Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1788: No one knows Shenlong better than me

The strong men who entered the abyss before were all killed, and only one was seriously injured and escaped.

   The colored glaze fire dragon showed up after the incident and warned everyone aggressively.

   At this juncture, whoever enters the abyss again, isn't that going to die?

   Yunyao looked at Ji Tianxing suspiciously, a little worried.

   Ji Tianxing smiled and explained: "The wisdom of that glass fire dragon is no less than that of human beings, and he also understands the truth of the fictitious and the fictitious.

   In the past few days, it has been besieged and chased by powerful people from all walks of life. It must have been greatly injured and it is impossible to maintain its peak state.

   If it weren't for this, it wouldn't be possible for it to escape back into the abyss and hide, exposing its lair to everyone.

   This can only show that it has indeed reached the point of helplessness. "

   Yunyao immediately understood what he meant, and then said: "I understand! What you mean is that if the glazed fire dragon remains at its peak, it is impossible to hide in the lair.

   It is impossible for the strong from all walks of life to chase it and find this abyss.

   Since it hid in the abyss, it proved that its vitality has been greatly injured.

   Those strong men who broke into the abyss before were killed by it. This is because it is bluffing and deliberately shocking us! "

   Ji Tianxing nodded, and continued: "Yes, it is now a strong player in the outside world, so it showed up and wanted to scare everyone away.

   But it overlooked one point. If it does not show up, we still cannot be sure of its state.

   Now that it has appeared, I am more sure that its strength is weakened.

   I have just explored it, and even though it tried to hide it, I can still detect that its spirit aura is a bit disordered.

   In addition, there is a faint blackness hidden in its pale golden eyes, which proves that it has been injured.

  Moreover, the inverted scales hidden in the many dragon scales on its neck are slightly dull in color.

   These signs can prove that it is indeed badly damaged! "

   Yunyao opened her eyes slightly, revealing an incredible look, and asked in amazement and confusion: "Tian Xing, how do you know these things? Know so much about Shenlong?"

   Ji Tianxing didn't explain anything, just smiled and pointed to his head.

   Yunyao can vaguely guess that this must be related to the memory of the sword god.

   "The Liuli Fire Dragon only appeared for a short moment. It is incredible that you can observe so carefully and still find these problems!"

   After that, she looked at the other two groups of strong men with her spiritual sense, and said with some worry: "Tian Xing, those two groups of strong men are already uncontrollable and start to act.

   Did they also see the clue, knowing that the strength of the glazed fire dragon has dropped drastically? "

   Ji Tianxing said with a certain tone: "At most they can only perceive that there is a problem with the spirit of the Liuli Fire Dragon.

   As for the changes in Long Tong's black energy and Ni Lin, they absolutely couldn't tell.

   After all, no one knows Shenlong better than me. "

   When he was talking to Yun Yao, the two groups of strong men had already left.

   The nine powerhouses in the southwest corner of the abyss were the first to enter the abyss.

   The nine powerhouses seem sturdy and reckless, but in fact they act cautiously and have a good understanding.

   They spread out, and the four strong men opened the way first, the leader was in the middle, and the other four were behind.

   Everyone flew down without hurries, and it didn't take long for them to pass through the invisible barrier and disappear into the scope of everyone's spiritual consciousness.

   Immediately afterwards, the three women in the northeast corner of the abyss also followed into the abyss.

   The white-haired old woman walked forward calmly with a cane. The middle-aged woman and the young woman followed, guarding at all times.

  After a hundred breaths of time, they also entered the abyss and disappeared.

   At this time, only three groups of people remained around the abyss.

   In addition to Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao, there are also two powerhouses who cross the tribulation realm.

   The mentality of those two groups of strong men is more hesitant, both wanting to follow into the abyss, and fearing the strength of the glass fire dragon.

   Ji Tianxing took a look, and one of the two groups of strong people was from the sect.

   A total of five people, all dressed in standard gowns, behaved relatively well.

  Unfortunately, among the five people, there are Wujun Yi Jian and Shen Yu.

   Ji Tianxing looked at them secretly, then took Yun Yao away from the mountain and stepped into the abyss.

   "Let's go, we should go down too."

   Both he and Yun Yao remained invisible, passing through the turbulent flame vortex and approaching the bottom of the abyss.

   After a while, the two dived thirty miles deep.

   A layer of dark golden flame mask blocked their way.

   This huge mask, like a golden mirror, is a natural formation.

   Ji Tianxing gave a little trick, broke the flame mask, and continued to dive with Yun Yao.


  On the mountain peaks around the abyss, there are only two groups of strong men left, still hesitating to weigh.

  Although Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao are in a state of invisibility, the strength of these two groups of powerhouses is impressive, and they can detect their auras.

   Therefore, these two groups of people are more entangled.

  Jian Wujun looked at the old man in the golden robe beside him, and said solemnly: "Brother Jin, don't hesitate anymore, let's go down too.

   The young men and women I mentioned to you before have also entered the abyss.

   The white-robed youth spurred nine heavenly thunders and successfully passed it. This is what Shen Yu and I have witnessed.

   He also killed a seven-fold powerhouse, and we also witnessed it with our own eyes.

   I guarantee my life, that kid is definitely the number one enchanting genius in the mainland.

   Since he dared to enter the abyss~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he must have discovered something!

   We just need to follow up, follow secretly, and look for opportunities to start! "

   The old man in a golden robe is burly, his face and skin are bronzed, and his white eyebrows are very eye-catching.

   He frowned and thought, and said solemnly: "Junior Brother Yijian, of course I believe you and Shen Yu's experience and knowledge.

   But we are two of the four strongest of the Qing Cang school, and these three juniors are the most potential elite disciples of this school.

   If we rush into the abyss, if we encounter an accident and die under the claws of the glazed fire dragon, it will be a fatal blow to this faction!

   When the time comes, this faction will definitely suffer a serious injury and fall from a first-rate sect into a third-rate force! "

   Shen Yu thought for a moment, and then persuaded him: "Master, my disciple suggests that you consider Master Uncle Yi's proposal again.

   There have been so many strong men slaughtered by the glazed fire dragon before, and many strong men have been scared away.

   However, there are still three groups of strong men entering the abyss, including the pair of dogs and men.

   Isn't the three strong ones afraid of death? The disciples didn't think it was. They must have found a problem with the Liuli Fire Dragon before they dared to enter it. "

   The old man in the golden robe furrowed his brows, his eyes shone brightly, still considering.

  Jian Wujun continued to persuade: "Brother Jin, our Qingcang faction has been oppressed by the other two forces for hundreds of years, and there is no chance of turning over.

   is asking for the so-called wealth insurance! If we enter the abyss and get the glazed fire dragon by chance, everything will be solved!

   When the time comes, this faction will be able to surge in strength and be promoted to the top sect force on the mainland! "

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