Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1797: Return of the Holy Sword

Unconsciously, another hour passed.

   Ji Tianxing stubbornly supported for an hour, his mana had been consumed by 70%, and his spirit became weak.

   Above the seal formation, there were only scattered golden flames in the air, and the temperature dropped several times.

  Below the seal formation, the endless glazed sky fire has accumulated, which has condensed into dark golden clouds.

   The Seal Array is under extremely powerful impact, and the colorful mask is full of cracks, which may collapse at any time.

   Ji Tianxing has come to the end of the crossbow, very anxious, but helpless.

   He could only pray silently: "Fun Tian, ​​funeral, it's been three hours, why haven't you moved?"

   Maybe his prayer has worked, or maybe the time has come and the funeral is ready.


   At the bottom of the abyss, there was a sharp sound of sword singing, bursting into the sky with sacred golden light.

   Then, a mighty swallowing force came from the bottom of the abyss.


   Under the great seal formation, the dark golden flame cloud was immediately swallowed down, forming a dark golden whirlpool.

   After a short period of time, Ji Tianxing clearly felt that the thick flames of flames had been reduced by 30% and became much thinner.

   The impact force that the Seal Array bears is also rapidly declining.

   The many gaps on the multicolored mask also began to heal and recover.

   Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing's spirit was shocked, showing a strong look of expectation.

   "Great, funeral day finally started!"

   He looked at the bottom of the abyss with scorching eyes, and released his divine sense to investigate the situation.

   It's a pity that the dark golden flame vortex filled the abyss, blocking his vision and consciousness.

   As time passed, the flame cloud became thinner and thinner, and the flame vortex began to shrink.

   This undoubtedly means that most of the sky fire has been swallowed in the abyss below the seal formation.

   Ji Tianxing couldn't see the situation below, but he could guess that Funeral Sky must be smelting the blade and materials.

   Soon, another two hours passed.

   Below the seal formation, the glazed sky fire in the abyss disappeared.

   Without the turbulent sea of ​​fire, Ji Tianxing can finally see the situation below.

   He can vaguely see that a hundred miles below is the bottom of the abyss, a sea of ​​crimson and gold magma.

   A huge sword that is thousands of feet high is floating above the magma ocean.

   The giant sword releases a powerful devouring power, stirring the calm magma ocean turbulently, and bursting out an overwhelming golden stream of flames.

   But the flames were swallowed by the great sword.

   The huge sword is red all over, and after consuming the endless sky fire, it has been burned to be clear and clear, and there is no trace of impurities.

   As time goes by, the giant sword continues to devour the sky fire, tempering itself.

   It was originally incomplete, missing a bit of the blade.

   But Ji Tianxing discovered that the giant sword had been smelted with four materials and was slowly changing, extending its sharp point.

  Even if it is hundreds of miles away, he can clearly sense that the giant sword contains the power of destroying the world!

   His heart was full of excitement and anticipation, silently watching the magma ocean and the giant sword below, waiting for the moment the Excalibur was repaired!

   But it didn't take long for him to consume too much mana, only about 20% left.

   In desperation, he could only fly to the top of the seal formation, sit on the colorful mask, and take the pill to restore mana.

   After taking a few pills, he held a top-quality spiritual stone in each hand, absorbing mana through his exercises.

   Time passes silently, and the abyss is silent.

   About five hours later, Ji Tianxing refined a few pills and drew a few spirit stones, and his skill returned to about 80%.

   At this moment, a dazzling sacred golden light soared from the bottom of the abyss.


   A crisp sound of sword ming, echoing endlessly in the abyss.

   Above the magma ocean, the Qianzhang Great Sword flew in the air and flew upward.

   At this time, it has been restored intact.

   The hilt is mysterious and thick, the blade is straight and slender, and the newly born sword point is unparalleled!

   When the giant sword left the bottom of the abyss and flew near the seal formation, it had gradually changed from crimson to black.

   The terrifying heat gradually dissipated, and the giant sword kept shrinking.

   When Ji Tianxing was alarmed and opened his eyes when he finished his practice, the Heaven Burial Sword had returned to its normal size, only three feet long.


   The black light flashed, and the Heaven Burying Sword flew in front of Ji Tianxing and stopped.

   Ji Tianxing stared at the Heaven Burial Sword, and immediately saw that the sword had been restored to its integrity.

   Not only that, the entire sword body is surrounded by a layer of mysterious black light, exuding an unrivaled, transcendent aura that defies the common people!

   The previous Heaven Burial Sword was not complete. Even though it contained powerful power and had a cold and mysterious atmosphere, it had a heroic twilight state.

   But now, the Heaven Burial Sword is not only restored, it is also full of indescribable sacred aura.

   It is like having life, completely awakened!

   It is not so much a peerless sword, as it is more like a peerless strong man, standing proudly in the world, looking down at all living beings!

   Ji Tianxing showed relief eyes, full of expectation, and slowly stretched out his hand to hold the hilt.

   When his hand grasped the hilt of the sword, a sense of consonance came from his soul.

   At that moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He seemed to be awakened with many memories, and countless pictures flashed deep in his mind.

   Once, carrying the Heaven Burying Sword, he drove through the Shenwu Continent alone.

   From west to east, he defeated countless arrogances and strong men all the way, his style is outstanding, no one can beat him!

   Once, he set foot on Tianzhu Mountain alone with a sword, and accepted the challenge of martial sages from all walks of life in the world. No one can survive three moves under his sword!

   Once again, he wandered around the sky with the Heaven Burial Sword, talked about martial arts with the **** of war, and pointed the world...

   Various memory images gush out like a tide, flashing in the depths of Ji Tianxing's mind.

  His emotions have also become complicated and heavy. He stared at the Heaven Burying Sword with scorching eyes, and couldn't help muttering: "Old man, you are finally back!"

   The powerful aura of the Sky Burial Sword and the black light on the surface have both converged, and it has returned to its ordinary appearance as pitch black as ink.

   Except for some mystery, it doesn't show too many amazing things.

   The burial sky's voice also rang in Ji Tianxing's mind, and he sighed, "Yes, I'm back!"

   In this life, we must not repeat the same mistakes, we must slaughter all powerful enemies and kill for nine days! "

   Ji Tianxing holds the sword in his right hand, strokes the blade with **** in his left hand, and said with a cold and firm expression: "When I return to the Divine Realm, those who once held me will be punishable!"

   The funeral sky was silent for a moment, and added: "Don't worry, that day will not be too far.

   But before that, we must work hard to restore strength as soon as possible. "

   Ji Tianxing nodded, waved his hand to remove the seal formation, and put away the six empty stones and eight sharp shuttles.

   Then, he took the Heaven Burial Sword and left the abyss.

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