Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1800: Was shocked

The glazed fire dragon lay stiffly in the ruins, only his eyes and mouth could move.

   Ji Tianxing put away the Heaven Burial Sword, landed in front of it, and looked at it with a smile.

   "Okay, now we can have a good talk."

   Where can I listen to the Liuli Fire Dragon?

   It glared at Ji Tianxing with hatred, and cursed angrily.

   "You mean and vicious bastard, I don't want to hear your voice, let alone have nothing to talk to you!"

   Ji Tianxing was not angry, but still smiled and said: "Presumably you also understand that I have no intention of killing you, and we are not enemies between us.

   If you can be quiet, we can talk together, it will be good for each other. "

   "Hmph! No matter what you say, I will never give in, I will spit on you bastard!" The Liuli Fire Dragon gave a cold snort, despising Ji Tianxing.

   However, its mood is obviously calmer.

   Ji Tianxing said to himself: "The reason you showed up and wanted to find me was not because of the dragon? Don't you want to look at the dragon?

  On the entire Shenwu Continent, there are only a handful of existing dragons. I'm afraid you rarely see others of the same kind, right? "

   Liuli Fire Dragon was silent for a while, did not refute, and stopped cursing.

   After all, Ji Tianxing was right.

   Since it has a memory, it has not seen other dragons.

  Ji Tianxing saw that it was much tamed, he couldn't help showing a smile, nodded approvingly: "That's right, you are also a half-step martial arts expert, you should have the strength and wisdom of the strong."

   Liuli Fire Dragon glared at him viciously, and said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, where is that black dragon? Let it come out to see me!"

   Seeing that it was so eager, Ji Tianxing was not anxious. He looked at it playfully and asked: "If you want to see the black dragon, you can, but you have to answer a question first.

   It is said that before a thousand years, you have been through the tribulation eight times.

   With your blood aptitude and talent, now it is time to break through the Martial Saint Realm.

   Why haven't you broken through yet? Still staying in the half-step Martial Saint Realm? "

   "What's up to you?" The Liuli Fire Dragon glanced at him contemptuously, and said in a contemptuous tone: "I am the king of sacred beasts, the noblest sacred dragon, even if you say it, you don't understand."

   "Hehe..." Ji Tianxing smiled suddenly, and said confidently and surely: "You tell me, on this continent, no one knows the dragon clan better than me!"

   Liuli Fire Dragon rolled his eyes instinctively, a gesture of disdain.

   But it immediately thought of something, its eyes changed immediately, and it obediently shut up.

   After all, Ji Tianxing only used one move to accurately hit it all around, sealing it immobile.

   The four key points are very hidden and tricky, only it knows it.

   Ji Tianxing can also accurately identify it, which proves that he has not lied.

   He really knows Shenlong!

   Seeing the glazed fire dragon was silent, Ji Tianxing secretly released his divine consciousness and carefully probed its dragon body.

   After frowning and thinking for a moment, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he vaguely understood something.

   Then, he smiled and said: "Little Fire Dragon, you have been through the tribulation nine times, but you can't break through to the Martial Saint Realm.

   Judging from your current situation, this is very weird and even contrary to common sense.

   However, I can probably see the clues and guess some reasons. "

   Liuli Fire Dragon glanced at him indifferently, and said in a contemptuous tone: "Pretend to be pretentious, play mystery! Don't you just want to use this as a threat to force me to surrender to you?

   Don’t be ugly with this little trick, I am not interested at all, and I don’t want to listen to your nonsense! "

   Ji Tianxing didn't argue with it, he reduced his smile, and said solemnly: "Although you are a real dragon, your blood is not pure, or even a little mixed.

   If I am not mistaken, there are at least three bloodlines in your body, which shows that your parents or ancestors have different bloodline attributes.

  Originally, three different dragon bloodlines were mixed, and the young dragon born must be very talented and very enchanting.

   After all, the combination of talents and advantages of different bloodlines will produce qualitative changes.

   But it is a pity that you have not been taught by your parents since childhood, and you can't even get in touch with the same kind.

   There is no Shenlong to teach you to practice, and no one who knows Shenlong to guide you, so you went astray. "

   When he heard this, the Liuli Fire Dragon stunned, a flash of surprise flashed under his eyes.

   But it returned to normal immediately, and said disdainfully: "What you said is not a secret at all. As long as you investigate the information and records about me, you can infer it."

   Ji Tianxing ignored it, and continued: "The reason why you went astray is that on the one hand, no one is pointing you. You can only find it on your own and grow naturally with your talent.

   But the main reason is that you wander in the ruins of the gods, hovering around the Flame Mountain.

  Because of the special environment of the Flame Mountain, the fire bloodline in your body is very active, and it grows very rapidly.

   You are overjoyed, thinking that Huoyan Mountain is your holy ground for cultivation, and also that the fire attribute is your main bloodline.

   So you practice hard, and with the help of the power of the Flame Mountain and the Abyss of Skyfire, you can grow to the tribulation realm step by step and become a glass fire dragon. "

   At this point, Ji Tianxing shook his head regretfully, "Unfortunately, you are wrong. You have three main bloodlines, and the fire bloodline is only one of them.

   As your strength continues to increase~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fire blood becomes dominant.

   The other two bloodlines also naturally awaken and become stronger, and begin to restrict the fire bloodline.

  It is precisely because of the imbalance of your three bloodlines that it is difficult for your strength to improve. "

   The Liuli Fire Dragon has been silent, and his mood has calmed down, silently listening to Ji Tianxing's words.

   When it heard this, it could no longer contain the shock in its heart.

   It looked at Ji Tianxing with bright eyes, and exclaimed in shock.

   "You... you bastard! How would you know? How dare you be so sure?!"

   Ji Tianxing looked at it with a smile, and said meaningfully: "I just said that no one on this continent knows Shenlong better than I do!

   I not only know the source of your problem, but also know how to solve it so that you can break through the Martial Saint Realm! "

   If the Liuli Fire Dragon heard his words a moment ago, he would definitely sneer and sneer with contempt.

   But now it’s different. Its greatest secret has been discovered by Ji Tianxing, and it has been shocked by Ji Tianxing’s erudition!

   For nearly a thousand years, it has been thinking about how to solve its own bloodline problem, dreaming of breaking through the Martial Saint Realm.

   Now it finally met the gods and saw the hope of breaking through the martial arts, how could it not be moved?

   It looked at Ji Tianxing hopefully, and asked cautiously: "You...do you think...how can I solve the problem of my bloodline imbalance?"

   Ji Tianxing suddenly showed a successful smile.

   "It's very simple! From now on, you follow me!"

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