Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1932: Play fine

When the funeral voice sounded in his mind, Ji Tianxing realized that it was not good.

If everything is normal, Funeral Tian will definitely fall asleep in the sword monument, quietly recovering vitality.

Facts proved that his hunch was not wrong.

Sure enough, something happened to Tianzhu Mountain.


Ji Tianxing's figure flickered several tens of miles away and flew under the sword monument in the middle of the dojo.

"Fun Tian, ​​what happened last night, you can say it specifically." He looked up at the sword monument and asked.

Funeral's tone was low and unhurriedly explained: "Last night, two men in black sneaked into the door and quietly came under the sword monument.

One of them is the strength of crossing the tribulation realm, hiding not far away to watch the wind.

The other man in black reached the Martial Saint Realm and used the divine knowledge and secret methods to explore the sword monument, seeming to be looking for some secret.

I noticed something wrong, so I took the opportunity to sneak attack on that Martial Saint, shook his soul, and killed him with two moves.

The Martial Saint who wore a black robe was very strong. After blocking my attack, he took another man in black and fled..."

After the funeral day finished speaking, Ji Tianxing frowned fiercely, his expression becoming solemn.

"The two men in black can travel freely across the sky?

They sneaked into the door quietly, and quickly fled Tianzhu Mountain?

This is impossible!

Even if it is a strong martial artist, it will never be possible to easily crack the sky formation! "

Funeral said in a low tone, "Unless... one of them is a disciple of Tianzhu Mountain, and he has a token to enter and leave Tianzhu Mountain!"

"That's right!" Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, and said with a cold expression: "There is only this explanation! It seems that what I expected is not bad, there are still spies hidden in this door.

I didn’t expect that when Huang Long and I left Tianzhu Mountain, the spies would join forces with the powerful enemy..."

Funeral continued to analyze and said: "The man in black who crossed the Tribulation Realm should be a disciple of his own.

Only deacons and elders have the token to enter and exit the sky at will.

Therefore, that person is either a deacon or an elder.

In addition, this person was injured by my sword qi, and could not be removed within ten and a half months.

You only need to check carefully and you can find out who it is immediately. "

Ji Tianxing nodded, sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said: "I have already guessed who that person is, but I have not been sure.

Since he left the handle, I can get him out immediately. "

Funeral said in a calm tone: "That spy who is subordinate to the black-robed martial sage can still be a deacon and an elder. He must have been hiding in Tianzhu Mountain for many years.

If you deal with him vigorously, you still need to seriously consider the consequences. "

"It's okay." Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said indifferently: "If I and Huanglong sit in Tianzhu Mountain, what will happen? He can't turn the sky!"

After a pause, he went on to ask: "By the way, does that martial sage wearing a black robe wear a mask with bronze fangs and only reveal a pair of eyes?"

"That's right." Funeral said in response, and asked in confusion: "How do you know? Have you already fought him?"

Ji Tianxing sneered: "Of course! This person laid an ambush on my way back, trying to kill me and Huang Long."

Funeral Tian said without hesitation: "It must be the spy of this sect, who told the black robe Martial Saint of your whereabouts.

Only a few people know about you and Huanglong going to the West River Valley.

In this way, the identity of the spy can be better investigated. "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, and exhorted: "You continue to nurse, I will go find the spy, and directly torture him, the identity of the black robe martial sage.

If it's late, I'm afraid that spy will abscond in fear of sin. "

After that, Ji Tianxing turned and left, taking Huanglong Taoist to fly to Tianzhu Palace.

After a while, the two arrived at the gate of Tianzhu Palace.

Ji Tianxing walked towards the discussion hall and told the Taoist Huanglong behind him: "Huanglong, go and bring the great elder Nie Tianchen over, and now I want to see him as a teacher.

If he tries to escape in vain, he doesn't need to be merciful and grabs him directly.

Of course, you must stay alive, as the teacher still has something to ask him! "

Taoist Huanglong felt the bitter murderous intent from his cold tone, and could not help silently mourning for Nie Tianchen.

"Disciple obey orders!"

Daoist Huanglong bowed his hand and quickly turned and left, rushing to the palace to the east.

Ji Tianxing stepped into the conference hall, steadily walking towards the throne of the first place.

As he walked through the hall, lights came on on both sides of the hall, illuminating the dim hall.

He ascended to the bronze throne and just sat for a while, when Zhibai and Shouhei rushed over after hearing the news and saluted him.

After the two saluted, they stood respectfully behind him, guarding the left and right sides of the throne.

After a while, Taoist Huanglong brought the great elder to the entrance of the hall.

Taoist Huanglong entered the hall first, and stood in the middle of the hall.

The great elder followed behind Huang Longdaoren, walking calmly, and came to the temple calmly, without seeing the slightest abnormality.

"Master Qi, great elder Nie Tianchen will bring it here!" Taoist Huanglong bowed his hand to Ji Tianxing, then retreated to the left side of the hall and stood still.

Nie Tianchen came to the temple and saluted Ji Tianxing respectfully, and said in a low and majestic tone: "The disciple Nie Tianchen sees his master, and I don't know what his master tells him to call his disciple?"

His voice was full of anger, and his expression was calm, without seeing any problems.

Ji Tianxing glanced at him coldly, and said in a playful tone: "It's been eight hours, and you didn't even run away. This is really surprising to me."

Nie Tianchen was startled for a moment, and asked in a puzzled voice: "What does the master say about this? As a disciple of Tianzhu Mountain, the disciple is the head of the elders.

For no reason, why did the disciple run away? "

Ji Tianxing suddenly laughed more and more playfully, "Hehehe, his face does not change, his heartbeat and breathing are normal, and his eyes have no abnormal changes...

Nie Tianchen, your qigong training is really good, which surprised me. "

Hearing this sentence ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Nie Tianchen frowned in doubt, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Please forgive my disciple for being stupid. I don't understand what Shizu means?"

Ji Tianxing no longer circumvents with him, with a sneer on his face, he sneered, and asked with a majestic expression: "Nie Tianchen! I ask you, where were you when you were in Yin last night?"

Only then did Nie Tianchen reveal a sudden realization, and quickly answered: "It turns out that this is the case! Enlightened Master, the disciple was meditating in the temple last night and adjusting his breath.

Suddenly, the disciple heard noises and violent fighting outside.

The disciple hurriedly finished meditating and rushed to the dojo to take a look, only to find that many disciples and guards were alarmed.

Later, the disciples asked them, only to know that someone had sneaked into the door and made chaos..."

Nie Tianchen answered very smoothly, his expression and tone were natural, and he didn't seem to be lying.

At that moment, Taoist Huanglong even had an illusion, whether Master had wronged Nie Tianchen?

(End of this chapter)

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