Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1936: Extraordinary means

The golden palm grasped Nie Tianchen's soul and flew back to Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing grasped this group of spirits in his right hand, and silently performed the soul search secret method, and began to search Nie Tianchen's soul memory.

Daoist Huanglong did not expect that things would develop to such a degree with twists and turns.

Seeing Ji Tianxing clutching Nie Tianchen's soul and keeping silent, he couldn't help but ask: "Master, Nie Tianchen has already asked for mercy. Why don't you listen to him to give the answer?

Do you really know the identity of that black robe Martial Saint? "

Ji Tianxing closed his eyes to cast the spell, and replied blankly: "I just guessed the answer for my teacher, but I'm not sure yet."

Taoist Huang Long became more confused and asked, "Then why don't you let him tell the answer?"

Ji Tianxing: "Although Nie Tianchen begs for mercy, he still has a fluke and wants to talk to me about conditions. Isn't it a wishful thinking?

There is no need for him to say the answer, this seat uses the soul search mystery and directly grabs his soul memory to know the truth. "

Daoist Huanglong frowned slightly, and tried to ask: "Mystery of Soul Search? Since the master has mastered such a magical skill, why not use it earlier and waste time with him?"

Ji Tianxing calmly explained: "The spiritual power of a teacher is just to cross the tribulation realm. You can't directly perform the soul search secret technique on Nie Tianchen.

First torturing him with the stars and divine fire, destroying his will, and then severely injuring his divine soul, can we smoothly absorb the soul memory. "

After listening to these words, the Huanglongdao talent suddenly realized, and quickly handed over: "That's it, Master is really a good method!

As the saying goes, the magic is one foot high and the road is one foot high, then Nie Tianchen is still too tender to play scheming in front of Master! "

After that, he asked again: "Master, what do you plan to do with Nie Tianchen after you find out the truth?"

Ji Tianxing said with a cold expression: "Import him in the Star God Furnace until his soul is burned to the end by the Star God Fire."

Taoist Huang Long thought for a while, and tried to say, "Master, my disciple has an immature suggestion.

Why don't you use the secret method to control his soul and send a message to Black Robe Martial Saint.

Then, if we arrange traps and ambush, it is very possible to catch the black robe Martial Saint!

At that time, even if he can't be killed, he can still be hit hard! "

Ji Tianxing thought for a while, then gently shook his head and said: "If you are dealing with others, this is also a good strategy.

But that black-robed martial sage is the superintendent of the gods of the Heavenly Kingdom, and the confidant general of the **** of heaven.

This person has always been insidious and cunning, extremely difficult to deal with.

We have already fought him, and then send a subpoena in the name of Nie Tianchen, I am afraid he will not be fooled.

So, don't waste your efforts. "

Taoist Huanglong suddenly showed a look of surprise, his eyes full of incredible.

"What? The black-robed martial sage who attacked us turned out to be from the Kingdom of Heaven...The Commander of the God Guard... Ye Liushui?

How could it be him? He is the right-hand man of Tian Jue Wu Shen, the martial sage powerhouse who leads the Shen Guard Legion. He has always seen the dragon without seeing the end..."

Daoist Huang Long was shocked and inexplicably unable to accept this answer, nor could he believe the result.

"What's more, Tianzhu Mountain has withered to Si, how could he deal with us deliberately?

Nie Tianchen has been in this sect for hundreds of years. Doesn't that mean that Ye Liushui started dealing with us hundreds of years ago? "

Ji Tianxing finished casting the spell and slowly opened his eyes.

He had searched Nie Tianchen's soul memory and got the exact answer.

Seeing that Taoist Huanglong refused to believe it, he calmly said: "When the teacher just returned to Tianzhu Mountain, you said to the teacher that apart from Beiming Mountain, there are many powerful forces that deal with this school.

Among them, the most hidden and powerful force has never been able to find out who it is.

Now that the truth has become clear, that force is Heaven Jue Divine Kingdom! "

He raised his head and looked outside the main hall gate, and said in a leisurely tone: "Back then, both the Taihao Martial God and Luoshui Martial God had been blessed by this seat, and respected this seat, and definitely would not deal with Tianzhu Mountain.

Only Heavenly Martial God, with aloof personality, and quite hostile to this seat.

Today's three great warlords may no longer be attached to secular power and wealth.

Their greatest wish and goal is to leave this world, ascend to the upper realm, and pursue the immortality of God. "

Taoist Huanglong immediately understood what he meant, and then said: "Tian Juewu God wants to get the mystery of Master's ascension, so he will deal with Tianzhu Mountain!

He is the supreme martial god, because of his identity and face, he cannot personally take action against Tianzhu Mountain.

Moreover, he was worried that Taihao Wushen and Luoshui Wushen would join forces to stop him.

Therefore, he gave this task to his confidant love, Ye Liushui!

Because of this, Ye Liushui sneaked into the gate to explore the sword stele on the dojo.

After the incident was revealed, he fled Tianzhu Mountain without hesitation. "

Ji Tianxing nodded and said: "Yes, you guessed it is not far from ten, Ye Liushui is here for the mystery of soaring.

As for whether he planned on his own or was instigated by Tian Juewu God, it is unclear. "

Taoist Huang Long frowned fiercely, his expression became serious.

"Since Black Robe Martial Saint is Ye Liushui, then we are in trouble.

Beiming Mountain will kill us, and Tianjue Divine Kingdom will also deal with us... The situation of this door is worrying! "

There was another sentence he kept in his heart and didn't say it.

With Tianzhu Mountain's current power, even Beiming Mountain could not resist, how could it be qualified to deal with the Kingdom of Heaven?

Ji Tianxing was not worried, and said calmly: "Don't worry, today we have fought against Ye Liushui, and we have already frightened the snake.

This guy is cautious and will never make a move easily in the short term.

Next, we only need to do our best to deal with Beimingshan. "

Taoist Huanglong felt relieved and said, "The disciple, please follow the instructions of the master!"

Ji Tianxing considered it for a moment, and then said: "I'm going to retreat for a few days as a teacher. Next, you have a lot to do.

First, appease the disciples, and double the distribution of training resources, so that everyone can improve their strength as soon as possible.

In addition, you have to rectify nine sects and eighteen factions and establish a cooperative defense system.

Let all sects strengthen their guard, and once they find that there are demons in the territory, they will have to join forces to encircle and suppress.

No matter which sect or city, as long as you can kill the demons, you will be rewarded!

If anyone can kill a demon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this seat will reward five million spiritual stones, one of the best exercises of the robbery!

If someone can make a greater contribution, this seat will not only reward him with training resources, but also personally teach him martial arts! "

Hearing what he said, Daoist Huang Long suddenly said with a full face in awe: "Master, you are too smart to talk about your merits like this, right?"

Ji Tianxing said with a solemn expression: "In these troubled times, we must take extraordinary measures to achieve results.

Under the reward, there must be a brave man. "

Taoist Huanglong hesitated and asked, "Master is a god, and he has the world martial arts in his heart. It is nothing to reward the exercises.

But there are not many training resources in this school, how can rewards be issued by then? "

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said, "You don't need to worry about this, you will find a way for your teacher."

(End of this chapter)


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