Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1790: 1 surprise

Heiyu and the eight strong men were aroused in anger, and they burst out with murderous intent, illuminating their dazzling mana glory.

   "Boy! You are so arrogant and ignorant!"

   "The little beast is looking for death! I will cut you off now!"

   "Men chop into meat sauce, women grab it, let everyone taste first..."

   The gangsters clamored murderously, waving swords and weapons, in an eager attitude.

   However, Ji Tianxing had already taken the lead before Black Feather ordered to do it.

   He waved the Sky Burial Sword as fast as lightning, cutting out a dazzling sword light, and slammed to Black Feather.

   "Swing a sword!"

   Hundred-foot-long dark golden sword light, bursting out a violent sword aura, swept towards the black feather in an invincible state.

   "Little beast, you are tired of life!" Kuroba yelled, and drew out the treasured sword openly and swiped it repeatedly.

   Three dark red sword lights struck, colliding with the golden sword light, and a muffled sound of "bang bang bang" burst out.

   Suddenly, the lights of the swords and swords collapsed one after another, exploded into fragments in the sky, and splashed around.

   The first time the two sides played against each other, they were evenly matched, and neither took advantage.

   "Sure enough, it's a bit capable, no wonder it's so rampant!" Kuroba was shocked and inexplicably, he let out a low voice of anger, and swung his knife again.

   Ji Tianxing pinched the magic jue with his left hand, and immediately opened the entrance to the world of the sword.

   Guanghua flashed, Zhibai and Shouhei rushed out of the sword world and appeared in the fiery cave.

   The two immediately dispersed, brandished their swords to join the battle, and rushed to the surrounding bandits.

   Yunyao also displayed his mastery of swordsmanship, wielding the sword against the current, cut out dozens of ice sword lights, and fought with the two bandits.

   Ji Tianxing stepped on the Beidou step of the Tiangang, holding the burial sword, with a chic and invincible state, he slammed the black feather head on.

   Under his control, the Heaven Burial Sword seemed to come alive, turning into an illusory black shadow, constantly bursting out with sword light.

   Hundreds of sword lights, intertwined into a complex and profound sword net, enveloped Black Feather.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   Knife, light, sword and shadow collided, bursting out a series of dull loud noises.

   Kuroba's unique sword technique was actually blocked by Ji Tianxing, unable to exert his power.

   The two confronted each other for more than a dozen moves in a row, and Ji Tianxing did not let go.

   With his magical and extraordinary swordsmanship, he resolved all the secrets of Kuroba.

   Kuroba was completely shocked, showing very horrified eyes, and couldn't help letting out a low growl.

   "The **** little beast, who has only crossed the Tribulation Realm with a high level of strength, how can he have such a terrifying combat power?"

  He is a strong man who has survived eight calamities, the top Wujun second only to Wusheng, and he is well-known in the surrounding area of ​​the gods.

   As long as he doesn't meet Martial Saint, he thinks that no one can stop him, and he is invincible.

   But now, the young man in white robe who has crossed the tribulation realm can stand up against him and be equal.

   How can he not be shocked inexplicably?

   He even had the illusion that he felt that he was not facing a young junior, but a swordsman martial artist!

   Soon, the hundred breath time passed.

   The two fight each other with more than two hundred moves, but they are still indistinguishable from each other.

   Unknowingly, they also moved away from the cave and moved to the sky above the desert of Jinsha.

   The two stopped fighting temporarily, standing in the sky above the desert, facing each other thousands of feet away.

   That wide and huge cave was also destroyed by the aftermath of the fighting and collapsed into ruins.

  The eight bandits of the Black Feather Club jointly besieged Yunyao and Zhibai Shouhei, obviously gaining the upper hand.

   Everyone also left the ruins, and the battlefield moved to the desert.

   Zhibai and Shouhei were both injured, their robes stained with blood, and their complexion a little ugly.

   But the two of them didn't seem to know the pain, they ignored their own injuries, charged with great courage, and tried their best to protect Yun Yao.

   Yunyao was not injured. Relying on the power of the sword against the current, no one can fight her head-on.

   However, she can only wound the bandits of the third and fourth layers of Cross Tribulation, not the stronger ones.

   After all, she only has the ability to cross the robbery, and it is very rare to be able to cross the triple realm.

   The injuries of the gangsters were more serious, their bodies were covered with sword wounds, blood was constantly pouring out, and their robe and armor were wetted.

   But these people are thugs who lick the blood with the blade of a knife. They have been tempered from the blood and blood, and have grown up on the sea of ​​blood.

   This injury is nothing to them. It will only arouse their ferocity and make them even more crazy.

   Everyone's offensive was even more fierce, and they were all fighting for their lives. They would rather be injured than Yun Yao and the three.

   Therefore, Yunyao and Zhibai Shouhe's pressure soared, and the situation became more dangerous.

   The two sides fought fiercely in the desert, constantly moving to the depths of the desert, blowing violent colorful hurricanes along the way, bursting out loud and loud noises.


   Kuroba stared at Ji Tianxing thousands of feet away, his expression gloomy as ice.

   The fierce onslaught before, cost him a lot of mana, and he took the opportunity to exercise his energy to adjust his breath.

   Ji Tianxing was not in a hurry to attack, standing proudly in the air, with his left hand behind him, and his right hand holding the Heaven Burying Sword, pointing diagonally to the ground.

   "Kuroba, can you still laugh now?"

  Bing's indifferent voice contained a hint of mockery.

   Kuroba frowned fiercely, the blue veins on his face beat a few times, and his heart surged with anger.

   "Boy, I really underestimated you. I didn't expect you to have such strength. No wonder you can kill the night crow~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But you are too happy!

   If you only have this ability, you will definitely die! "

   As he spoke, a black light flashed in his left hand, revealing a square formation.

   The slap-large array plate is quite delicate, with thousands of array patterns carved with twelve lifelike statues on the edges.

   Those statues are all strange animals, including black crows, hideous spiders, black scorpions and black snakes.

   The array was suspended in front of Black Feather, spinning steadily, bursting with icy black light.

   Black feather pinched the magic trick in both hands, and began to use the secret method, injecting the majestic mana into the array.


   Soon, the mysterious formation expanded ten million times, becoming the size of a palace, and slammed into the desert with a bang.

   Jinsha buried the formation, but the black light flooded from the ground, spreading in all directions.

   In a blink of an eye, the icy black light enveloped a radius of fifty li, forming a huge mask, sealing this area.

   In the great seal formation, the turbulent glazed sky fire was also dispersed and turned into a pitch-black void.

   Black feather holding a treasure knife, standing in the void, triumphantly sneered: "Boy, now let you see the power of the Tiansha black feather formation!

   In this big formation, the Lord is the ruler of heaven and earth, and you are the ant who let it be killed! ! "

   Tens of miles away, Ji Tianxing stood in the pitch black void, still his face remained unchanged.

   He ignored Black Feather, facing the Sky Burial Sword, using the method of divine soul sound transmission, and said with a smile: "Little Black Dragon, I prepared a surprise for you, do you want it?"

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