Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1798: 2 lose all

Sands in the desert.

   The battle that lasted all day, finally came to an end.

   An area of ​​hundreds of miles around has become a ruin.

   It was originally covered with sand, and the ground was fairly flat.

   But now, hundreds of miles are full of potholes and gullies, and there are broken boulders everywhere.

   Half of the desert has been destroyed and become devastated.

   Yunyao and Zhibai Shouhei, hiding on the edge of the ruins, silently watched the battle in the field.

   In the middle of the ruins, there are four figures flickering and flying in the sky, constantly releasing spells that destroy the world and blast each other.

   The most conspicuous figure is the red glaze fire dragon ten miles long and crimson.

   It was covered with a layer of golden sky fire, galloping like a blast, releasing an overwhelming magical brilliance.

   However, the whole day's fierce fighting has exhausted its mana and suffered extremely tragic trauma.

   Its power is already very weak, and its whole body is covered with wounds.

   There are hundreds of blood holes, blood grooves and wounds of various sizes.

   Many deep wounds, the bones and internal organs are clearly visible.

   Most of its dragon scales were broken, a dragon claw was also cut off, and the injuries were extremely serious.

  Dark red dragon blood constantly pouring from the wound, covering its whole body.

   Many of the dragon blood scattered in the ruins quickly dissipated and turned into a mighty dragon gas, scattered in the world.

   Although it was seriously injured, it had reached the end of the crossbow, but it still supported it.

   After all, Shenlong’s arrogance does not allow it to surrender.

   The most important thing is that it did not suffer in this battle.

   The situation of mother-in-law Jin is worse and more dangerous than it!

   The mother-in-law Jin at this time is truly at the end of the world.

   She is ragged, her white hair is unkempt as a chicken coop, and her body is covered with dense wounds.

   The dark red blood had already dyed her clothes and white hair red, turning her into a blood man.

   Her mana has been exhausted, and the soul has also been traumatized. She has become muddy and unconscious, and may faint at any time.

   Even the dragon head cane in her hand was interrupted by the glazed fire dragon, its power was greatly reduced.

   Although she is a martial artist, she has only been advanced to martial arts for decades.

   Glazed Fire Dragon is a half-step martial arts powerhouse, and the most powerful creature in the world-Shenlong. Of course, its combat effectiveness is extremely strong.

   Fortunately, before the two sides fight, the Liuli Fire Dragon is greatly injured, and the two sides can tie.

   If the glazed fire dragon maintains its peak state, Granny Jin is definitely not its opponent!

   Compared with Granny Jin, Jieyu and Ronger are in a slightly better situation.

   The two were also seriously injured, their clothes were ragged, their long hair scattered, and blood stained all over.

   But their strength is weak, and they will not fight head-on with the Liuli Fire Dragon.

   They just wandered on the flanks, helping Mother Jin to besiege the Liuli Fire Dragon.

   After a whole day of fighting, the mana of the two have been exhausted, their spirits are also very weak, and their fighting power has fallen to the bottom.

   The two of them have been able to support them so far, and they have not been killed by the Liuli Fire Dragon. They all rely on the protection of Granny Jin.

   Suddenly, the glazed fire dragon stepped back ten miles, its huge body shrank violently, and it exuded an extremely terrifying and dangerous aura.

   The sky in front of it also burst into black cracks, and a huge vortex gradually appeared.

   Seeing this scene, Mother Jin changed her face on the spot, and shouted anxiously: "Quickly get out of the way! It's going to perform its trick!"

   Jieyu and Rong'er were about to rush up, taking the opportunity to besiege the Liuli Fire Dragon.

   Suddenly heard Granny Jin's cry, both of them were taken aback, and then hurried back.

   However, their speed is too slow and it is too late to retreat!

   The glazed fire dragon suddenly opened its mouth and let out a earth-shaking dragon roar!


   It did not hesitate to exhaust the last mana, releasing a pitch-black whirlpool of ten miles around, and blasted towards Jieyu and Rong'er.

   That huge black vortex is a void storm formed by void cracks, possessing the power to annihilate everything.

   Even if it is a strong martial artist, it may not be able to resist the bombardment of the void storm!

   As long as Jieyu and Rong'er are hit, they will definitely be strangled into dregs by the void storm, without any suspense.

   At a critical juncture, Granny Jin was extremely worried, her angry eyes splitting.

   "Naughty animal!!"

   She screamed in grief and anger, and rushed forward desperately to stand in front of Xueyu and Rong'er.

   At the moment when she was about to die, she shot two golden lights with her left hand, wrapped Lingyu and Rong'er, and left them dozens of miles away.

   Holding the broken dragon head crutch in her right hand, she hit a huge golden light barrier in front of her.


   The pitch-black void storm slammed the ten-mile-high golden barrier, and burst out with a loud noise.

   The extremely strong golden light barrier could not withstand the bombardment of the void storm, and it collapsed and shattered on the spot.

   Then, the Void Storm hit Granny Jin and enveloped her.


   As the dull loud noise burst out, the void storm wrapped Granny Jin, and continued to fly forward for dozens of miles before gradually dissipating.

   A blood-covered figure fell from mid-air and smashed into the ruins with a ‘punk’, splashing countless rubble.

   Jieyu and Rong'er stood in the sky in shock, staring at the figure in the ruins, both showing extremely angry and worried expressions.


   The two cried out in unison, rushed over desperately, and landed beside Granny Jin.

   Granny Jin was lying in the ruins, motionless, half of her body was buried by gravel.

   Jieyu and Rong'er hurriedly pushed away the gravel and scraped Granny Jin out of the ruins.

   When Jieyu hugged Granny Jin, the two could see clearly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Granny Jin had broken her arm, and her whole body broke apart, and she couldn't find a whole piece of flesh and blood.

   Her physical injuries were so severe that she was on the verge of collapse.

   She was also seriously injured, she had fallen into a coma and was unconscious.

   At this time, her breath is like a gossamer, her life hanging by a thread, only one breath is left.

   "Mother-in-law! You wake up soon!"

   Jieyu and Rong'er cried out in sorrow, tears welled up in their eyes, and their hearts were tightly grasped.

   But at this moment, the glazed fire dragon flew over from the sky.

   It stood above their heads, staring at them with cold eyes, and said in a low voice: "A arrogant and ignorant guy, who dares to be an enemy of me, he will die!

   The death date of the old woman is coming, and you two will bury her with her! ! "

   While talking, it lifted its huge dragon claws, and it was about to shoot it down, killing the three together.

   Although its mana has been exhausted, its combat power has weakened to the extreme.

   But it's okay to kill Mother Jin and Jieyu and others.

   Seeing, huge dragon claws fell from the sky, but Jieyu and Rong'er were unable to resist.

   At this critical moment, a dazzling golden sword light suddenly pierced from a distance!



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