Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1927: When I return to Wu Sheng


Taoist Huanglong looked at this scene, his eyes widened in disbelief.

He was extremely excited, full of shock and admiration!

Originally, he thought that he had received guidance from Ji Tianxing, and the Yujian Heart Sutra was more diligent, and he would definitely defeat the blood-robed ancestor.

But the ancestor of the blood robe has two sacrificial artifacts and is proficient in all kinds of magical secrets, which is really intractable.

He and the blood-robed ancestor killed more than a hundred moves, but he could only be slightly wounded.

Continue to fight, and I don't know when the winner will be determined.

However, Ji Tianxing made a move and improved his Void Thousand Sword Kill, defeating the blood-robed ancestor with one move, and severely wounded him into a coma!

This is something he never dared to imagine!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe that his original creation of the Void Thousand Sword Kill had such a terrifying power!

"God! The master's shot was truly shocking!

I understand! It turns out that as long as I fuse the Void Thousand Sword Kill with the heaven and the earth, with the help of the heaven and earth's divine power, I can reach a higher level!

Master is indeed a god-man, and with a single word, it is better than my thousand years of hard cultivation! "

It's not that Taoist Huanglong doesn't work hard, it's not that his understanding is too poor, and it's not that he has insufficient kendo attainments.

But his direction is wrong and not comprehensive enough.

But Ji Tianxing explained everything to him with practical actions and verified the results.

This is more effective than he has practiced for thousands of years!

Just as the Taoist Huanglong exclaimed with excitement, Ji Tianxing had already revealed his true body.


He appeared next to the blood-robed ancestor out of thin air, raised his left arm, and his palm lit up with a dazzling golden light.

"The Spear of Killing God!"

He yelled with a cold face and waved his palm to shoot out the surging golden sacred fire.

The mysterious golden sacred fire immediately formed a golden sacred spear that was more than ten feet long and slammed into the forehead of the blood-robed ancestor.

When this spear is pierced, it will smash the blood-robed ancestor's head, and kill his spirit together!

The blood-robed ancestor was still in dizziness, and the spirit hadn't woken up yet, and couldn't avoid it at all.

Seeing, he was about to be killed on the spot.

However, his basalt magic plate is a holy artifact, and he has been sacred for hundreds of years and has long been spiritual.

At the moment of the moment, the basalt magic disk flew back actively and stood in front of the blood-robed ancestor.


The golden divine spear hit the basalt magic disk, bursting with a loud thunderous noise.

Suddenly, the Xuanwu Magic Disk was blasted with several cracks, making a cracking sound of ‘click, click’, and it broke into several pieces.

The golden divine spear also exploded, bursting into a large group of golden divine fire, rising like a mushroom cloud.

The blood-robed ancestor had just escaped a catastrophe and was not bombarded by the golden divine spear, but was enveloped by the golden divine fire.

Suddenly, his body was burned to ashes, and black ashes were scattered.

When he slammed into the ruins, his whole body was gone, and only a black bone frame remained.

The flesh of the blood-robed ancestor was destroyed in this way.

The pain of burning fire stimulated his soul to wake up.

He was so scared that his soul was not possessed, and his fighting spirit disappeared.

After landing, he didn't dare to stay anymore, without hesitation, he resorted to the taboo secret method, turning into a **** light to escape into the ground.


As soon as Guanghua flashed, the blood-robed ancestor passed through the ground and teleported thirty miles away.

In the next instant, he teleported and flickered again, and escaped dozens of miles away.

When Ji Tianxing launched the hunt, he had already fled hundreds of miles away.

Ji Tianxing also cast a teleport and went all out to pursue and kill, vowing to completely kill the blood-robed ancestor.

However, the blood-robed ancestor is a Wusheng powerhouse after all.

Even if the body is severely injured, the Wu Sheng powerhouse should not be underestimated.

Ji Tianxing chased for eight hundred miles in one breath, but failed to catch up with the blood-robed ancestor. Instead, he completely lost track and let the blood-robed ancestor escape.

In desperation, he had to give up the hunt and curse unwillingly.

"Damn bastard! When I return to Martial Saint, you will die forever!"

As soon as his voice fell, Taoist Huanglong also flew over and landed beside him.

"Master, did the blood-robed ancestor escape? Are you injured?"

Taoist Huanglong looked at Ji Tianxing with concern, and then at the night sky ahead.

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said in a low tone: "Forget it, no need to chase, he has already escaped.

After all, he is a demon saint who has cultivated for two thousand years, and has mastered the blood escape secret method of the demon race, and neither you nor I can catch him.

However, he was destroyed by us tonight and forced to use the forbidden secret method, and his vitality must be greatly injured.

For at least a few decades, he could not return to his peak state. "

Hearing what he said, Huanglongdao talented people were relieved, and the originally depressed mood became much clearer.

"It's so good. For at least a few decades, the blood-robed ancestors will not be able to mess up.

We are also equivalent to one less powerful enemy and a lot less pressure. "

Ji Tianxing shook his head solemnly and said: "This is not necessarily true. If the ancestor Demon God completely abandons him and refines him into a Demon Dao puppet, perhaps he will soon recover his strength."

Taoist Huanglong frowned, and asked with some doubts: "After all, the blood-robed ancestor is one of the four great demon sages, why is the ancestor demon **** willing to sacrifice him?

If he is refined into a puppet, he will lose the foundation of the magic path, and there will be no possibility of breakthrough..."

Ji Tianxing said calmly: "You don't understand the ancestor Demon God, it is the most ferocious demon God, and will never have the slightest compassion, even for his subordinates and heirs.

As long as the power of the demons can be maintained, what about the future of sacrificing a demon saint?

What it lacks most now is time! If you wait for a few more decades, it will return to the Demon God Realm...

By then, it does not need any help, and it can kill all the creatures on the continent alone. "

Taoist Huanglong heard it secretly, and his heart became more and more jealous.

"Master, so to speak, if you can't restore to the gods before it, then the entire Shenwu Continent will be over?"

Ji Tianxing nodded silently.

The atmosphere was a little depressed, and Taoist Huang Long quickly changed the subject: "Master, how is the situation of the Xihe School? Let's go and see?"

Ji Tianxing nodded, leading him to turn and fly to Xihe faction.

Half a quarter of an hour later ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the two returned to the Xihe faction and landed on the mountain.

Looking around, the entire mountain top was in chaos.

The square in the middle was shattered and turned into a deep pit, with blood and corpses scattered everywhere.

The surrounding palaces and houses were also dilapidated, leaving only a piece of ruined walls, still braving the sky of fire and smoke.

The dozens of disciples, deacons, and guards who survived were all wounded.

Everyone looked terrified. Some were hiding in the dark to heal their injuries, while others were busy saving people from fire.

After this catastrophe, the vitality of the Xihe faction was severely injured. The disciples and the backbone of the sect were all killed and injured, and they did not know how long they would recover.

Ji Tianxing and Huanglong Taoist joined forces to cast spells to help Xihe faction repair the mountain protection formation and fill in the ravines and deep pits on the mountain.

After dawn, the two left the Xihe faction and hurried back towards Tianzhu Mountain.

This book comes from

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