Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1791: Son of Valkyrie?

Since devouring the Dragon Crystal, the little black dragon has been retreating in the sword world, very hard and serious.

   Now, it has reached the eighth level of the Primordial God Realm, and it is not far from the Tribulation Realm.

   Although it doesn't hear about foreign affairs, it only wants to refine the dragon crystal.

   was suddenly awakened by Ji Tianxing, and when he heard some surprises, he immediately became interested.

   It quickly ended its cultivation, and asked expectantly: "Old Ji, what surprises did you prepare for me?"

   Ji Tianxing said with a serious face: "Considering that you have been single, it may be lonely.

   Therefore, I am not afraid of hardships and travel all the way to Flame Mountain, ready to ask you a wife. "

   "Huh?" The little black dragon was dumbfounded, and was silent for a long time without moving.

   The little black dragon, who has always been honest and upright, was a little dazed by this sudden surprise.

   After a while, it said in a sigh, "Lao Ji, didn't you say before, you want Qianyue and I to help each other and love each other?"

   "What kind of love each other?" Ji Tianxing said irritably: "I only said that I would let you support each other, but I didn't mess with the mandarin ducks!

   Besides, you two are of different races and can only be friends. How can you be a partner? "

   "Uh..." the little black dragon asked weakly: "Then you mean, you have found a dragon?"

   "Yes, and it's a dragon." Ji Tianxing replied without hesitation.

   The little black dragon didn't quite believe it, and asked: "Are you sure it's a dragon? And it's a female?"

   "Of course, I have already confirmed it!" Ji Tianxing vowed.

   The little black dragon hesitated, and asked in a nervous tone: "Then what am I going to do now? Will he come out and meet him? Will he despise me?"

   Ji Tianxing smiled and persuaded: "Don't be nervous, it's not for you to come on a blind date! What you have to do is very simple, just show up."

   "So simple?" The little black dragon was surprised, and his tone became much easier.

   Ji Tianxing nodded quickly and said: "Of course, don't rush, it's too late for a while!"

   While talking, he opened the sword world.

   The little black dragon didn't doubt his words at all, and immediately flew out.


   The black light flashed, and the little black dragon appeared in the pitch-black void and flew twice around Ji Tianxing.

   Seeing the darkness all around and the terrifying amount of pressure between the sky and the earth, it was a little startled.

   "Old Ji, what's the situation? What about the female dragon?"

   Ji Tianxing patted its head, and said, "Don't worry, if we want to see that female dragon, we have to deal with that guy first."

After   , he pointed to the black feather standing in the void dozens of miles away.

   The little black dragon was not afraid, and immediately showed the body of the Shenlong, whose body swelled more than ten miles long, like a dark mountain range.


   Black Feather has been manipulating the operation of the big formation after he cast the Tiansha Black Feather Array, quietly accumulating the power of the big formation.

   At the same time, he is still observing Ji Tianxing's reaction.

   If Ji Tianxing tried to resist, he would suppress it with thunder.

   However, he was shocked to find that Ji Tianxing's reaction was a little weird.

   He didn't seem to take this big formation into his heart. Not only did he lack defense and resistance, he also muttered to the sword, not knowing what he was saying.

   Just as Kuroba was full of doubts, a small dragon suddenly appeared beside Ji Tianxing.

   The little dragon flew two times before it lit up with a dazzling cold light, and instantly became a ten-mile-long dragon.

   Kuroba was dumbfounded on the spot, staring dumbfounded.

   "My God! Dragon! That turned out to be a black dragon!

   Damn it! How could he have a black dragon? "

   At that moment, Kuroba's heart beat wildly, and his whole body was petrified.

   He couldn't believe his eyes!

   Except for the Liuli Fire Dragon, this is the second time he has seen Shenlong with his own eyes.

  "According to the legend, there are only a few dragons on the Shenwu Continent, all of which are in the hands of the three great gods.

   That kid has just reached the tribulation stage, but he also owns a dragon?

   His aptitude is so enchanting, is he the heir of a certain Valkyrie, the noble son of God? ! "

   Based on Kuroba's knowledge, he can only guess that way.

   Except for the son of Valkyrie, he couldn't think of anyone who could be as enchanting as Ji Tianxing and own a dragon.

   At this moment, Kuroba was a little scared instinctively, and there was a deep worry and fear in his heart.

   Despite his strength, he is the president of the Black Feather Society, and he is quite famous around the gods.

   But he can never compare with the noble **** son!

   The gap between the two is like the gravel on the ground and the stars in the sky!

   "It's over! Our Black Feather Club actually provokes a **** son, this is a disaster!"

   Kuroba cried out inwardly, his whole heart was like falling into an ice cellar, and his whole body was cold.

   But at this moment, Ji Tianxing took the black dragon and slaughtered it aggressively.

   "A sword opens the sky!"

   Still ten miles away, Ji Tianxing already held the sword in both hands, and cut out a huge sword light with all his strength.

  The golden sword of thousands of feet long, carrying the power of destroying everything, fell from the sky to Black Feather.

   Kuroba woke up immediately, a flash of determination flashed in his cold eyes, and he made up his mind instantly.

  "Go to him|mother|! What about the son of God?

   If I want my life, I will kill you first!

   Anyway, in this abyss, all traces can be concealed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even the **** of war may not know! "

   Kuroba turned his heart, hurriedly waved his palm to cast a spell, manipulated the seal formation to resist Jianguang's beheading.


   In the void in all directions, 800 black light sharp blades emerged immediately, forming a black lightsaber net, and slammed to that sword light head on.


   The open sky giant sword and the black lightsaber net violently collided, and there was a loud thunderous noise.

   Hundreds of black light blades were all broken into pieces, scattered in the void.

   The huge golden sword light, after cutting through the sword net, its power was also weakened by 70% to 80%, and it smashed into the ground with a bang.

   Suddenly, the ground covered with sand and gravel was chopped out of a 20-mile-long gully, splashing out overwhelming earth and rocks.

   Ji Tianxing’s unique swordsmanship was resolved, and he opened his third eye on his forehead, releasing endless thunder.


   The golden, purple, and blue thunders gush out like an endless tide, condensed into a fifty-foot-long thunder beam, and blasted towards the black feathers.

   Hei Yu's complexion changed drastically, both frightened and angry, and quickly manipulated the seal formation to resist the thunderbolt.

   "Huan Luo kills the shadow!"

   Under his control, twelve huge mountain-like phantoms were released from the pitch black mask, and they all rushed toward the thunder.

   The twelve thousand-foot-high phantoms are exactly twelve kinds of evil beasts, including black crows, black scorpions, black spiders, black snakes, and so on.


   With a loud and deafening sound exploded, the tri-color divine thunder collided with several phantom beasts, exploding the sky and the earth.

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