Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1771: 7 Love Tribulation

Although Ye Crow and several gangsters all hope that Ji Tianxing will be killed by the sky thunder.

   However, what happened before made them understand that Ji Tianxing is an extremely enchanting genius, and he will never fall easily.

   They all stared at the ruins in the gorge, searching for the figure of Ji Tianxing with their spiritual knowledge.

   It didn’t take long for the rubble to be broken, and countless broken stones were blown away.

   A golden light flew out from the ruins and returned to the sky.

   There is no doubt that Ji Tianxing successfully blocked the fifth sky thunder, but he was not injured!

   There is no change in his look and magical aura.

   is just the golden wings behind him, the light dimmed a little, obviously consumed a lot of power.

   Seeing this scene, Ye Crow and several gangsters showed a deep disappointment.

   Yunyao and Granny Jin were both relieved and secretly relieved.

   The middle-aged woman, Rong'er, and Yi Jian Wujun, etc., were almost numbed by the shock, not knowing what to say.

   At this time, the sixth sky thunder arrived as scheduled.


   The five-hundred-foot-long thunder beam is composed of six colors.

   There are not only three types of thunder, but also the poison of sky fire, wind and dark green!

   That kind of poison is formed by the power of heaven and earth. It is a rare poison in the world.

   When seeing this sky thunder appear, ordinary strong people are only shocked by its terrifying power.

  Golden mother-in-law and Ye Crow, such knowledgeable martial masters, stared in horror with their eyes widened, as if they had seen a ghost.

   "God! It turned out to be a sky thunder with six attributes! This kid is definitely the number one prodigy in the world!"

   "It's incredible! I saw a miracle with my own eyes!

   Thousands of years ago, there are only two people who can motivate the six types of lightning! This kid turned out to be one of them! "

   The middle-aged woman and Rong'er heard Granny Jin's exclamation, and suddenly turned to look at her, showing puzzled eyes.

   But mother-in-law Jin stared at the sky thunder without any explanation.


   With a loud noise that shook the world, the gorge with a radius of six hundred miles was destroyed on the spot and turned into a piece of rubble.

   In the middle of the ruins, there appeared an abyss with a radius of fifty miles and a depth of about ten miles.

   The dark golden mountains on both sides of the gorge also collapsed mostly, and the sky was flying out of rubble.

   Such a world-shaking power is clearly audible from thousands of miles away.

   Many onlookers had to retreat again, keeping a hundred miles away from Ji Tianxing.

   When the sky smoke cleared, a dim golden light flew out of the abyss in the ruins.


   After the golden light was gathered, Ji Tianxing in a white robe appeared in the sky again.

   The golden wings behind him have become bleak, apparently exhausted.

   Forced, he can only retract the golden wings and hold out the Heaven Burial Sword.

   He stood above the ruins, with his left hand behind him, holding the Heaven Burying Sword in his right hand, and looking up at the Jieyun Vortex.

   There is a strong confidence on his handsome and resolute face.

   There is also an extremely firm look in his deep and vast eyes!

   Hundreds of miles away, Rong'er stared at him with straight eyes, her entire mind was attracted by his figure, unable to move away.

   Golden mother-in-law and the middle-aged woman also showed expressions of relief and amazement, full of expectation and appreciation for Ji Tianxing.

   Granny Jin lifted up the golden crutches, pointed to the cloud vortex in the sky, and said with a bit of excitement: "This son can pass through six sky thunders safely, it is rare in the world!

   The robbery cloud vortex hasn't dispersed yet, it proves that he still wants to provoke the seventh heavenly thunder!

   is a genius who has never seen one in a century.

   can lead to the seventh and eighth thunder people, and is a once-in-a-millennium prodigy! "

   The middle-aged woman nodded slightly, and said in a very excited tone: "If the white-robed man can survive the six sky thunders, he will definitely be able to survive the seventh sky thunder, even if he is seriously injured.

  In our Taihao Kingdom, such a wizard hasn't appeared in thousands of years.

   I have heard before that there is a first **** disciple on Fengshen Mountain, who is highly regarded by the gods and praised as a rare talent in a thousand years.

   It's a pity that the first **** disciple left Fengshen Mountain without knowing what he was doing...Oh! "

   Having said that, the middle-aged woman sighed with regret, quite regretful.

   Rong'er didn't turn her head back, her eyes were fixed on Ji Tianxing, and her tone was cold and said, "The first disciple is mostly a vain name! Moreover, he betrayed the kingdom of God, with a low personality and disdain.

   is the white-robed young man, handsome and martial, with outstanding temperament, he must be a loyal, loyal and courageous talent! "

   Granny Jin suddenly moved her heart, and secretly transmitted a voice message to the middle-aged woman, saying: "Jieyu, Rong'er just saw the little boy from a distance and defended him so surely.

   I'm afraid, Rong'er has fallen in love with him at first sight.

   If you have the opportunity, you try to match that young man with Rong'er.

   If they can form a marriage, it will be a great thing for the Kingdom of God and our Blue Dragon Association! "

   The middle-aged woman bowed slightly, and the voice transmission replied: "Mother-in-law, please rest assured, Jieyu knows what to do."

   At this moment, the cloud vortex in the sky has completed its transformation.

   What made everyone puzzled was that in the pitch black vortex of robbery clouds, there was a colorful glare.

   Thousands of colorful glare, condensed into seven brilliant beams of light, hanging down from the sky like a horse.


   The seven colored light horse training ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ carrying a mysterious and invisible power, crashed into Ji Tianxing, and drowned his figure.

   However, there was no loud noise that shook the world, and there was no scene of destroying the world.

   The seven colored light horses burst open and turned into a huge ball of light, enveloping Ji Tianxing, and suspended above the ruins.

   The world is quiet, and the air is filled with an atmosphere of weirdness and mystery.

   Ye Crow, Yi Jian Wujun, and many of the robbers were all dumbfounded, with a look of sorrow.

   Everyone thinks that the seventh heavenly thunder is bound to destroy the world, and it is unprecedentedly powerful.

   But no one thought that there was no sky thunder to kill, but seven beams of light.

   The most incredible thing is that the seven pillars of light are so ‘gentle’, and they seem to have no lethal power at all.

   After everyone returned to their senses, they all began to talk suspiciously.

   "It's so weird! What kind of catastrophe is this? There is no sky thunder!"

   "It's really evil, the seventh heavenly thunder is supposed to destroy the world, why is there no movement at all?"

   "That kid is a freak, and the catastrophe that caused him is very strange. I have never heard of this situation at all!"

   "I can read ancient books and classics, but I have never heard of such a thing..."

   Everyone was puzzled and felt incredible.

   Only Granny Jin frowned and thought for a long time, and suddenly she thought of something, her face changed drastically, and her eyes showed a deep horror.

   "I see! It is the Seven Love Tribulation! This is the legendary Seven Love Tribulation!"

   has been updated today.

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