Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1934: Reveal

"Black Robe Martial Saint?"

Nie Tianchen's eyes widened, and he looked at Taoist Huang Long with a complete ignorance.

"What black-robed Martial Saint? When the disciple rushed to the dojo after the accident last night, the fight had already ended.

The disciple just heard other people say that people in black have fought in the dojo, and don't know what black robe martial sage is? "

Nie Tianchen made a serious defense, and he was really serious.

His look, tone, and eyes didn't seem to be lying.

But Taoist Huang Long had an answer in his heart, looking at him coldly, his eyes full of jokes.

"Ha ha ha... Nie Tianchen, you have been worshipping Tianzhu Mountain for hundreds of years, and this seat has been teaching you and watching you gradually grow up.

I originally thought that you are someone you can trust.

But until today, I found out that I was wrong, I didn't know the real you at all!

Your acting skills really amazed me!

Pretend, go on pretending! "

Nie Tianchen looked at Taoist Huanglong with a grieved face, with a depressed expression that was unspeakable.

"Master, where do you start with these words?

The disciple has not done anything, why do you frame the disciple? "

Ji Tianxing really couldn't stand it anymore, and he didn't want to look at Nie Tianchen's hypocritical expressions.

He asked straightforwardly: "Nie Tianchen, you just said that after you arrived at the dojo, the fight was over long ago.

You didn't see anyone in black, you just heard others say.

Then I asked you, why you were injured last night, and the sword energy of the holy sword still remains in your body? "

Nie Tianchen was stunned, a panic flashed in his eyes.

But he remained calm, pretending to be puzzled, and asked: "What? The sword spirit of the holy sword? This is absolutely impossible, I have not been injured!"

"Ha ha ha..." Ji Tianxing's sneer on his face was even worse, and he asked: "You just said that you were slightly injured in order to protect the door and you have healed.

You are so contradictory, how do you want to lie? "

"I..." Nie Tianchen was speechless, his eyes rolled wildly, thinking anxiously how to defend.

Ji Tianxing continued: "The Black Robe Martial Saint fought with the Holy Sword last night, and then fled after being repelled by the Holy Sword.

There is also a man in black, holding the token of the door, sneaking into the door with Wu Sheng in black robe, and then fleeing Tianzhu Mountain with Wu Sheng in black robe.

This person is a spy who colluded with foreign enemies!

When the holy sword attacked the black robe Wusheng, Jianguang hit the spy, leaving sword energy in his body.

Nie Tianchen, what else do you have to say? "

When he said this, Ji Tianxing's eyes were sharp as a sword, and his body burst out with the power of suppressing the world, and swept towards Nie Tianchen.

Nie Tianchen's expression changed immediately, and he shook his head to defend: "No! This is impossible, I am not a spy, and I don't have sword energy in my body!

If there is really the sword spirit of the holy sword, how can I not know? "

Ji Tianxing did not speak, and winked at Taoist Huanglong.

Daoist Huanglong raised his left palm and shot a blazing white light into Nie Tianchen's body.

The blazing white light entered the depths of his internal organs, dug out a strand of black sword energy like hair, and slowly flew out.

Taoist Huanglong held the black sword aura in his left hand, stretched out in front of Nie Tianchen, and said in a cold tone: "Nie Tianchen, what else do you want to say?"

Nie Tianchen's eyes widened suddenly, staring at the black sword aura, his whole body stiffened.

His brain was blank, and all the rhetoric and excuses he had prepared before became pale and weak at this moment.

He stared at Jian Qi blankly, his face was pale, and he murmured: "This is impossible... absolutely impossible!"

At this time, Ji Tianxing went on to say: "Nie Tianchen, you probably don't understand how wonderful the big sky formations arranged by this person is.

Only the doorman above the deacon level can freely enter and exit the sky with the identity token.

There is a record of which tokens enter and exit the big array every day.

Before you came to the hall to see you, I had already checked the entry and exit records of last night.

Unfortunately, you went in and out of the sky four times last night! "

When he heard this, Nie Tianchen's eyes widened in amazement, showing an incredible expression, almost stunned.

How could he not believe that the Sky Array actually had this effect?

This is too incredible, right?

Ji Tianxing showed a playful sneer, and said slowly: "After checking your entry and exit records, I have already guessed what happened.

Yesterday, after this seat and Huanglong left Tianzhu Mountain, you realized that an opportunity had come, and you sent a message to contact the Black Robe Martial Saint, preparing to act at night.

At Yinshi last night, you disguised as a man in black and quietly left Tianzhu Mountain to meet with the black robe Martial Saint.

After two quarters of an hour, you take the black robe Martial Saint through the big formation, return to Tianzhu Mountain, and explore the sword monument in the middle of the dojo.

The holy sword suddenly attacked the black robe Wusheng, causing a huge movement.

Black-robed Martial Saint was worried that things would be revealed, so he took you to escape from Tianzhu Mountain.

A quarter of an hour later, Black Robe Martial Saint left, and you also quietly fled back to Tianzhu Mountain.

Then, you restore your status as the elder, pretend to find an abnormal situation, and go to the dojo to meet with everyone..."

After speaking, Ji Tianxing stared at Nie Tianchen sharply, and asked with a sneer, "How is it? Is this correct guess?"

Nie Tianchen was dumbfounded a long time ago, staring at him in amazement, and pressed his lips tightly without saying a word.

Obviously, Ji Tianxing's inference is completely correct, and all coincide with the facts!

The matter has come to this point, and Nie Tianchen can no longer dispute it.

He was completely desperate, knowing that his identity had been exposed, so he stopped disguising.


Nie Tianchen sneered in a low voice, raised his head while smiling, and laughed wildly.

"Sure enough to be a descendant of the Sword God, there is such a clever means!

The old man proceeded cautiously, and was lurking for hundreds of years without being discovered.

Unexpectedly, you eventually saw through it!

Since you can come back alive, it proves that the adult's plan has failed..."

Nie Tianchen stared at Ji Tianxing ferociously, and grinned sneerly: "But don't be proud of you. There is never something that the adult wants to do.

It is your fate that you can come back alive, but next time, you won't have such good luck!

You must die! Tianzhu Mountain will also be razed to the ground! "

Ji Tianxing was not angry either, looked at him blankly, and asked: "I am very confused. You have joined Tianzhu Mountain for hundreds of years and have lived here for a few Jiazi.

Huanglong is your master again~www.wuxiaspot.com~, teaches you unique techniques and teaches you to practice.

Even if it is a stubborn stone, it should have feelings.

Why are you so ruthless, willing to be a running dog for foreign enemies to deal with Tianzhu Mountain, your compatriots and master? "

Nie Tianchen knew that he was bound to die, so he no longer concealed anything, and said with a sneer: "Hehe...before the old man worshipped Tianzhu Mountain, he was a powerful party with a family of wives and children.

If the old man does not follow the orders, his life and his family will not be guaranteed.

But the old man was ordered to enter Tianzhu Mountain as an undercover agent, so that he could keep his wife and children safe, and let his children and grandchildren fly.

You said, how do you choose? ! "

Recently, I have been busy with business and exhausted physically and mentally. Please take a breather for Rong Xiaohe.

In the past few days, 3 chapters have been updated every day. When Xiaohe is finished, the normal update will be resumed. Please understand.

(End of this chapter)

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