin-like valley, and as soon as they flew to the sky, they were targeted by two groups of strong men.

   There are only three strong people among them, who seem to come from the decent people, all wearing Taoist robes and feather crests.

   But there are six strong people in another group, and they are all wounded and hideous.

   The leaders of these people are the night crows wearing black robes with a cold and bloodthirsty breath!

  The fourth is more, and there will be a fifth chapter in the afternoon. Please be patient and wait.

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