Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1779: Return of the God King!

The dazzling golden sky thunder, carrying the position of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, smashed and killed it fiercely.

   The number of sky thunders is not too much, just five, and they blasted at five gangsters.

   This scene made the night crows who were observing the situation in the distance changed in amazement.

  Gold-in-law and Rong'er were full of joy, showing relief.

   But Yi Jian Wujun and Shen Yu, their faces were filled with confusion, completely incomprehensible.

   The five gangsters noticed that they were not good, and their faces suddenly became earthy, terrified and desperate.

   They were so frightened, they were about to turn around and run away.

   It's a pity that the majesty of the sky enveloped them, like the suppression of the mountains, making it difficult for them to move, and they can't escape.


   With the sound of several earth-shaking thunders, five golden thunders exploded.

   The dazzling golden light shrouded the sky.

   Endless rubble and dust rose up like a mushroom cloud and spread around.

   The terrifying impact, of course, affected Yun Yao.

   As soon as she rushed to the neighborhood, she was shocked by the violent shock wave and flew back.

   Fortunately, she has been staying in the sword against the water, and Tian Lei couldn't help it.

   The five gangsters ended up miserably, they were bombarded by the sky thunder into slag, and their bodies turned into powder.

   There are two lucky ones, but they were killed by the bombardment. After the soul was hit hard, they survived tenaciously.

   The other three were more unlucky. Not only were their bodies destroyed, their souls were also bombarded and killed on the spot, completely dead.

   These three bandits survived their own catastrophe, but died under the catastrophe of others.

   This method of death is really innovative.

   When the smoke and thunder light dissipated, the two devastated souls fled to the distance in panic.

   Even if they disobeyed the night crow's order and were going to be executed by the night crow, they would not care.

   However, things backfired. They ran away in panic, but ignored one thing.

   Ji Tianxing has companions!


   An ice-blue sword light suddenly shot out from the sea of ​​fire, and instantly stabbed a group of spirits.


   With a dull loud noise, this group of spirits exploded on the spot and was blasted to pieces by the Backwater Excalibur.

   This person has the five-fold strength of crossing the tribulation realm, but he was seriously injured and his strength was extremely weak.

   was caught off guard by the Backwater Excalibur, how could this person survive?

   Another group of spirits saw their companions being attacked and killed, and it was even more frightened, and it speeded up and escaped desperately.

   But this is futile.

   Yunyao's murderous intent has already started, and it will never be possible to survive.


   She drove the Divine Sword against the Water again, and instantly traveled through the sky for ten miles, and smashed behind the soul.

  The Divine Sword against the Water burst into the sky, condensing a huge sword that is one hundred feet long, carrying the supreme power, and smashing it down.


   There was another dull loud noise, and the badly wounded soul was also shattered by the sword light, collapsed into wisps of aura, scattered in the sea of ​​fire.

   At this point, all five gangsters have died.

   Three gangsters died under the robbery, two gangsters died under Yun Yao's divine sword.

   The night crow in the distance, after discovering something wrong, rushed to rescue him desperately.

   But he was too far away, even if he teleported continuously, he couldn't stop Yun Yao.

   "Damn it! That **** woman has been hiding nearby!!"

   Ye Crow witnessed the death of the five subordinates, and the anger in his heart almost exploded.

   He recognized the God Against the Water Sword, and knew that it was Yun Yao's magic weapon, so he hated Yun Yao.

   "Despicable bitch! In that case, I will kill you first, and then solve that kid!"

   Night Crow saw this sword flying across the sky, and this thought immediately popped into his mind.

   Ji Tianxing is going through the catastrophe and has no time to take care of things outside.

   Although Yun Yao possesses a divine sword, she is alone after all, and only has the strength to cross the tribulation realm.

   Therefore, Ye Crow decided to kill Yun Yao first, and after snatching the Divine Sword, he went to kill Ji Tianxing.

   The brilliance flashed in his palm, and a black feather fan appeared.

   The black robe shook, he rushed towards the sword against the water as fast as a streamer, and waved his black feather fan to shed a black light that covered the sky and the sun.

   "Black Wing Splitting the Sky!"


   Thousands of dark and icy light blades flew out of the black feather fan, combining two by two, like a pair of black light wings, leaping towards the sword against the water.

  The black light cut through the sky, suppressing the sky fire in the sky.

   In the blink of an eye, the black light in the sky surrounded the Divine Sword against the Water, sealing the entire area of ​​a thousand square meters.

   Hundreds of black light wings, spinning and dancing frantically, desperately strangling the sword against the water.

   Black wings like sharp blades, wantonly hitting and cutting the sword against the current, bursting with a "ding-dang-dong" crisp sound, endless.

   However, the God Sword Against the Water is an artifact that is invincible and unmatched.

   Even if it was strangled by hundreds of black wings, the Excalibur was unscathed, and even the ice-blue light shrouded on the surface had not been defeated.

   On the contrary, it was those black light wings, which were constantly shattered by the divine sword.

   But these black wings are very strange and changeable.

   Even if it is shattered into pieces, the black wings can rapidly fission and reorganize to form more and sharper light blades.

   Within a short period of time, hundreds of black wings were all shattered and turned into tens of thousands of black light blades.

   So many black light blades form a light mask covering ten miles, like a large formation of sealing, suppressing the God Sword against the water.

   Despite the great power of the Divine Backward Sword, Yun Yao's strength is six levels different from that of Ye Crow.

   She manipulated the God Sword against the current, and tried her best to break through, but it was always difficult to get out.

  The mask composed of black light blades, after being crushed and pierced ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Night Crows can always repair them in the first time.

   The God Sword Against the Water was so indestructible, it made him sure that it was a sword above the holy rank.

   He became more excited and vowed to **** the sword.

   After a long time of no results, he used the secret method of the soul, using the black light blade to release the power of the soul, and attacking Yun Yao frantically.

   Yunyao hid in the Divine Sword Against the Water, and the soul was also affected, and it was difficult to exert her full strength.

   Her counterattack is getting weaker and weaker, and her situation is getting more and more dangerous.

   The three grandmother Jin in the distance, Yi Jian Wujun and Shen Yu, all saw this scene.

   Everyone stared at the Night Crow and the Divine Sword in secret, not understanding what was going on.

  Unconsciously, another quarter of an hour passed.

   Yunyao's spirit was hit hard, her consciousness became more and more blurred, and the counterattack methods became weaker and weaker.

   With only a backwater divine sword, she can no longer resist the various weird methods of Night Crow.

   Soon after, when her spirit fell into a coma, she was about to be captured by the night crow and let it be slaughtered.

   But at this time, the cloud vortex in the sky gradually began to dissipate.

  The dark red blood light enveloping Ji Tianxing, also ‘kakaka’ broke into pieces, quickly dissipating in the sky.

   Ji Tianxing, immobile like a stone carving, finally regained consciousness and slowly opened his eyes.

   There is no doubt that his catastrophe is over!

   The moment he opened his eyes, his whole body burst out with the majesty and domineering that suppressed the world.

  Canruo the eyes of the stars, two bursts of golden light as if it were real!

  The Soul of the King of God, finally awakened!

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