Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1770: Too evil

Just as everyone was discussing in secret, another loud noise burst out.


   The third sky thunder was brewing in the vortex of the robbery cloud, splitting a two-hundred-foot-long dark golden thunder, and crashing into the canyon Ji Tianxing.

   At that moment, golden light shone for hundreds of miles, shining brightly in the dim sky.

   The terrifying power of the Thunder suppressed the entire canyon, shocking everyone, revealing a look of panic and fear.

   No one thought that Ji Tianxing's third sky thunder would be so terrifying!

   Such a powerful sky thunder can only be mobilized by the six-tier powerhouse who crosses the catastrophe!

   The hearts of Yunyao, Granny Jin and others immediately raised their throats, squeezing their sweat for Ji Tianxing.

   Ye Crow, five gangsters and Wujun Yi Jian and others stared at the canyon with breathlessness.

   I saw that Ji Tianxing still didn't use weapons to resist.

   He looked up at the sky, waved his arms and displayed the secret method to welcome the arrival of the golden thunder.


   In the loud noise that shakes the sky and the earth, the dark golden thunder beam drowned him and smashed into the canyon.

   The ground formed by golden rocks was immediately cut into a huge pit with a radius of ten miles, and countless rubbles collapsed.

   Dozens of wide gullies split in all directions, almost covering the entire canyon.

   Stone chips and smoke rose into the air, covering the sky.

   After a long time, Qingming was restored in the canyon, and Ji Tianxing's figure appeared again.

   He is still in a white robe like snow, neatly dressed, and his expression is very calm.

   The golden sky thunder just now was easily resolved by him, no effort!

   Seeing this scene, Ye Crow and several gangsters were shocked and almost numb.

   When they recovered, they cursed angrily.

   "Damn bastard, he easily blocked the sky thunder again!"

   "Damn it! The sky thunder with such a terrifying power may not even be able to stop us. How can he be safe and sound?"

   "Too **** evil! Second boss, we can't wait any longer. If we let that kid successfully survive the catastrophe, I'm afraid it will not be easy to kill him!"

   Ye Crow heard the voice of several gangsters, and secretly clenched his fists, his eyes flashed with murderous intent.

   But after thinking about it for a while, he decided not to shoot.

   "Everyone, stay calm and wait patiently for a while! The first three sky thunders are the simplest, and the power behind will become stronger and stronger!"

   Several culprits understood what he meant, so they suppressed the anxiety and worry in their hearts and continued to observe the situation.

   At this time, the cloud vortex in the high sky began to change.

   The robbery cloud became more and more pitch black, the gust of wind became more bitter, and the robbery cloud vortex accelerated.

  In the whirlpool, there are purple, blue, gold and crimson brilliance, shining constantly.

   After a while, the fourth sky thunder appeared.


   That is a thunder beam of three hundred meters long, three colors of thunder, plus the crimson sky fire and the white wind.

   This sky thunder, carrying the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, slammed into Ji Tianxing in the canyon.

   Seeing this scene, all the people watching in secret, their complexions changed drastically, and their eyes widened in shock.

   "No! How could this be? It's just the fourth sky thunder, how could it be so powerful?" Yun Yao was distraught, and her face was pale as paper, worried to the extreme for Ji Tianxing.

  Mr. Jin and Rong Er also showed confusion and shock, and they exclaimed again and again.

   "It's horrible! There are three types of thunder, as well as wind and sky fire...what is the talent of that kid?"

   "In my impression, there has never been such a terrifying thunder in the past few hundred years!"

   "The fourth sky thunder is so terrifying, how amazing should the sky thunder come after?"

   The expressions of Wujun Yijian and Shen Yu became increasingly ugly.

  Especially Lord Yi Jian Wu, just now vowed to say that Ji Tianxing was too happy.

  The appearance of the fourth sky thunder proves that Ji Tianxing's talent is far beyond everyone's imagination.

   He only felt that his old face was hot, and an embarrassment flashed under his eyes.

   Shen Yu didn't pay attention to Wujun Yi Jian's expression, his eyes fixed on Ji Tianxing, showing a deep jealous look.

   Regardless of whether Ji Tianxing can block this sky thunder or not, his ability to provoke such a terrifying sky thunder proves that he is extremely talented and a genius.

   This has already made Shen Yu very jealous!

   In the next instant, the five-colored sky thunder struck Ji Tianxing violently, drowning his figure.

   At a critical juncture, he didn't cast a spell to swallow the power of Thunder, after all, it was too dangerous.

   He chose to use the sword **** battle robe, turning it into golden wings to protect himself.

   The five-color divine thunder that ruined the heavens and the earth slammed the golden wings fiercely, cutting him into the deep pit at the bottom of the valley.

   The scorched black pit on the ground suddenly more than doubled.

   Hundred li around the big hole, completely turned into ruins, not even a stone as big as a millstone.

   The smoke and the thunder brilliance obscured the sky, and it took a long time to dissipate.

   Everyone looked down, looking for the trace of Ji Tianxing.

   Ye Crow and several gangsters were secretly looking forward to and excited, and the voice transmission asked each other.

   "How is it? Did you find that kid?"

   "Such a terrifying sky thunder, he must not be able to hold it, most of it will be killed?"

   "Well! In other words, we ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ will be bombarded by that sky thunder. Even if the kid is not dead, he must be seriously injured!"

   "Everyone, look for his corpse. The second master has ordered that you want to see people in life and the corpse in death."

   However, just as a few bandits were talking and talking, a golden light flew out of the ruins.


   Ji Tianxing flapped his golden wings and flew into the sky without incident, appearing in everyone's eyes.

   Suddenly, everyone was in an uproar, showing complicated expressions.

   Some people cursed in anger, some breathed a sigh of relief, and others exclaimed.

   Ji Tianxing had already noticed the anomaly, and found that several groups of strong men lurked around the canyon.

   But he didn't care, and continued to concentrate on the robbery.

   He had expected it a long time ago that the movement of his crossing the catastrophe will surely alarm many powerful people and attract countless people to watch.

   After a while, the fifth sky thunder condensed in the Jieyun Vortex, and it smashed down.


   Ji Tianxing reapplied the old skills, and once again used Jinpeng's combined wings to protect himself.

   The four-hundred-foot-long five-color sky thunder, twice as powerful as before, hit him instantly.

   He was smashed into the rubble again and plunged into the depths of the earth.

   The entire gorge was destroyed by lightning, turned into hundreds of miles of scorched earth ruins, and thunder and gangs were surging.

   The Qianzhang Mountains on both sides of the gorge also received a huge impact, shaking violently, bursting into huge cracks.

  The several groups of warriors hiding in the mountains, all for fear of being affected, quickly stepped back dozens of miles, hiding in the sky and continuing to observe.

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