Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1921: 5 Color God Thunder

Ji Tianxing has dealt with the Mozu countless times.

Whenever he saw black clouds and blood clouds, he would pay special attention and caution.

Relying on the Secret Technique of Chaotic Sky, he controls the world with a radius of thousands of miles.

Therefore, the black cloud was still four hundred miles away, and he realized that it was not good in advance.

When the black cloud flew to the front, his divine consciousness had been found out, and there were twelve different auras in the black cloud.

Each aura represents a strong demon clan, and all have the strength of more than three levels of Tribulation!

Ji Tianxing quickly took out the transmission jade slip and sent a message to the Taoist Huanglong.

"The target has already appeared. Sure enough, I want to attack the Xihe faction. Come here!"

A very brief sentence.

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and gave out an aura, and the jade slip flew into the night sky and disappeared quickly.

Although, when the message of Jade Jane flew out, the faint light flashed.

But those strong demons were very vigilant. Two of them noticed the flickering of the aura and immediately separated from the black cloud and flew over at an accelerated speed.


Two powerful demons in black robes flew over from left to right, releasing powerful spiritual consciousness, shrouded from the sky.

Ji Tianxing quickly cast the invisibility technique, his breath merged with the world, and quietly retreated far away.

He was not in a hurry to meet and fight each other, and decided to hide in the dark and continue to observe for a while.

After all, there are only twelve powerful demons in this dark cloud.

Although the number of people is quite large, but wanting to quickly destroy the Xihe faction, it is still slightly insufficient.

He had to doubt that there must be more demons lurking in the dark.

At the same time, the black cloud quietly shattered, and ten powerful demons flew out silently.

Everyone fell on the top of the mountain, spread out, and landed outside the mountain protection formation.

Two of the demons are still searching for the source of the aura, and the other ten demons have begun to act.

While exploring the surrounding situation, they studied the Xihe faction's mountain guard formation, which seemed very tacit.

After about a hundred breaths, the two demons could not find the source of the aura, nor found any abnormalities, so they had to give up.

The twelve demons joined hands and quietly laid the magic path formation outside the mountain protection formation.

In order to arrange the formation, they used many materials such as charms, blood spar and magic bone.

When the formation was halfway up, a team of patrolling guards from Xihe happened to fly over.

Several powerful demon clan players immediately shot, and without hesitation, they shot out a black mist and demon energy, and enveloped the nine patrol guards.


Several groups of thick magic mist spread over and wrapped the nine guards on patrol, making them unable to break free and escape.

They were corroded by the magic mist and quickly turned into a pool of blood and bones, unable to even scream, and they all died.

After the magic mist dissipated, the blood and bones were also swallowed by several demons.

The nine patrolling guards of the Primordial Spirit Realm disappeared silently.

Time passed quietly.

The twelve powerful demons continued to lay out their formations, their movements were agile and swift, and they cooperated very well.

Ji Tianxing was observing in the dark, and soon saw the clues.

"It seems that I guessed right, these demons want to break the battle!

The twelve demons arranged their formations, just preparing.

With their strength, it is impossible to break the saint-level large array.

There must be stronger ones behind, that's the key to breaking the formation! "

Soon, two quarters of an hour passed.

The twelve demons have also completed their formation and are ready.

At this time, a cold and powerful aura quickly approached from a distance.

When Ji Tianxing noticed the abnormality, he used secret methods to explore it.

Sure enough, a looming black shadow teleported from a distance.

It was an old man in a blood-red robe, thin as a bamboo pole with purple hair.

His entire face was hidden under the dark cloak, only a pair of scarlet eyes were exposed, and he couldn't see his appearance at all.


With every step he took, he could teleport hundreds of miles away.

In just four breathing times, he teleported four hundred miles away and came to the top of the Xihe faction.

When the blood-robed old man fell on the mountain, the twelve demons all knelt down on the ground respectfully, saluting in a uniform manner.

The blood-robed old man stood in the dark, glanced at the crowd, and then raised his hand to signal the crowd to exempt him.

After everyone got up, he walked to the front of the mountain protection formation, waved his hands to hit the purple light and blood light, and activated the magical formation.

Then, he manipulated the magical formation, gathered infinite magic power, and slammed into the mountain protection formation.

Thousands of purple magic lights gathered into a giant sickle with a length of hundreds of meters, like the sickle of the **** of death, severely smashed.


A loud and earth-shattering noise burst out like thunder, exploding in the night sky.

At that moment, the entire Qianzhang mountain shook violently.

The ground was shaken out of cracks, and the mountain collapsed with countless rubble.

The huge mountain guard formation covering the entire mountain peak was also cut into a huge crack by the purple giant sickle.

The crack which is more than ten feet long, is more than half a meter wide, almost breaking the colorful mask.

The mask trembling violently, bursting with colorful light.

The silent Xihe faction also woke up from its deep sleep.

Many palaces and houses were lit up, and there were bursts of exclamation and shouts.

Many warriors appeared, and they flew up to the sky to check the situation.

The blood-robed old man remained unmoved, pinched the magic tactics with both hands, continued to play the purple light and blood red brilliance, and manipulated the formation to continue attacking the mountain guard formation.

Soon, another one hundred feet long magic blade appeared, carrying the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, and slammed into the mountain protection formation.


There was another blast, and the Baizhang Demon Blade smashed the crack.

The colorful mask could no longer be supported, and the crack immediately collapsed and turned into a huge gap.

The blood-robed old man turned into a **** light, and rushed through the gap and rushed into the Xihe faction.

The twelve powerful demons also showed excitement, and bloodthirsty light gushed from their eyes.

They took out swords and weapons one after another, turned into purple light and magic mist, and got into the gap.

Seeing that these demons rushed into the Xihe faction, they were about to kill.

A **** disaster is coming.

At this critical juncture, Ji Tianxing finally made a move~www.wuxiaspot.com~Five-color God Thunder! "

He quietly flew to the vicinity of the gap in the big formation, slapped his palms with all his strength, and shot out two bright and colorful thunder beams.

Each thunder beam is thirty feet long and contains five colors of purple, red, blue, gold, and silver.

That is the thunder of four attributes, plus the silver stars and divine fire.

Before Ji Tianxing was in retreat at Tianzhu Mountain, it took several days to successfully integrate the four types of thunder with the stars and gods.

Thousands of years ago, the sword **** had never made such an attempt.

After all, Sword God's catastrophe is normal, not so abnormal.

Ji Tianxing merged the four kinds of thunder and the stars and divine fire, the process was very difficult, but the result was exciting.

The power of those two thunder beams is incredible!

(End of this chapter)

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