Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1931: Tianhe Water

The fight between the Taoist Huanglong and the man in the black robe also reached the most intense moment.

When Ji Tianxing hurried back to the battlefield, he only saw golden light splashing all over the sky, and the magic light and shadow obscured the sky.

There was a loud noise, shaking the heavens and the earth again and again.

The Vientiane Sword Formation was riddled with holes by the black-robed man.

Countless golden swords were fragmented, turned into golden light fragments and scattered in the sky.

The man in the black robe was not relaxed either, he was already in ragged clothes and was stained with blood.

In the fight just now, he was assassinated by the Vientiane Sword Array more than 100,000 times.

Even if he blocked 90% of the sword light, he still had hundreds of swords in his body.

No matter how strong his physical defense was, he couldn't stand such a violent attack.

There were wounds on his chest, back, arms and legs, and red blood was dripping out.

This made him full of anger, and his whole body burst out with murderous intent, igniting a blood-red flame.

He can't remember, how many years have he not suffered such an injury?

He meticulously planned to ambush Ji Tianxing and Huanglong Taoist.

As a result, he failed to kill the opponent, but was beaten all over by the opponent.

This is a huge shame!

Deep shame and anger filled my heart, the black robe man was murderous, his eyes covered with blood.

"Heavenly river water!"

He suddenly roared, squeezing Fa Jue with his left hand, and swiping a dark purple sword with his right hand, showing the sky full of sword shadows.

Suddenly, the wind and clouds swept across the sky, flashing dazzling purple thunder and lightning.

The endless gray clouds are gathering quickly, making the sky dim for hundreds of miles.

Such a shocking scene is like a catastrophe coming.

In the next instant, nine gaps were opened in the gray cloud covering the sky, and there was a dazzling divine fire from the sky, bursting out of the gap.

The scarlet divine fire outside the sky, like a column of water, poured down from the gap, rushing towards the Taoist Huanglong.

The so-called Tianhe River water is not actually water, but the flowing fire outside the atmosphere of Tiangang.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth were illuminated by the fire, turning red.

The terrifying scorching temperature has turned the world into a vacuum for hundreds of miles.

The land, which had long been ruined, was roasted into black scorched earth.

The wood chips scattered in the ruins turned into ashes, and the surrounding forest sea also lit up a raging fire.

Once those nine heavenly fires poured down, thousands of miles would be turned into scorched earth.

Such a terrifying power is the real demeanor of the Wusheng powerhouse!

Taoist Huanglong looked up at the sky and watched the nine pillars of fire falling from the sky, suddenly showing a solemn color.

He knew that the Vientiane Sword Formation was difficult to repair and could not stop the power of the Tiangang Fire Pillar, so he had to abandon the formation and retreat.


His figure flees into the void as soon as it flashes, and moves dozens of miles away in the next instant.


He pinched the Fa Jue with both hands, snorted in a low voice, and put away the sword light all over the sky.

Suddenly, thousands of golden light magic swords all escaped into the void, disappearing without a trace.

Almost at the same moment, nine pillars of fire from the sky fell from the sky and poured onto the ruins.


A series of dull and loud noises burst out, echoing in the heavens and the earth for a long time.

Nine huge pits immediately appeared on the ground, bursting out of monstrous fire and molten lava.

The rocks and soil were burned into crimson magma, spreading around.

A radius of three hundred li instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the surging fire wave spread to the surroundings, and soon swept over five hundred li around.

The land in this area became a molten lake, and the surrounding forests were reduced to ashes.

Even the several thousand-foot-high peaks were burnt red and quickly collapsed to pieces.

The power of destroying the heavens and the earth continued for a long time without stopping.

It wasn't until a radius of eight hundred li turned into a sea of ​​fire and a lake of magma that the power of sky fire slowly weakened.

At this time, Ji Tianxing and Taoist Huanglong had already retreated eight hundred miles away.

The black-robed man was full of unwillingness, dashing across the sky, chasing the two in a thirty-mile step.

Ji Tianxing and Taoist Huanglong used secret methods, and their figures flickered in the sky, flying towards Tianzhu Mountain.

The speed of the two is extremely fast, like flashing lightning.

The black-robed man chased after them for a while, but failed to catch up with them, so he could only watch them disappear into the sky.

In desperation, the black-robed man could only give up the pursuit and curse a few words full of resentment.

"Damn bastard! He was so arrogant just now, he fled with his tail in a blink of an eye, it's damned!

But this seat can't chase to Tianzhu Mountain. That is their home field. With the help of Heaven Burial Sword, the strength will definitely increase..."

The black robe man squeezed his fists, his eyes surged with murderous intent, and a cold chill burst out of his whole body.

He looked at the end of the horizon and muttered to himself in a low tone: "This time you are fortune-telling, and next time this emperor makes another move, it will be your death!

After speaking, the anger in his heart dissipated a lot, and then he turned and left.


Ji Tianxing and Huanglong Taoist gallop in the sky.

The two flew three thousand miles away, and saw that the man in the black robe did not chase, and this slowed down.

Daoist Huang Long was puzzled, and couldn't help but transmit his voice to ask Ji Tianxing: "Master, we clearly have the upper hand, we can fight that guy to the end, why should we retreat?"

When he wanted to come, although the power of the Tianhe River was strong, it could not hurt him and Ji Tianxing.

Neither of them was injured, but the injury of the black-robed man was serious.

Continue to fight, it must be them who take advantage.

Ji Tianxing's mouth evoked a playful smile, and the sound transmission explained: "After all, that person is a strong martial artist. Even if we try our best, it is impossible to kill him. He has a way to escape.

Since we can't kill him, why should we waste time and take risks.

Anyway, our main purpose is to find out his identity.

Now that the teacher has the answer, there is no need to entangle him anymore. "

Hearing these words, Daoist Huang Long was shocked and asked expectantly: "Master, do you already see who he is?"

"Well, eight or nine are not far from ten ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ji Tianxing nodded, and said: "Go back to Tianzhu Mountain first, and you will be able to determine the answer after consulting a little more information as a teacher. "

Daoist Huanglong stopped asking more questions, suppressing the expectation in his heart, and followed him on the road.

A few hours later, when the sunset was about to set, the two returned to Tianzhu Mountain.

The sky is intact, and the mountain top is quiet, nothing unusual.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing was secretly relieved.

"Originally, I was worried that when Huang Long and I left, someone might attack Tianzhu Mountain. Now it seems that I was worrying too much."

This thought flashed through his mind, leading Huanglong across the sky and back to the dojo on the top of the mountain.

However, as soon as he landed on the dojo, the sound of the funeral rang in his mind.

"Last night, a Wusheng strong man sneaked into the door, searched the sword monument, and seemed to be looking for something..."

(End of this chapter)

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