Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1935: Are you worthy?

Obviously, the black robe Martial Saint's intimidation and temptation made Nie Tianchen have to submit.

Taoist Huanglong frowned and said with a sneer: "Nie Tianchen, when you entered Tianzhu Mountain and worshipped at the gate, you didn't say that!

You said that your parents were both dead, your family was slain by a powerful enemy, and you escaped alone, you are already homeless and have nowhere to escape..."

Nie Tianchen glanced at him blankly, and said indifferently: "Of course it was a lie to you, everyone in the world said that you are kind, and if I don't use any means, how can I cheat you into your trust?"

Taoist Huanglong shouted angrily: "You beast!!"

Nie Tianchen had no regrets, grinning and sneered: "The matter is over, nothing more is nonsense.

You don't have to waste your words, the old man will never betray that adult.

If you want to kill or cut, please have a good time! "

He put on a posture that dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water, shaking Huanglongdao's popularity all over.

Ji Tianxing was not angry, and said with a grim expression: "Nie Tianchen, you probably thought that once you die, you can keep the secret and protect your wife and children?

Ha ha ha... You are too naive, you don't understand the methods of this seat at all!

Sometimes, death is not terrible, but life is not as terrible as death! "

While talking, he waved his palm and shot out a silver star divine fire and flew towards Nie Tianchen.

Seeing the stars and divine fire flying, Nie Tianchen was not afraid, but also showed a sneered sneer on his face.

"Hehe, isn't it just to torture a confession? The old man has expected this day, so I am afraid that you will fail?"

As soon as he had finished speaking, the group of stars and divine fire hit him.


The stars of the divine fire dispersed immediately, like a thin layer of silver glittering sand covering Nie Tianchen's whole body.

Then, Xingchen Shenhuo exploded with violent power and began to burn Nie Tianchen's body.

His whole robe and hair were quickly burned to ashes and scattered on the ground.

The skin all over his body was also scorched black by the stars and sacred fire, dried up and curled up, with black smoke coming out.

In an instant, his skin was burned to ashes.

The extreme pain caused him to twitch and growl gritted his teeth.

Ji Tianxing remained unmoved, manipulated the stars and divine fire, and continued to burn his flesh and blood.

Immediately afterwards, the flesh and blood of Nie Tianchen's body also became charred, like pieces of coke shattered, and countless black ashes were scattered.

His body was curled up like dried shrimps, and his tall body had also become a mass of black coal, barely able to see the human form.

However, the burning speed of the stars and divine fire is very slow.

After a whole hundred breaths of time passed, Nie Tianchen's flesh and blood was burned to black ashes.

In the process, unspeakable pain and torture continued to invade his soul.

This kind of torture is more painful than a thousand cuts, and it is absolutely something that people can bear.

Nie Tianchen gritted his teeth and kept screaming in pain, but he still refused to ask for mercy, very stiff.

Finally, Nie Tianchen's flesh, blood and skin were all burned.

He only had a dark skeleton, but he still kept a breath, and his body did not die on the spot.

Next, Ji Tianxing manipulated the stars and divine fire again, and began to burn his bones and meridians.

The stars and gods rose fiercely, wrapped his body tightly, making a light ‘sizzling’ noise, and bursts of black smoke came out.

Nie Tianchen fell to the ground, struggling in pain, rolling over and over, constantly screaming harshly.

But the bones are the hardest part of the physical body, and Ji Tianxing deliberately controlled the stars and sacred fire, slowing the burning speed.

According to the current situation, the Stars and Divine Fire would have to burn for at least a quarter of an hour to burn his skeleton to ashes.

In other words, Nie Tianchen will have to endure for a quarter of an hour.

Taoist Huanglong saw him look like this, and couldn't help but shout: "Nie Tianchen! You evil obstacle, are you still reluctant to beg for mercy even now?

Would you rather be burned to ashes than to reveal the origin of the identity of the black robe Martial Saint? ! "

Nie Tianchen whispered back and forth in the hall, while whispering in the voice of the soul: "Ji...Ji Tianxing! Kill me if you have the seeds, give me a happy one!

You underestimated my concentration, no matter how you tortured me, I would never beg for mercy! "

Ji Tianxing shook his head and sneered: "Want to die? Sorry, in front of this seat, life and death are up to you!

This seat will not kill you, on the contrary, it will keep you alive!

Every day and night, you will be burned and tormented by the stars and divine fire, struggling in endless pain!

This is the punishment for the traitor! "

While talking, Ji Tianxing swiped the five fingers of his right hand, manipulated the stars and divine fire, changed various patterns, and tried every means to torture Nie Tianchen.

Nie Tianchen's will was firm enough, half of his skeleton was burned to ashes, but he still refused to let go.

Ji Tianxing was not in a hurry, and continued to torture him with stars and divine fire.

Unconsciously, a quarter of an hour passed.

Nie Tianchen's bones were all turned into ashes, and even the hardest skull and teeth were turned into a cloud of black ash.

His body was completely destroyed, and only a group of spirits remained, still surrounded by stars and divine fire.

Up to this moment, Nie Tianchen had been tortured mentally.

His soul was hit hard, his consciousness became blurred, and he could no longer hold on.

"Stop! Stop!

Ji Tianxing! I said, I said everything, stop now! "

Nie Tianchen's spirit waved, let out a miserable wailing, and finally asked for mercy.

Ji Tianxing shook his head, and said indifferently: "Aren't you very spine? Why don't you just keep your mouth shut?

The method of this seat has just begun, you beg for mercy so easily, it is really boring. "

Nie Tianchen was speechless by his sarcasm, and was extremely humiliated and angry.

Of course, this humiliation is nothing compared to the pain he has endured.

"Don't you want to know the identity of the Black Robe Martial Saint? I can tell you, but you must promise me one condition..."

Nie Tianchen's soul was shining with white light, his strength was getting weaker and weaker, but he was still struggling to death.

Before he could finish his words~www.wuxiaspot.com~, Ji Tianxing interrupted him, and said in a contemptuous tone: "You are still qualified to make terms with me? Are you worthy?

This seat has already known the identity of the Black Robe Martial Saint, you are useless!

Now, this constellation wants to suppress you in the celestial sacred furnace, burned by the sacred fire for thousands of years, and let you die in endless pain! "

After speaking, Ji Tianxing waved his big hand and shot a golden palm shadow, grabbing at Nie Tianchen's soul.

Nie Tianchen was dumbfounded on the spot.

He did not expect that Ji Tianxing knew the answer long ago, but he would still torture him cruelly.

The humiliation of being played, and the anger of being played, burst into his soul instantly, making him furious.

"Ahhhhh! Ji Tianxing! You despicable bastard, you must die!!" Nie Tianchen roared hoarsely.

But when the golden palm hit, he was immediately knocked out.

(End of this chapter)

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