Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1787: Dragon Power

There is no doubt that the four powerful aliens encountered the Liuli Fire Dragon, and the two sides are fighting fiercely.

   More than thirty strong men around the abyss, all staring at the movement in the abyss.

   The turbulent red fire and the splendid magical brilliance spouted out like spring water and flew into the sky.

   Some warriors with weaker strength quickly retreated far away, afraid to get too close to the abyss, for fear of being affected.

   The earth-shaking movement of the fight continued to come from the abyss.

  Even, there were a series of fire dragon lights flashing in the abyss.

   After about a hundred breaths of time, the loud noises dissipated and the abyss returned to calm.

   The four powerful aliens never appeared again, and everyone didn't need to guess, they must all be buried.

   For a time, many strong people are anxious, more worried and worried.

   Some powerhouses who plan to pick up the bargain can only dispel their thoughts and take a long-term view.

   Some of the weaker powerhouses thought they were inferior to the four alien powerhouses. They had no hope of getting the glazed fire dragon, so they left with interest.

   Ji Tianxing is still the same, hiding in the mountain rather calmly, waiting patiently.

   Next, the surroundings of the abyss were calm for two days.

   In these two days, some strong men came from all directions and gathered around the abyss.

   There are also some strong men who have lost patience and confidence, leaving the abyss full of loss.

   Two days later, another group of strong men stepped into the abyss.

   This group of powerhouses is an adventure group that has been exploring treasure hunting in the ruins of the gods. It is quite famous in the adventure world and is the top five power organization.

   There are a total of fourteen people, and the leader possesses the sevenfold power to cross the calamity.

   The other dozen people are all elite and powerful, and their strength is above the fourth level of the Tribulation Realm.

   Looking around the sky fire abyss, only this force is the strongest, the most promising to win the glazed fire dragon.

   After this adventure group entered the abyss, the remaining twenty-odd strong men were a little panicked, and their hearts were full of hesitation and anxiety.

   They dare not enter the abyss, for fear of being killed by the fire dragon.

   But they are worried that the adventure group successfully captured the Liuli Fire Dragon.

   Therefore, everyone is in a dilemma, and the mood is very tormented.

   Several strong men weighed for a while, and then they entered the abyss, wanting to get a share.

   Yunyao was also a little worried, and the sound transmission asked Ji Tianxing: "Tianxing, that adventure group has many people, and they are all elite and powerful. I am afraid that it is very hopeful to capture the glazed fire dragon.

   shall we wait any longer? Or, let's follow in and act according to the situation? "

   Ji Tianxing sat in the cave calmly, and said with a light smile: "Don't worry, if the adventure group can succeed, the Liuli Fire Dragon would have been robbed long ago, how could it survive to this day?

   They are the best cannon fodder because of their large numbers of people, and they can just consume the strength of the glazed fire dragon. "

After   , he pointed to the southwest and northeast corners of the abyss, and said in a playful tone: "What I am really guarding against now is those two groups."

   Yunyao probed with her spiritual sense, and found that on the southwest corner of the abyss, there were nine tribulation powerhouses lurking, which were obviously a group.

   On the northeast corner of the abyss, there are three strong men lurking, all of them women.

   A white-haired old woman, a middle-aged woman, and a beautiful young woman.

   On the surface, these three women are not threatening.

   But Yun Yao vaguely felt that the white-haired old woman with a cane was unfathomable.

   She frowned and asked: "Tian Xing, you mean, those two groups are just like us, they are very calm, and want to take advantage of them?"

   "That's right." Ji Tianxing nodded and said: "All those who rush into the abyss are cannon fodder, and only our three groups can capture the glazed fire dragon.

   Among the three women, the white-haired old woman is the strongest. I am afraid that she is close to Wu Sheng and is the strongest competitor.

   As for the nine powerhouses in the southwest corner, their auras are very gloomy and bloodthirsty. They are probably evil forces or adventure groups.

   They are so calm and must be guarded. "

   Yunyao nodded to express her understanding, and secretly observed the two groups of people.

   It didn't take long for the earth-shaking dragon chants to be heard in the abyss.

   The raging sky fire and the dazzling mana brilliance rushed out like a fountain, covering hundreds of miles of the sky.

   The movement of the fight this time was extremely shocking.

   The entire abyss was shaking violently, and the surrounding cliffs were cracked by the shock.

  Moreover, there are as many as twenty people who have entered the abyss.

   The battle for fighting lasted for two quarters of an hour before it gradually stopped.

   In the end, there were only two strong men who escaped from the abyss in blood.

   One of them is the leader of the adventure group, the powerhouse of the Seventh Layer of Tribulation.

   The other person, an old man in a black robe, followed the adventure group into the abyss, wanting to pick up the bargain.

   Both of them were seriously injured, their breath was very disturbed, and their expressions were extremely frightened.

  The leader of the adventure regiment broke an arm, and desperately used the secret method, turning into a **** light and flying out of the abyss.

After    escaped from the abyss, he flew away without looking back.

   The old man in black robes who followed him was in bad luck.

   Seeing, he is about to fly out of the abyss, about to be out of danger.

   In the abyss, a huge fiery red figure suddenly flew out.


   It was a red dragon with a length of hundreds of miles and a thickness of about a thousand feet, wrapped in a raging golden sky fire.


   It raised its head to the sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ opened its huge dragon mouth and spouted a mighty golden stream of flame.

   The black-robed old man who was badly injured had already broken his legs and his strength dropped drastically.

After    was bombarded by the golden flames, he suddenly let out a heart-piercing scream, and his whole body was burnt to black ashes.

   After just two breaths, his body was destroyed and turned into dust in the golden flames.

   His spirit was also hit hard, and he fled out in horror.

   However, the glazed fire dragon swung its huge front paws, grabbed his soul, and squeezed it to pieces.

   The black robe old man was extinguished and killed by the glazed fire dragon just in full view.

   Then, the glazed fire dragon let out a majestic roar, and his eyes swept around the abyss indifferently before turning back into the abyss.

   Obviously, it knows that there are many powerful people lurking around the abyss.

   It is warning everyone that if you dare to break into its lair, there is only one dead end!

   At this moment, many strong men were frightened by Shenlong's threat, and they were full of panic and cold.

   After a short period of time, there are seven groups of strong people who fled the abyss, not daring to attack the Liuli Fire Dragon.

   Only five groups of people remained, but there were also two groups of people who were hesitant to move.

   Ji Tianxing, who has always been very patient, changed his attitude and his eyes showed scorching light.

   He looked at Yun Yao with a smile, and said through the voice: "Yaoyao, the time has come, it's time for us to take action!"

   Yunyao was taken aback, and asked incomprehensibly: "Just now the twenty strong men entered the abyss and they were all killed by the glazed fire dragon. Do we really want to go in now?"

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