Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1793: chase

In the desert a hundred miles away from Yunyao, there was a huge black mask.

   She knew very well that the mask was the seal formation that Kuroba had released.

   Ji Tianxing and Hei Yu were fighting in that mask.

   And now, the roar of the glazed fire dragon sounded near the light shield.

   What this means is self-evident.

   She immediately changed her complexion, and hurriedly took Zhibai and Shouhei towards the seal formation.


   Ji Tianxing and Black Dragon are attacking Black Feather with all their strength.

   The two sides have fought hundreds of moves in the big battle, but they are still indistinguishable.

   Kuroba's injury has stabilized, and the broken arm has been reshaped with secret methods, and there is no major problem for the time being.

   But at this moment, a loud bang suddenly came from outside the big formation.

   The black mask with a radius of fifty li shook violently, undulating layers of ripples.

   The northwest corner of the mask seemed to have been hit hard, and it was blasted into dense cracks by some powerful unmatched force.

   The seal formation was damaged and its power was greatly reduced.

   Kuroba was also backlashed by the power of the formation, and his body was taken aback, his face turned pale.

   Ji Tianxing was not surprised and rejoiced. He took the opportunity to kill him in front of Black Feather, and raised his left palm to release endless golden flames.

   "God Killing Spear!"

  The mysterious and terrifying golden flames condensed into a thirty-foot-long golden spear, which instantly penetrated Black Feather's chest.


   His mana shield and body armor, fragile as paper under the golden spear, were directly shattered.

   The **** spear pierced his chest, flew out from behind, and pierced the array mask not far away.


   Amid the loud noise, the array mask was blasted out of a pit by the Spear of Killing God, cracking many gaps.

   Kuroba froze stiffly in mid-air, leaving a bowl of blood hole on his chest, which was translucent.

  The black blood rushed out from the wound, and immediately wetted his armor and clothes.

   He lowered his head with difficulty, looked at his chest in disbelief, and a deep look of fear appeared in his eyes.

   He couldn't believe that he was seriously injured by Ji Tianxing, smashing his internal organs!

   In the chest cavity, in addition to the heart is still well preserved, the other organs are broken.

   Such a severe injury almost destroyed his body!

   Kuroba was both furious and frightened, and immediately recovered and fled back after using the escape method.

   Now, he can no longer fight Ji Tianxing head-on.

   He must flee here first and find a place to heal his injuries.

   If he continues to fight, his body will soon collapse.

   By then, he will have to heal for at least a hundred years before he can reshape his body.

   However, just as Kuroba turned to escape, a high-pitched dragon roar rang out from outside the array.


   Then, a loud and deafening noise came from outside the large array.


   The northwest corner of the black mask, where there were already cracks, was hit again.


   There was a crisp cracking sound, and the black mask was blasted on the spot, revealing a huge gap.

   A huge flaming dragon claw came in from the gap.

   Then, the second dragon claw also stretched in.

   Two dragon claws severely tore, and then tore a ten-mile-long crack in the black mask.

   Kuroba, who was escaping, was once again bitten back by the power of the formation, staggering in his footsteps, and spouting a mouthful of blood.

   At this critical juncture, he was calm and decisive enough.

  Since the sealing formation had been defeated by the glazed fire dragon, he simply gave up the formation and took back the underground formation.


   Under his control, the Tiansha black feather formation buried in the ground quickly shrank to the size of a palm, and flew back into his palm.

   He put away the formation, and ran away without looking back.

   Where is Ji Tianxing willing to let him go?

   "Kuroba, don't want to escape!"

   Ji Tianxing shouted angrily, and quickly took the black dragon into the sword world, chasing and killing the black feather alone.

   He turned into a golden streamer, flying through the void like lightning, chasing Black Feather and flying towards the desert.

   At the same time, the glazed fire dragon had torn the black mask to pieces, and the huge dragon head got into the big formation.

   With a burst of "click, click, click," the shattering sound, the array mask in a radius of fifty li completely collapsed and shattered.

   The raging flames immediately rushed from all directions and turned this area into a sea of ​​fire.

   The colored glaze fire dragon looked around for a few times, and his eyes immediately locked on Ji Tianxing, who was thirty miles away, and a bright light came out of his eyes.

   It seems to have determined something, flying through the sea of ​​fire like a streamer, and rushing to Ji Tianxing desperately.

   Black feather flees in front, Ji Tianxing chases after him, and the glazed fire dragon follows Ji Tianxing in pursuit.

   The two dragons passed through the desert like this, and quickly disappeared into the sea of ​​fire.

   Fifty miles behind the Liuli Fire Dragon, Yun Yao and Zhibai Shouhei also rushed over with all their might.

   Everyone lined up like this and started chasing in the desert.


   Granny Jin took the middle-aged woman and Rong'er on the edge of the desert of Jinsha, carefully observing the row of caves in front.

   Suddenly, Granny Jin noticed a strange aura in the desert and immediately turned her head to look.

   She looked through the raging sea of ​​fire and saw the scene dozens of miles away.

   I saw a ten-mile flame dragon chasing a golden streamer~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She used her divine sense to take a look and found that the figure in the streamer was the young man in white robe.

   This feeling and this scene made her eyes brighten up, revealing a touch of surprise in her eyes.

   "Great! I couldn't find the trace of the Liuli Fire Dragon, but I didn't expect it to show up.

   It seemed that the white-robed young man was very capable, and he was able to draw the glazed fire dragon out! "

   Jieyu and Rong'er also released their spiritual knowledge and probed the situation in the desert.

   Seeing Ji Tianxing being chased by the colored glaze fire dragon, Jieyu was a little stunned and said with a weird expression: "Hey, that young man is so extraordinary that he has led the colored glaze dragon out.

   But, how could he be chased by the Liuli Fire Dragon? Is his strength too weak to lose to the Liuli Fire Dragon? "

   Rong'er didn't have that many thoughts, she looked worried, looked at Granny Jin hopefully, and begged: "Mother-in-law, that young man is being chased by the glazed fire dragon, you can do it!

  Although he is a masterful wizard, he has only broken through the Tribulation Realm after all, and he can never be the opponent of the Liuli Fire Dragon.

   Now he has brought out the Liuli Fire Dragon, which is a good thing for us. You can save yourself now and have a good relationship..."

   Rong'er was a little anxious. While begging Granny Jin, her divine consciousness was also paying attention to the movement of the Liuli Fire Dragon and Ji Tianxing.

   Before she could finish her words, Jieyu showed a smiling smile and joked: "Rong'er, didn't you say that you didn't have any thoughts about that young man? Why are you so worried about him now?"

   Rong'er didn't care about getting entangled with Jieyu, she tugged on Granny Jin's sleeves, and said solemnly: "Mother-in-law, please save that son."

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