Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1928: Extinct

The West River School is one of the nine schools and eighteen schools.

Moreover, it's just a small school at the bottom.

Even if the Xihe faction was severely injured and his vitality was severely injured, Ji Tianxing could only repay his sympathy and give appropriate help.

As for the aftermath, he has no time to take care of it.

After leaving the Xihe faction, he hurried back to Tianzhu Mountain.

Daoist Huanglong followed him closely, sending a voice message to inquire about the situation while rushing.

"Master, the blood-robed ancestor was severely injured and ran away. Is this matter over?

Let's go back to Tianzhu Mountain, don't you worry, there are other powerful demons hiding nearby? "

Ji Tianxing replied without looking back: "The blood-robed ancestor is the commander of those demons. Even he was seriously injured and escaped. The other demons will inevitably flee.

Even if a few demons stayed behind, they couldn't make much trouble, and the various factions could cope with it together.

What the teacher is worried about now is that the demons or other forces will take the opportunity to invade Tianzhu Mountain.

After all, neither of you nor I are on Tianzhu Mountain. "

Taoist Huanglong felt that it made sense, and muttered in his heart: "This is also true, we are not in Tianzhu Mountain, and the defensive power of this door is empty.

If someone stormed Tianzhu Mountain and ruined our station, the loss would be too great. "

After going through the West River Valley, he already had corresponding lessons.

He decided that after returning to Tianzhu Mountain, he ordered an announcement to the major sects.

Once the demons are found to be in trouble, the various factions will inform each other and jointly deal with the demons.


Before you know it, it's noon.

Ji Tianxing and Huanglong Taoist are flying over a dark green jungle.

In all directions, there are boundless mountains and lofty peaks.

This area is very quiet, and the sounds of birds and beasts are not heard in the jungle.

Ji Tianxing vaguely felt bad, he couldn't help frowning, releasing his spiritual consciousness to spread around.

Daoist Huanglong saw that he looked strange and realized that something was wrong, and asked, "Master, have you found anything?"

Ji Tianxing was silent, using his spiritual sense to explore a hundred miles, and found nothing unusual.

So, he shook his head and said: "It's nothing, let's leave here."

While talking, he speeded up and flew over the forest sea.

Taoist Huanglong suppressed the doubts in his heart and quickly followed him to speed up the flight.

However, at this moment, there is a sudden change between heaven and earth.

In the vast forest below, colorful glare suddenly lit up.


The colorful brilliance lights up all around at the same time, soaring into the sky, forming a huge light curtain in the blink of an eye, covering a radius of two hundred miles.

This huge multicolored light curtain quickly closed, forming an array mask, sealing off this area.

An invisible force of heaven and earth attacked from all directions, severely suppressing Ji Tianxing and Huanglong Taoist.

Suddenly, both of them seemed to be caught by an invisible big hand, their flight speed dropped sharply, and they had to stop.

"Master, someone is ambushing us!" Taoist Huang Long noticed something wrong, and immediately became cold and his eyes were cold.

He pinched the law jue in his left hand and the whisk in his right hand, releasing his spiritual sense to explore the surroundings, looking for the culprit.

Ji Tianxing still looked calm, standing calmly in the sky.

He quietly used the secret method of the whole world, and merged with the world, and immediately resolved the suppressive force of the big formation.

At the same time, there was a sneer in the sky above the two of them.

"Since I have entered the emperor's urn to catch turtles, I still want to leave alive? Isn't it a dream!"

This is a middle-aged man's voice, cold and playful, sharp like a metal impact, quite harsh.

Ji Tianxing heard it right away, the other party's voice was false, and he changed the voice deliberately.

He looked up at the sky and saw a thin and long figure standing a hundred meters high above his head.

It was a mysterious man in black clothes and a black robe, with a bronze mask with green fangs on his face.

The mask covered the entire face, only revealing a pair of cold and indifferent eyes.

From the appearance, the person covered himself tightly, showing no characteristics at all.

Apart from being able to see that he is a man, no other information can be seen.

Ji Tianxing stared at the black-robed man sharply, and said in a cold tone: "It's just a holy rank, absolutely nothing.

If you think that this big formation alone can trap us, it would be too naive! "

Hearing these words, the black-robed man frowned slightly and his dark pupils shrank.

Obviously, he was full of shock.

He couldn't believe that Ji Tianxing could see the details of this big formation in such a short time and called out the name accurately.

However, his expression quickly returned to normal, and his tone was cold and he said, "There are Daoist Huanglong protecting you, and of course you can't do anything about it.

But since the emperor made a move, it would never be possible to stay alive.

You and Taoist Huanglong will be buried here, no escape! "

When the voice fell, the black-robed man raised his palms, pinched the tactics with his ten fingers, and made a colorful stream of light, forming a mysterious seal.

The seal was injected into the colorful mask, and the mask immediately released the power of destroying the world.

Within the mask, thousands of colorful giant swords were condensed instantly, forming a murderous sword formation, and killing Chao Ji Tianxing and Huanglong Taoist.


The sword light exploded, and the sword aura crossed the sky, sealing off the world.

Ji Tianxing and Taoist Huanglong had nowhere to hide, and were immediately overwhelmed by sword light.

Of course, the two did not intend to avoid either.

Daoist Huanglong slapped the shadow of his debut Dao Dao with his left palm, and waved the whisk with his right hand to shoot out the sword light, facing those colorful giant swords.

He stepped on the sky, whisked his sword tactics into the dust, and hit the sky and covered the earth with sword light, forming a circular sword net, protecting himself and Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing ignored the surrounding sword light phantoms, staring coldly at the black-robed man, and said solemnly: "You call yourself the emperor, and you have martial arts means, you must be a long-famous martial arts expert.

There are not many martial sages on the Shenwu Continent, and there are fewer than a hundred people. Can you dare to register yourself? "

The black-robed man didn't hesitate, and said straightforwardly: "Don't dare! This kind of inferior aggressive method, don't show ugliness in front of this emperor.

Besides, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it doesn't matter who the Emperor is.

All you need to know is that this emperor has received a astronomical reward task and made a special trip to kill you! "

When Taoist Huanglong heard this, he was furious and cursed murderously: "You bastard, martial sage is still going to be a killer assassin? You simply don't deserve to be a sage!

There are many forces who want to deal with us on Tianzhu Mountain, but this is the first time I have seen you for a lowly and despicable guy like you! "

The black-robed man was so cursed, but still calm, his eyes continued to cast the spell indifferently.

Ji Tianxing saw the clues, raised his brows, and sneered: "Huang Long, you are wrong, this guy is definitely not a killer or an assassin.

Moreover, there is no high price reward.

He is suspicious and wants to hide his identity. "

Chapter 6 is here, and the 2 chapters owed yesterday are completed.

(End of this chapter)

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