Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1786: Queuing to die

Yun Yao has always believed in Ji Tianxing's words.

   She suppressed the expectation in her heart, observed quietly, and waited patiently.

   Like Ji Tianxing, she remained invisible and hid in the peak of a thousand meters.

  Unconsciously, three hours passed.

   The Abyss of Heavenly Fire has been very calm, with no signs or noises.

   It's just that the strong rushed to the vicinity of the abyss and lurked in the mountains to observe the situation.

   Ji Tianxing is very patient, while waiting, chatting with Yun Yao.

  "Yaoyao, it is said that the strength of that glazed fire dragon has not yet reached the martial sacred realm.

   After I catch it, I will give it to you as a mount, how about? "

   Yunyao gently shook her head and said, "That's a divine dragon above the Eighth Layer of Crossing Tribulation Realm, how can you easily catch it?

   However, if you can get the glazed fire dragon, it will be a great surprise. "

   Ji Tianxing chuckled and said, "I have a black dragon. You can get another glazed fire dragon. From now on, we will be able to ride the world and travel around the world."

   Yunyao moved a little, smiled and nodded.

   The two chatted for a while, then fell silent, and continued to wait.

   Soon, half a day passed.

   The Abyss of Heavenly Fire is still calm, nothing unusual.

   But some people have lost patience and are ready to move.

   There was a group of strong men who hadn't fought with the Liuli Fire Dragon before rushing here afterwards.

   They observed it in secret for a long time, considered for a long time, and finally decided to act.


   The three powerhouses flew over the sea of ​​fire and got into the abyss of sky fire.

   The strength of these three people has reached the fourth level of the Tribulation Realm, and they are experienced adventurers.

  Although, they took the lead and seemed a bit impatient and reckless.

   But they were carefully considered and acted very cautiously.

   After entering the abyss, they flew down without rush, holding magic weapons, and guarding the surroundings at any time.

   After a while, the three of them disappeared into the sea of ​​fire.

   The strong men lurking around the abyss all released their invisible consciousness and secretly observed the movements of the three.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao are no exception, staring at the three people with their spiritual consciousness.

   Soon, a quarter of an hour passed.

   The three powerhouses flew down about thirty miles, and they were all right.

   However, there is an invisible barrier thirty miles deep, which can block the exploration of the divine consciousness.

   It took a lot of effort for the three strong men to pass through the invisible barrier and continue to fly down.

   They left the scope of the people's divine sense detection, which was tantamount to "disappearing".

   Many powerful men couldn't detect the traces of the three people, and they all murmured in their hearts.

   It didn't take long for a dragon to scream in the abyss.


   With the loud noise, the entire abyss trembles.

   Immediately afterwards, a turbulent red fire appeared in the abyss, as well as colorful mana brilliance.


   Endless sky fire and magic light, converging into a huge beam of light, rushed to the sky from the abyss.

   The powerhouses around the abyss all showed shock and realized that the situation was not good.

   Sure enough, there was the sound of ‘Boom Rumble’ fighting and fighting, coming out of the abyss.

   With the sound of the spell exploding, there were several screams and cries of pain.

   After a few breaths, a light blue streamer rushed out of the abyss.


   In the light blue brilliance, he was a man in armor, one of the three adventurers before.

   He has broken an arm and a leg, his body is dripping with blood, and his injuries are very serious.

   His scared soul is no longer possessed, and he ran away desperately.

   However, he had just escaped halfway, only twenty miles away from the abyss, but was caught by a dark golden dragon claw.

   That huge dragon claw was as big as a palace, and its whole body was dark gold, like colored glaze.

  The dragon claws are very strong and powerful. The sharp nails seem to be invincible. The surface is covered with golden dragon scales, and the defense is very strong.

   After the armored man was captured by the dragon claw, the screams stopped abruptly, and there was no movement immediately.

   With the sound of ‘Kaka Kaka’, he was crushed into **** by the dragon's claws, turned into a pile of flesh and blood, scattered in the abyss.

   Even his soul was crushed to pieces by the dragon's claws, turned into hundreds of pieces, and burned into nothingness by the fire of heaven.

   The huge dragon claw retracted back.

   Calm was restored in the abyss of fire, as if nothing had happened.

   The powerhouses around the abyss were shocked when they saw this scene with their own eyes.

  Especially those who are newcomers who have not yet played against the Liuli Fire Dragon.

  I saw the horror methods of the Liuli Fire Dragon, all of which were dry mouth and heart pounding.

   The deaths of the three adventurers extinguished everyone's eagerness and calmed everyone down.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao looked at each other, also showing solemn eyes.

   Yunyao frowned, and analyzed: "The strength of those three people is pretty good. They didn't even last for ten breaths, and the strength of the Liuli Fire Dragon is too strong.

   Tianxing, I think this abyss is weird, it is probably the lair of the glazed fire dragon. "

   Ji Tianxing nodded and said: "I observed that dragon claw just now, and I can probably tell that the strength of the glazed fire dragon is between the eighth layer of the robbery and the martial sage.

   This abyss should be its lair. "

   Yunyao agreed, and continued to analyze: "The glazed fire dragon is so powerful, but it hides in the abyss and refuses to appear. It is estimated that it has also been injured, or its strength has faded."

   "It's very possible." Ji Tianxing smiled and said: "Let's continue to wait, let those people explore first, and consume the power of the glazed fire dragon.

   If you want to get the colored glaze fire dragon, you can’t worry ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Whoever can persist until the end has the best hope of success. "

   made up his mind, the two continued to hide in the mountain, observing the situation secretly.

   Calm was restored around the abyss.

   Unconsciously, the whole day passed.

   The deaths of the three previous adventurers shocked many strong men, making everyone afraid to act rashly.

   However, by the next day, someone couldn't help it again.

   Four strong men with weird costumes broke into the abyss together.

   Their figures and facial features are very similar to humans, but there are obvious differences.

   Obviously, these four are powerful aliens who have mastered special spells and supernatural powers to be so confident.

   Moreover, their strength is slightly stronger, and three of them have reached the fifth level of the Tribulation Realm.

The strength of the leader of    has reached the sixth level of crossing the tribulation realm.

   The four scattered, formed a certain formation, holding a special magic weapon, and flew into the abyss.

   The powerhouses around the abyss released their consciousness one after another, paying attention to their movements and conditions.

   After a while, the four powerful aliens dived for thirty miles, passed through the invisible diaphragm, and entered the depths of the abyss.

   Everyone stared at the abyss, secretly wondering, how long can the four strong aliens last?

   Time passed bit by bit.

   About half an hour later, an angry dragon chant suddenly sounded in the calm abyss.


   When the sound of the dragon chant came out, the abyss trembled again.

   Immediately afterwards, the sky was surging, the magical brilliance rushed into the sky, and the explosion of ‘rumbling’ continued to sound.

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