Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1922: Demon Saint?


Two five-color divine thunders blasted into the gap of the mountain protection formation at the same time, bursting out a roar that shook the world.

There are just four powerful demons near the gap, about to cross the gap and enter the Xihe faction.

The five-color divine thunder suddenly blasted, making them unexpected and caught off guard.

As the dazzling lightning exploded, the mana shields of the four powerful demons instantly shattered.

Their flesh and blood bodies were also shattered by the thunder of the gods, turning into countless scorched pieces, splashing around.

Of course, the spirits of these four demons were not spared, and collapsed under the five-color divine thunder.

Even though they are the powerhouses of the third and fourth levels of crossing the tribulation realm, they have survived the tribulations several times and can withstand the power of the sky thunder.

But when have they seen the four types of Thunder?

What's more, the five-color divine thunder also contains stars and divine fire.

That is the divine power that the strong crossing the robbery cannot bear!

The four powerful demons were killed in seconds on the spot, wiped out in ashes, and no bones existed.

The sudden drastic change caused the other eight powerful demons to change color in amazement, revealing a deep color of horror.

Several of them have just rushed into the big formation, and a few are outside the big formation.

But they all turned their heads together and looked in the direction where Ji Tianxing was.

Ji Tianxing lifted his invisibility and was standing in the night sky, looking at them with a grim expression.

Seeing this scene, the eight powerful demons all had their eyes cracked, murderous aura gushing out of their bodies, and roars of grief and indignation.

"Asshole! Someone attacked us!"

"It's an individual kid, kill him!"

"Don't take it lightly, join hands to kill him!"

"Damn reptile, this seat will cramp you!!"

The eight powerful demons all wielded swords and weapons, and rushed to Ji Tianxing desperately, cutting out the overwhelming shadow of the sword.

Suddenly, the dazzling sword shadow and blood fire illuminated half of the night sky.

Ji Tianxing's figure was also overwhelmed by various brilliance.

But he was not afraid, and even ignored the attacks of the eight demons.

When various magical attacks were about to hit him, his body became almost transparent, looming.

There is no doubt that this is the secret technique of the whole world, he has turned into a thousand miles of heaven and earth.

"Boom bang bang bang!"

Countless knives and swords hit him, but they were all broken and turned into billions of light spots scattered in the night sky.

Ji Tianxing was unharmed and unscathed.

He raised his palms again, shot two dazzling golden lights, and blasted at the eight powerful demons.

"Tianlong Palm!"

The dazzling golden light condensed into two thousand-foot-long golden dragons, emitting a deafening dragon roar, and culled from the sky.

The expressions of the eight demons changed drastically, showing deep horrified eyes, and quickly dodged around.

"Boom! Boom!"

The two golden dragons blasted down, hitting the two demons on the spot, and there was a loud and deafening noise.

The two demons that were bombarded had no resistance, their bodies collapsed and collapsed.

Their spirits flew out, floating in the night sky unconsciously.

If you look closely, you will find that the two dark purple brilliance are covered with cracks.

Although they weren't dead, their spirits were hit hard and they were already in a coma.

Before waiting for the other demons to rescue him, Ji Tianxing waved his palm and struck out two thunders, smashing the two groups of spirit purple light.


The two groups of soul purple light shattered on the spot and scattered in the night sky.

So far, half of the twelve powerful demons have been killed, leaving only six.

The six demons were all in shock, scattered in the night sky, surrounding Ji Tianxing.

Although they have the advantage in numbers, they all stared at Ji Tianxing very cautiously, and did not dare to make any rash moves.

The two sides confronted each other for a while, and Ji Tianxing took the opportunity to look to the top of the mountain to investigate the situation of the Xihe faction.

The blood-robed old man had already rushed into the Xihe faction and was killing him.

The square with a radius of ten miles has become a **** Shura field.

Hundreds of guards, disciples, and deacons from the Xihe faction are all besieging the blood-robed old man.

However, the strength of the blood-robed old man is super strong, and he has already reached the Martial Saint Realm and is invincible.

No matter how the Xihe faction besieged him, he was safe and sound.

On the contrary, he can easily kill many guards and disciples with his fingers.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing frowned fiercely, showing solemn eyes.

"Sure enough, he is a strong Martial Saint, but I don't know which Demon Saint is?"

Seeing the blood-robed old man wantonly slaughtering the disciples of the Xihe faction, his heart was secretly anxious, and violent murderous intent surged all over his body.

However, if you want to stop the blood-robed old man, you must first solve the six demons in front of him.

At this moment, the six demon races were already lined up in a warlike formation, with the help of the power of the magic way secret method, jointly launched an attack.

"The Six Ways of Magic Heaven!"

The six demons stood in different positions, wielding swords at the same time, cutting out thirty-six purple light magic blades, and slashing them from the sky.

Thirty-six magic blades illuminate the night sky, unexpectedly forming a special pattern, containing powerful power and mystery.

Seeing this scene, a cold light flashed in Ji Tianxing's eyes.

"Broken Sun Sword!"

He lifted his palms, pinched the sword tactics in both hands, and instantly released twelve golden light giant swords, stab at the six demons.

"Boom bang bang!"

Thirty-six purple light magic blades hit him suddenly.

But his body was transparent, fused with the world, and the power of the magic blade was cancelled in the blink of an eye, unscathed.

The twelve golden light giant swords passed through the blockade of the purple light devil blade, stabbing six demons one after another.

The six demons were bombarded and flew out, the blood-light shield and armor were defeated, and dark purple demonic blood splashed all over.

Ji Tianxing shocked the six demons with one move, severely wounded them, and took the opportunity to perform unique tricks to kill them all.

"Soul Sword!"

He shouted angrily, and the golden light soared from all over his body, exploding with power that shook the sky and the earth.

The golden golden sword of the primordial spirit flew out from above his head, flew into the night sky, and turned into a huge sword with a height of thousands of feet.

Under the control of his mind, the thousand-zhang giant sword cut through the night sky and slashed fiercely at a demon clan.


The demons couldn't avoid it, and was immediately split in half by the giant sword, uttering a heartbreaking scream.

The soul of the soul was also smashed and died on the spot.

The other five demons were so scared that they were so scared~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the souls freak out, and desperately got into the mountain protection formation, praying for the protection of the blood-robed old man.

But Ji Tianxing expected the enemy to take the lead and had already manipulated the Golden Sword of the Primordial God to block the gap in the mountain protection formation.


With a murderous yell, he manipulated the primordial golden sword to slash repeatedly, and soon killed three more powerful demons.

There were only two demons left, and seeing that they couldn't escape into the mountain protection formation, they could only turn their heads and flee away.

They didn't care about any tasks, and couldn't care about the presence of the blood-robed old man, it was important to escape.

Ji Tianxing immediately chased after him, manipulating the Yuanshen Golden Sword to pursue and kill.

At the same time, the blood-robed old man killed all the hundreds of disciples and deacons on the square, destroying most of the gate of the Xihe Sect.

He flew out of the mountain guard array like a streamer, and chased after Ji Tianxing full of murderous aura.

(End of this chapter)

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