Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1799: misunderstanding

"call out!"

   In just an instant, the hundred-foot-long golden sword pierced the sky and smashed to the glazed fire dragon.


   The giant sword slammed into the huge dragon claw, and there was a dull loud noise.

   Golden light splashed all over, a puff of dark red dragon blood splashed out and fell on the ruins.

   Although the golden light sword light broke down, the huge impact force also knocked the glass fire dragon into the air.

   It tumbled and fell ten miles away, and slammed into the ruins with a ‘pop’, splashing huge gravel.

   The earth trembled crazily, and a loud noise came out hundreds of miles away.

   Jieyu and Rong'er thought they were bound to die, but they didn't expect someone to rescue them and let them escape.

   The two hurriedly looked up to the sky, and saw a handsome young man wearing a white robe and martial arts, coming quickly like a stream of light.


   In the blink of an eye, the white-robed youth came to the sky above their heads.

  Rong'er suddenly shook her body, staring at him closely, and her mood became extremely complicated.

   "It's him! He is really not a coward who is greedy for life and fear of death. He actually saved our lives at this critical juncture!"

   Rong'er was a little excited, muttering silently in her heart.

   Jieyu was calm, and he bowed his hand to the white-robed youth, saying: "Thank you, my son, for helping me. I haven't consulted my son's surname yet. We will also repay you in the future..."

  The white robe youth is just Ji Tianxing.

   After he left the Skyfire Abyss, he walked through the intricate caves and returned along the same path.

   When he returned to the desert of Jinsha, he happened to see the glazed fire dragon releasing a void storm, severely wounding Granny Jin.

   At that time, he was too far away to save him.

   Seeing that the glazed fire dragon was about to be killed, he couldn't help but shoot.

   This is just the result of kind thoughts in his heart, and he has not thought about repaying kindness.

   Hearing Jieyu's words, he calmly said: "It's not enough to raise your hand, let alone repay it.

   Two people, this place is very dangerous, you should leave as soon as possible and find a place for healing. "

   Hearing his remarks, Rong'er's perception of him became even greater, and she thought to herself: "Sure enough, he is a man of high spirits, and he is kind and does not report, this is what our generation of warriors did!"

   Jieyu refused to give up, and continued: "Even if the son doesn't want to return, at least we have to tell us the name?"

   Ji Tianxing didn't expect her to be so persistent, so she replied, "Going next day, are you satisfied?"

   "Tian Xing?" Jieyu nodded and said: "We remembered, thank you for your life-saving grace."

   After finishing speaking, she hugged the unconscious mother-in-law Jin and flew towards the edge of the desert with the seriously injured Rong'er.

While    was flying away, she also spoke to Rong'er via voice transmission: "Rong'er, Madam Shi can only help you get here. That son is called Tianxing. When we go back, let's check the information..."

   While flying, Rong'er turned to look at Ji Tianxing several times, as if to keep his appearance in mind.

   After a while, the two left the ruins and disappeared into the sea of ​​fire.

   At this time, the glazed fire dragon struggled to crawl out of the ruins and flew back into the sky.

   It turned its head and looked furiously, and saw Ji Tianxing flying towards it with a sword.

   "It's you! You mean bastard!"

   The Liuli Fire Dragon recognized Ji Tianxing, and was furious, and a sense of humiliation was teased in his heart.

  Because it was inspired by the dragon breath released by Ji Tianxing!

   It chased Ji Tianxing before, trying to explore the breath of another dragon, but was stopped by Granny Jin.

   It fought with Granny Jin, but Ji Tianxing took the opportunity to escape.

   Now that it and Granny Jin are both defeated, Ji Tianxing appears again.

   This makes it have to suspect that all this is a conspiracy of Ji Tianxing!

   Ji Tianxing stopped ten miles away in front of the Liuli Fire Dragon, standing proudly in the sky.

   His left hand was behind him, his right hand was holding the Heaven Burial Sword, and he pointed diagonally to the ground. He looked like a powerful man in the world.

   "Liuli Fire Dragon, the person you are looking for is me, why bother to kill them?"

   He looked at the glazed fire dragon calmly, and said solemnly.

   It's okay not to mention this. When I heard these words, the Liuli Fire Dragon became even more furious and almost ran away in anger.

   "Boy, you are really shameless, hypocritical and disgusting!"

   Ji Tianxing frowned and asked with a puzzled face: "Why did you say this? Are you seriously injured and dying, have you lost your mind?"

   Liuli Fire Dragon glared at him bitterly, and cursed with a grin: "Fit! You insidious bastard, continue to pretend!"

   "What to pretend?" Ji Tianxing was also angrily smiled by it, and looked at it playfully.

   Liuli fire dragon breathed fire from its nostrils, and asked in a sharp voice: "Then I ask you, did you release the breath of a dragon before?"

   "Yes." Ji Tianxing nodded.

   Liuli Fire Dragon asked: "Then you just admit it. Did you deliberately release the breath of a dragon to lead me to appear?"

   "That's right." Ji Tianxing nodded again.

   Liuli Fire Dragon's sneer was even worse, and he said angrily: "You deliberately used the dragon's breath to lead me to show up, but you escaped, using that old woman to deal with me.

   During this period, you have been hiding in the dark, waiting for me and the old woman to lose in the fight, and you reappear.

   What a snipe and a clam fight, the fisherman gains, what a sinister and despicable bastard! "

   Hearing this, Ji Tianxing suddenly realized and understood its meaning.

   He was a little bit dumbfounded, and quickly waved his hand to explain: "Wait! This is all your imagination, by no means a fact!

   I didn't run away, I just went to chase Black Feather, and pursued all the way into the Abyss of Skyfire.

As for the old woman, I don’t even know her, how could she help me intercept you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Liuli Fire Dragon sneered angrily: "If you don’t know it, it’s right! It’s because you don’t know, you mean bastard, Will design and use her."

   Ji Tianxing was stunned again, and said firmly, "This is all a coincidence! It's a misunderstanding!"

   Liuli Fire Dragon refused to believe it, and said contemptuously: "Don't be sophistry! A shameless, insidious and hypocritical **** like you, even if I die, I will never give in to you!"

   Ji Tianxing sighed helplessly, and said indifferently: "Since the explanation is not clear, it is up to you.

   Anyway, you are now the fish on the chopping board, let me slaughter, life and death are not up to you! "

   While talking, he swung his sword and stabbed thirty-six sword lights, pointing at the four vital points of the Liuli Fire Dragon.

   Shenlong is somewhat similar to human beings, but also has weaknesses and key points, but most people don't know it.


   The sword light stabbed in the sky, the glazed fire dragon was shocked, and immediately backed away to avoid it.

   But it ran out of mana, and there was not much fighting power left, and it was impossible to avoid it.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   With a muffled sound, its four vitals were hit, and its mana was immediately sealed, and its body fell stiff to the ground.

   It smashed to the ground with a ‘pop’, lying in the ruins like a stone sculpture, unable to move anymore.

   I started writing this book on June 1st last year, and it has reached 3.73 million words for a whole year.

   An average of more than 10,000 words is updated every day. Isn’t such a diligent author worthy of everyone’s appreciation?

   A few monthly tickets and recommended tickets are not too much, right?

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