Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1937: Peerless Soldier

Ji Tianxing told the Taoist Huanglong and went to retreat in the secret room.

Before practicing in retreat, he went to the underground star furnace.

He suppressed Nie Tianchen's soul in the star torch and endured the torture and torture of the star fire.

Then, he returned to the secret room to practice in retreat.

Daoist Huanglong also left the hall to appease the disciples and assign tasks to the elders.

After he has dealt with the affairs of the sect of Tianzhu Mountain, he will also gather the suzerain and head of the nine sects and eighteen factions to formulate a joint attack and defense plan.

In short, in the next few days, Taoist Huanglong will be busy.


In the dimly lit secret room, Ji Tianxing sat on the throne silently practicing.

In his spatial ring, there are huge amounts of cultivation resources, piled up into several mountains.

In recent years, he didn't need to worry about cultivation resources.

Although, he formulated the rules of rewards on merit.

But he knew very well that there were very few people who could make great achievements.

He released these words, just drawing a big cake for the nine sects and eighteen sects and the warriors of each city.

The specific results need to be observed.

Unconsciously, ten days passed in a flash.

Ji Tianxing cultivated the fifth level of Sword Soul Dao, frantically enhancing his strength.

Now his soul and body have reached the peak of the tribulation realm.

The ‘bucket’ is strong and big enough, he only needs to inject the ‘water’ all the way.

After the'water' is full, he will be able to make a logical breakthrough and reach a higher level.

In just ten days, he consumed hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones, hundreds of elixirs and gems.

These cultivation resources were worth three million, and he consumed them in only ten days, which was very costly.

However, the result of such practice is remarkable.

His strength reached the triple limit of crossing the tribulation, and he was about to break through the fourth level of crossing the tribulation realm.

In the depths of the soul, a strong feeling has been born.

The fourth catastrophe is coming soon!

So, he ended his cultivation and entered the underground star furnace.

The surging silver sea of ​​fire has reached an area of ​​eighty li, occupying 80% of the area of ​​the sacred furnace.

The power of the stars and divine fire is more violent, and the divine power is more pure.

Ji Tianxing crossed the sea of ​​silver fire and came near the torch in the middle of the furnace.

The sky above the torch, Nie Tianchen's soul had long since disappeared.

"It took just a few days, and it was burned to death by the stars and divine fire. It's really useless!"

He whispered a word, turned and flew to the edge of the furnace.

Qianyue and Heilong are both practicing in retreat, with no distractions.

Heilong acted cautiously, not greedy for more and faster, and carefully absorbed the stars and sacred fire, and steadily improved his strength.

It is pregnant with the blood of the ancient gods and dragons, and has mastered the secret magic star transformation of the dragon clan, and its strength is obviously improved.

Qian Yue's cultivation method made Ji Tianxing frown.

Relying on the protection of the mysterious necklace, this guy desperately drew the stars and divine fire, and burned himself as black as carbon, unbearable to watch.

But it endured the pain, transformed the stars and divine fire into its own mana, and its strength increased rapidly.

Ji Tianxing could sense that its strength far surpassed the ordinary Dujue Duo, and it was about to reach a critical point.

Obviously, it won't be long before Qianyue will cross the catastrophe again.

Ji Tianxing observed for a while and saw that Qianyue was not in danger, and then quietly left.

He went to take a look at the colored glaze bottle again. Under the protection of the everlasting vine, the remnant soul of the white dragon was absorbing the sacred fire of the stars, and recovered steadily but slowly.

When the remnant soul of the white dragon recovers intact, I don't know it will be the year of the monkey.

Ji Tianxing stopped to observe for a moment, then left the Star God Furnace and returned to the secret room.

He stopped cultivating, silently meditated and adjusted his breath, adjusted his state to the peak, and waited for the disaster to come.

As time passed, the sense of the catastrophe in his soul became stronger and stronger.

By midnight, Ming Enlightenment had emerged in his heart, and he knew the time when the catastrophe came.

It's noon tomorrow!

After confirming the time when the catastrophe would come, Ji Tianxing began to prepare.

Three hours later, dawn arrived.

At this moment, a faint streamer flew from outside the sky, got into the secret room, and fell into the hands of Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing immediately opened his eyes and looked down at the streamer in his hand.

In the gleaming light, there was a half-foot-long messaging jade slip, the whole body was purple and black, and it was made of the ethereal jade of the demon race.

Ji Tianxing frowned slightly, and after thinking about it, he understood.

"It must be a message from Ke Ke!"

He released a strand of spiritual knowledge and intruded into the jade slip of the message.

Suddenly, a picture appeared in his mind.

In the pitch-black picture, there is a dark cave with a stone lamp shining purple in the corner.

Ji Ke sat in the corner of the cave, wearing a black armor and a large black robe.

Under the fluffy black robe, a lilac face was revealed, as well as a pair of eyes that were not agile and covered with blood.

Ji Ke, who looks like this, is no different from the demons except for a more slender body.

She seemed to have suffered a serious injury, with blood on the corners of her mouth, and her expression very weak.

There was also a chopstick-long wound on the neck, and blood was constantly pouring out.

But she tried her best to support, and said in a weak voice: "Brother Tianxing, the Demon God only refined a batch of Blood God Children a few days ago, with hundreds of them.

The Great Demon Sage sent ten demon kings and thousands of demon warriors to follow those blood **** sons to leave Beiming Mountain and rush to northern Xinjiang.

In the past six months, the Demon God has been studying how to improve the Blood God Child and eliminate their weaknesses.

The Demon God succeeded... that hundreds of blood **** sons are almost perfect weapons of slaughter, a peerless soldier!

Once they arrive in northern Xinjiang, the consequences will be disastrous!

The blood spirit and soul swallowed by the blood **** child can be used to feed back the devil, so that the devil can restore the gods as quickly as possible!

Brother Tianxing, we must stop them!

You...you have to be careful too, don't be wrong! "

Ji Ke was weak at first, speaking so many intermittently, and even breathless, breathing again and again.

She seemed to be in a dangerous situation. After speaking, she waved and ended the interrogation.

The dark picture disappeared.

Ji Tianxing squeezed the message jade slip, showing a worried look on his face~www.wuxiaspot.com~ whispered to himself: "Koke was seriously injured and is in a very dangerous situation. Is her identity exposed?

impossible! She is protected by the Sky Star Chain, her appearance and aura are all demonized, it is absolutely impossible for her to reveal flaws! "

Anxious and worried in his heart, he couldn't help but want to send a message to Jade Jane asking about Ji Ke's situation.

But he hesitated for a while, then dispelled the idea.

He had to consider that if Ke Ke's situation was dangerous and might reveal his identity, then he could not even send a message to Yujian.

At least, he couldn't post it at this time, it would probably harm Ke Ke.

Two different thoughts intertwined in his mind, making him hesitate for a long time.

After a long time, he suppressed his worries and settled down to meditate and adjust his breath.

He made up his mind to survive the tribulation first, and then intercept and kill the improved blood gods.

(End of this chapter)

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