Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1792: Melee

The sound of thunder was deafening, and the light of thunder shone into the void for dozens of miles.

   The shock wave of terrifying power spread to the surroundings, blowing a violent hurricane.

   All the twelve different beast phantoms collapsed, and the power of the tricolor **** thunder was also exhausted, and it quickly dissipated.

   Ji Tianxing and Kuroba drew once again, no one could take advantage.

   The shock in Kuroba's heart can be imagined.

   He was originally an eight-fold strongman who crossed the robbery, and he used the best robbery formation to set up this seal formation.

   When he wants to come, the strong under the martial sage realm, as long as they are sealed by the great formation, they are bound to die.

   There is no possibility of escape!

   But Ji Tianxing did it, and never suffered from the beginning to the end!

  "Damn bastard, is he already invincible under Wu Sheng?

   This is impossible! Even if he is the son of God, he can never be so evil! "

   Kuroba roared wildly in his heart, already irritated and about to lose his mind.

   This is simply subverting the common sense of martial arts, he couldn't believe it anyway.

   At the same time, the black dragon also culled over, unleashing secret skills with all his strength, and blasted towards Black Feather.

   Hei Yu glanced intently, and saw that the black dragon had only the strength of the Primordial Spirit Realm, and he was a bit astonished and disdainful.

   "Huh! The young dragon of the mere primordial spirit realm, dare to be presumptuous in front of the monarch?"

   Black Feather snorted contemptuously, waved a black light with his palm, and slashed at the black dragon fiercely.


   The black light smashed the spell released by the black dragon, hit it with a crash, and flew back.

   Kuroba immediately chased up, swung the treasured sword and cut out several hundred-foot-long blades, covering the body of the black dragon.

   However, the black dragon was at a critical juncture, opening the dragon's mouth and spraying a raging black dragon's breath.


   The black dragon's breath passed through the knife light blockade like a water column, and hit Black Feather severely.

   He only heard a muffled sound of "Boom", and Black Feather was blown up on the spot, and his body was wrapped in black dragon's breath.

   The incomparable cold air, carrying the terrifying poisonous gas, immediately froze his body, and penetrated into his body.

  Even if his luck dispelled the cold, he felt half of his body numb, completely lost consciousness, and could not move.

   Hei Yu was dumbfounded on the spot, and couldn't believe that the black dragon in the Primordial God Realm was so capable!

   "Asshole! That kid is enchanting enough, why is his black dragon so weird?"

   While cursing in his heart, Kuroba quickly fends off the poisonous invasion.

   At the same time, Ji Tianxing has swung his sword to smash a few slashes, and then killed him with his sword.

   "Blue Dragon Sacred Sword!"

   The Sky Burial Sword immediately swelled and became larger, turning into a huge sword of a thousand feet high.

   Ji Tianxing also turned into a dazzling golden light, integrated with the Heaven Burial Sword.

   The giant sword exploded with the power of destroying the heavens and the earth, carrying a huge blue dragon phantom, slashing towards the black feather with all its strength.


   Kuroba was paralyzed on half of his body and couldn't avoid it. He was immediately struck by the giant sword, and there was a loud noise.

   He was smashed by the giant sword and flew back, his entire left arm was severed by the root, a large amount of black blood splashed out, and he let out a harsh scream.

   Seeing how powerful Ji Tianxing and Heilong were, he became more cautious and never dared to take it lightly.

   Next, he managed to suppress the injury while manipulating the power of the seal formation to resist the attack of Ji Tianxing and Heilong with all his strength.

   The two sides fought fiercely in the big formation, the fight was inextricably difficult, and there was no way to tell the winner in the short term.


   Outside the Great Seal Array, in the desert of Golden Sands about a hundred miles away.

   Yunyao and Zhibai Shouhei are resisting the siege of several bandits.

   There were originally eight gangsters, and after so long a fierce battle, Yun Yao has killed one.

   The only seven gangsters left were also severely injured, all blood dripping.

   Zhibai and Shouhei's injuries were also very serious, covered in blood and crisscrossed wounds.

   But their will is very tenacious, they have been gritting their teeth and holding on, swearing to the death.

   Yunyao consumes a lot of mana, her complexion is pale, her hair is a bit messy, and her white skirt is stained with blood.

   "I don't know, what's going on with Tianxing? Can he solve Kuroba?"

   She is full of anxiety, worrying about Ji Tianxing's safety and worrying about the situation in front of her.

   If there is no help from outside, with the strength of her and Zhibai Shouhei, it would never be possible to defeat the seven bandits.

   It is unbelievable that they can sustain that they have not been killed until now.

   At this moment, Yun Yao is extremely expecting that Ji Tianxing can create a miracle and defeat Hei Yu.

   But at this moment, a huge red figure suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​fire above the desert.

   That is a ten-mile long, red and golden flame dragon.

   Obviously, it is the glass fire dragon!

   It shrunk the body ten times, passed through the sea of ​​fire silently, and came near the battlefield.

   In the dark golden dragon pupil, there was a cold murderous intent.

   It observed for a moment in secret, and saw Yun Yao and the gangsters fighting fiercely, and could not help showing a sneer of mockery.

   When everyone was fighting, no one noticed its existence.

   After a while, Liuli Fire Dragon decisively seized the opportunity and launched an attack.

   A sturdy gangster, just repelled by the light of the sword of Zhibai, he flew upside down covered in blood.

   The glazed fire dragon suddenly teleported over, raised its huge front paw, and slapped it fiercely.


   With a muffled noise, the gangster was crushed by the dragon's claws and his body collapsed on the spot.

   A soul escaped, flying to the distance in a vague way~www.wuxiaspot.com~ wanting to escape.

   But the glazed fire dragon waved its claws again, grabbed the soul, and immediately crushed it to pieces.

   After killing a gangster quickly, the glazed fire dragon lurked in the sea of ​​fire again, silently.

   Twenty breaths later, it seized the opportunity again and shot and killed a gangster.

   Until then, everyone found that the situation was not right and realized it was wrong.

   The five gangsters were full of horror, and they all stopped attacking and watched their surroundings vigilantly.

   Yunyao and Zhibai Shouhei also noticed something wrong, got together quickly, and slowly retreated towards the distance.

   The glazed fire dragon simply no longer hides, and rushes towards the gangsters aggressively.

   The gangsters were so scared that they were so scared that they all tried their best to fight back.

   After the earth-shattering battle, the five bandits were bombarded and killed by the Liuli Fire Dragon.

   Only one person was seriously injured, and only one soul was left, and he escaped.

   The Liuli Fire Dragon didn't chase, and immediately rushed to Yun Yao and the three.

   Zhi Bai and Shou Hei are both dignified, holding the determination to die, and rushing forward to the glazed fire dragon.

   However, when Yun Yao swung the sword against the glazed fire dragon, a strange scene appeared.

   Liuli Fire Dragon stopped attacking unexpectedly, turned his head and fled without hesitation.

   In the blink of an eye, its figure disappeared into the sea of ​​flames.

   Seeing this scene, Yun Yao and Zhibai Shouhei breathed a sigh of relief and secretly said a fluke.

   However, after a few breaths, the majestic dragon roar sounded hundreds of miles away.

   Yunyao turned her head to look in the direction of Long Yin's transmission, and her face suddenly changed.

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