Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1801: Road height is 1 foot, magic height is 1 foot


   The glazed fire dragon suddenly woke up, and his hopes and expectations were all gone.

   It glared at Ji Tianxing, and yelled without hesitation: "It is impossible! I am a noble dragon, even if I die, I will not surrender to you!

   I was right, you despicable fellow, finally revealed a fox tail! "

   Liuli Fire Dragon knows very well that no matter what tricks Ji Tianxing does, the ultimate goal is to make it surrender.

   Therefore, it is always on guard and alert in its heart.

   Even if Ji Tianxing understood its secrets and pointed out its problems, it refused without hesitation.

   Before Ji Tianxing spoke, a clear and sweet voice suddenly sounded.

   "Huh? Which **** said me behind my back?"

   With the sound of this sound, a blue icy light flashed in front of Ji Tianxing, and a little fluffy ice fox appeared out of thin air.

   It has a petite and cute body, covered with ice-blue fluff, and has twelve big fluffy tails.

   It is surrounded by a layer of ice light, exuding a mysterious and powerful atmosphere.

   There is no doubt that it is Qian Yue.

   The glazed fire dragon suddenly tightened his pupils, staring at Qian Yue, his eyes became rather strange, "It really is... the tail of a fox!"

   Qianyue's body is petite, but his big tail is too fluffy, almost covering most of its body.

   It flew to the top of the glazed fire dragon, hovered and danced in a circle, and after looking at it carefully, it made a mocking laugh.

   "Tsk tsk, it turned out to be a fire dragon! How did it end up so miserably, lying on the ground like a rock?"

   The glazed fire dragon stared at it viciously, and shouted angrily: "You lowly fox, how dare you laugh at the noble dragon?"

   Qianyue suddenly sneered, and said teasingly: "Oh... it's still a female dragon!

   What a coincidence, my stupid brother, Xiao Hei, happens to have not married a wife yet.

   Little mother dragon, I think you are pitiful, so why don't I show mercy and discuss with Xiaohei, let him marry you? "

   Liuli Fire Dragon was full of shame and anger, almost bursting out flames in his eyes, cursing furiously: "Damn stinky fox, how dare you humiliate me?"

   Qianyue looked at it innocently, and explained quite ‘sincerely’: "Why are you angry? I didn’t humiliate you, I just pity you!"

   The colored glaze fire dragon was throbbing with its anger, and his eyes were stained red.

   Shenlong's noble dignity, one after another being trampled on, has made it a bit manic.

   Qianyue saw it so angry, and put on a gesture of compassion and compassion, shook his head and sighed: "Oh, you little female dragon, why are you as stupid as Xiao Hei?

   Are your dragons all a tendon? Or is the body too big and the brain not enough?

  Lao Ji just said that he would let you follow him. When did he say that he would let you submit to him? "

   Liuli Fire Dragon is extremely arrogant, when has it been criticized so much?

   What's more, the one who educates it is still a "low-blooded fox"!

   Liuli Fire Dragon is even more furious, wishing to tear Qian Yue to pieces, or stuff it into his mouth to chew into pieces.

   But it was sealed with mana and body, it couldn't move at all, no matter how angry it was, it could only stare.

   After taking a few deep breaths, it barely suppressed the anger in its heart, and shouted angrily to Ji Tianxing: "Boy, let this stinky fox get out, otherwise we have nothing to talk about!"

   Qianyue didn't get angry either, and she showed a pedantic expression, nodded and said, "Little mother dragon, you are right!

   To be a dragon, the most important thing is to have self-knowledge and to judge the situation...

   By the way, I am not a good magnanimous celestial fox. I will remember what you call me.

   I am waiting for you to apologize to me!

   And, if you are not sincere, I will not accept it! "

   After Qian Yue finished speaking solemnly, he returned to Ji Tianxing and squatted on his shoulders.

   Liuli Fire Dragon was almost mad by its anger, and cursed, "Damn fox, you never want me to apologize! Dreaming!"

   Qianyue didn't argue with it, but smiled and said: "Don't worry, you will definitely."

   Seeing that the time is right, Ji Tianxing said, "Fire Dragon, you just heard it just now. If you want me to help you solve the problem of blood imbalance, you have to follow me.

   I understand, it is to follow me, not to submit to me. "

   The Liuli Fire Dragon froze for a moment, and asked in a cold tone, "What's the difference?"

   Ji Tianxing explained: "You only need to follow me, and I will try to help you solve problems and help you improve your strength.

   I already have a black dragon, and I won't accept you anymore, your master is my wife.

   And, you and my wife are friends and partners, not a master-servant relationship, just like me and the black dragon, do you understand? "

   Liuli Fire Dragon blinked, a flash of relief flashed in his eyes.

   "You mean, I don't need to surrender to you or sign a master-servant contract with your wife?"

   Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "Of course."

   The Liuli Fire Dragon calmed down, and he was greatly relieved.

  "Although, mediocre humans are not worthy to be friends with noble dragons, let alone be the masters of dragons.

   However, since you know Shenlong well and your attitude is very sincere, I can consider following you. "

   Obviously, the Liuli Fire Dragon has not yet adapted to the change of identity ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and can't let go of the dignity of Shenlong, and is still looking for a step for itself.

   Qianyue suddenly laughed, and said in a playful tone: "Such a silly dragon, yet so proud, I am really worried about Xiao Hei's married life."

   "What are you talking about?" Liuli Fire Dragon glared at it coldly, and shouted fiercely: "Shut up, you!"

   Qianyue put her arms on her chest and said with a smile: "Little dragon, don't take yourself too seriously, and don't feel wronged.

   To be honest, you can follow Lao Ji, that is your blessing!

   What you say today will surely make you ashamed in the future!

   One day you will understand that your so-called dragon dignity is actually very ridiculous in front of Lao Ji and me! "

   "Hehehe..." The glazed fire dragon also sneered contemptuously, and sneered at each other: "A ninth-level monster in the Primordial Divine Realm, dare to be presumptuous in front of me?"

   Qianyue relentlessly counterattacked: "A dragon that has been cultivating for thousands of years has not broken through the Martial Saint Realm and is embarrassed to call itself a Shenlong? Are you a fake dragon?

   Change to be me and Xiaohei, it doesn't take thousands of years, and it will be a **** within two hundred years! "

   Liuli Fire Dragon scolded angrily: "Absurd! Madness and ignorance! It's ridiculous!"

   Seeing that the two of them had been bickering, Ji Tianxing had to interrupt, "Okay, you two are quiet, let's get down to business.

   Little Fire Dragon, I now tell you the way to solve the blood imbalance. You have to follow me as agreed, how about? "

   The Liuli Fire Dragon rolled his eyes, and after considering it for a while, he nodded and agreed.

   "Good, deal!"

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