Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1780: Reborn

When the sky cloud dissipated, it turned into an overwhelming sacred golden light, poured into Ji Tianxing's body.

   His body swelled violently, and immediately became a giant ten feet tall, covered with golden light.

  The white robe is like snow, his long hair is flying, his arms are hanging to his side, and his whole body bursts out with a domineering look of disdain.

  He came from the sacred golden light, with the sky above his head, his feet on the earth, as if he was in control of the sky and the earth.

   In the deep and cold eyes, purple, blue and gold thunder flashed by, changing birth and death, containing the supreme power.

   At this moment, although he is not a god, he is better than all the gods in the world!

   His body stands proudly between the heaven and the earth, looking up at the sky, his face is cold, and his eyes are muttering indifferently.

   "This day, I can't cover my eyes! This place can't bury my heart!

   The gods and demons will also disappear! "

   As his voice fell, the sacred golden light covering the whole body quickly converged.

  Golden light is a reward given by heaven after he successfully overcomes the catastrophe.

   His injury has been repaired, his strength has reached its peak and limit, and his whole person has been reborn and reached a new realm.

   Tens of miles away, the Night Crow was manipulating thousands of black light blades, frantically attacking the God Sword and Yun Yao.

   Seeing Ji Tianxing waking up suddenly, and feeling the powerful aura of Ji Tianxing, his complexion changed immediately, and a deep jealous look appeared in his eyes.

   "Damn it! That kid really managed to survive the catastrophe!

  His strength...his breath...how could it be so strong? "

   Ye Crow couldn't believe that, as soon as Ji Tianxing stepped into the First Stage of Crossing Tribulation Realm, his aura of strength was actually equal to him.

   This is a miracle!

   In the sky further away, Wujun Yi Jian and Shen Yu stared at Ji Tianxing, their eyes were extremely complicated.

   Shock, unbelievable, and deep jealousy filled their hearts.

  Gold-in-law, Jieyu, and Rong'er showed surprise and relief.

   Especially Granny Jin and Rong'er were relieved and the big rock hanging in their hearts finally fell.

   As Granny Jin said before, it was their honor and opportunity to witness a peerless genius through the Nine Tribulations!

   They would never see it in their entire lives, the second enchanting wizard like Ji Tianxing.

   At this moment, Jieyu's eyes suddenly widened, revealing a deep look of expectation, "Look, that young man has taken action!"

   Granny Jin and Rong'er looked quickly and saw a scene that they will never forget.

   Ji Tianxing stepped on the sky, holding an eight-foot-long Sky Burial Sword, and flying toward the night crow in his robe.


   The white light flashed, and he teleported forty miles directly, appearing behind Ye Crow out of thin air.

   Then, with his left hand behind him, holding the Heaven Burial Sword in his right hand, he cut out a sword fiercely and domineeringly.


   Suddenly, from the dark and cold sword, thunder of three colors burst out, condensed into three great swords, and slashed towards the night crow.

   The golden, purple, and blue sky thunders that appeared in the heavens before, unexpectedly reappeared, and he used them in swordsmanship!

   Ye Crow had already noticed something wrong, retreated early, and escaped the thrilling thunder.

   However, the cage formed by tens of thousands of black light blades was struck by three thunder swords, and a series of dull loud noises exploded.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   Amid the deafening loud noise, the black light cage was torn apart and exploded into fragments scattered on the ground.

   The secret method that Ye Crow tried so hard to use was destroyed by Ji Tianxing!

   He stood in the sky in the distance with a horrified expression, and thought to himself with lingering fear: "The damned little beast can manipulate the sky thunder? Fortunately, this lord avoided in time, otherwise it would be miserable!"


   At this time, a blue icy glow flew out of the black light fragments and came to Ji Tianxing to stop.

   An ice blue light flashed, Yun Yao appeared in front of Ji Tianxing, looking at him with concern.

   "Tian Xing, you finally survived the catastrophe! Are there any injuries?"

   Yunyao looked at Ji Tianxing, and asked with concern.

   Ji Tianxing looked at her softly, shook his head and said: "I am not injured, and my strength has returned to its peak, so don't worry."

   Yunyao was relieved now, all the worries and anxiety in her heart disappeared.

   She looked at Ji Tianxing with scorching eyes, and said in a hesitant tone: "Tianxing, you have also reached the first stage of crossing the catastrophe, and the whole person is like a reborn.

   I feel like you have changed yourself, especially your breath... Is it related to the awakening of soul memory? "

   Yunyao can of course guess that Ji Tianxing has become so sacred and majestic, cold and indifferent, it must be related to the sword god.

   Ji Tianxing did not deny either, nodded and said: "Yes."

   got an affirmative answer, Yun Yao showed a touch of relief in her eyes, and her spirit was much more relaxed.

   At that moment, Ye Crow took the opportunity to sneak attack and waved the black feather fan again, striking out an overwhelming black light.

   "Claw of Annihilation!"

   The endless black light quickly condenses into a giant claw with a radius of thousands of feet.

   The giant claws were pitch black and cold, exuding a terrifying aura of death, and fell from the sky to grab Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao.

   The giant claw came silently, but its power was ruining the world.

   Ye Ya originally thought that Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao were divided, and it would be difficult to resist his attack.

   But he did not expect that as soon as the Claw of Annihilation appeared, Ji Tianxing stared at him coldly, locking his spirit aura.

   "Broken Star Fist!"

   Ji Tianxing raised his left hand abruptly, and fiercely threw out a golden fist about a thousand feet in size~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to the Claw of Annihilation.


   A punch and a claw, all the size of a mountain, contains the power of terror.

   The two collided, and a loud thunderous noise exploded. At the same time, they exploded in the sky and broke apart.

   Thousands of fragments fell into the sky, and Ji Tianxing took advantage of the situation and rushed to the Night Crow, wielding the Heaven Burial Sword to perform his faculty.

   "Broken Moon Sword!"

   A thousand-foot-long colorful sword light appeared out of thin air, carrying the power of destroying everything, and slashed towards the night crow.

   This sword not only contains ten percent of Ji Tianxing's mana, but also combines three kinds of thunder powers, which is very powerful.

   Ye Crow changed his face on the spot, and his eyes showed a deep look of horror.

   In anxious, black light gushes out of his body, forming layers of black wings to protect himself.


   The thousand-zhang giant sword hit him, and there was a loud noise.

   His whole body was smashed and his brilliance exploded, his black wings were all shattered, and the whole person flew out in embarrassment.

   The person is still in the air, and he has opened his mouth to eject a dark red blood arrow.

   There was also a narrow wound on his chest, and blood poured out like spring water.

   The night crow flew up to ten miles away before crashing into the rubble ruins, splashing earth and rocks in the sky.

   He couldn't believe that, Ji Tianxing actually broke his defense and severely wounded him with a single sword!

   A thick panic filled his heart, he quickly crawled out of the ruins, turned and fled without hesitation, and flew towards the depths of the Huoyan Mountain.

   Now that he has been shocked by Ji Tianxing, his heart is full of jealousy and panic, and he has no courage to fight against each other.

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